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2015 Cookbook challenge

KDF Posts: 37 Forumite
First Anniversary First Post
edited 10 February 2015 at 4:32PM in Old style MoneySaving
Hi all! Well this is the first time for me starting a thread. I've committed to cooking from all my cookbooks this year as a challenge at home. I have quite a lot, although have not totalled them up yet!

A bit about me....I'm a 40 something mum of one and wife who enjoys cooking but don't seem to find as much time to do it as I used to. Also as there are only 3 of us, it's often tricky to find things we all like and although he is reasonably adventurous, there are things my little one won't eat. I currently cook most meals from scratch / batch cook reasonably often and make most of our bread. However I feel somewhat stuck in a rut with recipes.

It's a shame seeing all those books sitting there un-used and I want to do more meal planning and add in variety to our meals during 2015. Hopefully I've chosen the right board as this is about cooking from scratch and avoiding waste...both of books and food!

Anyone fancy joining me but otherwise I will just ramble on!

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  • KDF
    KDF Posts: 37 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    So to get me going, I am going to start with Jamie's new book, I used some Christmas money I rec'd to buy it the other day. I'm going to aim for 2 recipes from it in Jan as I also want yo target another cook yet undecided!
  • scholt
    scholt Posts: 245 Forumite
    Hello KDF
    I would like to join you. I'm a wife & mum of 2 girls.
    We have similar challenges - I'm veggie, and I work some evenings so finding food that suits us all and can possibly be served at 2 sittings!
    We had lunch out today so just planning sandwiches tonight but I'll have a look and let you know my first recipe plans. I did a similar challenge in 2011 and cooked over 100 new recipes :)
    I've love cookery books and got a new one for Christmas so will probably start there.
    Good luck x
  • KDF
    KDF Posts: 37 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hi Scholt,

    Good to have you on board and know that something like this has worked for someone in the past. I'm not great with New Year resolutions...great at planning them, less good at carrying through.

    I have quite a few books I've shamefully never cooked from and need to change that. However need to combine it with losing some weight too, so not too much baking in January sadly :(

    Good luck to you too x
  • mrsscattercushion
    Liking this thread ~ I have loads of shiny clean cookbooks that need opening...currently hidden in boxes as we're renovating, but once sorted, will definitely do this...Jamie's books, Nigel Slater and my slow cooker and veggie books need putting to use!
  • Miss_Purple_Hat
    I've been helping my parents sort the loft as they want to move house and have ended up with a stack of my mum's old cookbooks that she was going to get rid of. As it's only me I often eat the same thing 2 or 3 nights in a row, and only have to cater for myself 5 nights a week so couldn't commit to a challenge! But I will be lurking with interest. ;)

    Good luck!
    Making mistakes is not the end of the world, though it often feels that way!
  • Lizling
    Lizling Posts: 882 Forumite
    Hi! I'll join in too, since the Cook Something Different thread seems to have died. I'm only cooking for myself so no problems with worrying if anyone else will eat it. I've been cooking roughly one new thing per week from my cookbooks and will try to keep that up.

    This week's new recipe was pasta with lemon and walnuts from Plenty More.
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  • JoJoC
    JoJoC Posts: 1,836 Forumite
    Id like to get involved in this too. I have just moved house and am about to unpack my books, I have a shameful amount of cook books that I haven't cooked anything from!

    I have the JO budget cooking book, so will leaf through that to make a start. I don't have time during the week to cook a proper meal as I don't get in from work until late but fri-sun I have no excuse!

    Can we share the recipes that we are trying too for inspiration?
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  • onthecatbus
    Love it! Brilliant idea!

    Might have to make some substitutions to recipes as also trying to cut back on grocery spending... so can't justify buying a huge pack of something exotic just to use once.. but will definitely give it a go.

    I don't have many cook books but they're ALL neglected so I think I'll try and do at least three recipes from each, and at least one *new* meal a week :T
    Grocery Challenge - January 2015 - £0/£150

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  • Sue14
    Sue14 Posts: 987 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    I'd like to join in this challenge. I don't have as many cook books as I used to have, as I've got rid of a lot during my decluttering, but I still have quite a few that never get used, so I must start trying some new recipes this year, instead of just making the same things over and over.
    Weight loss challenge 2/10lbs

  • bargainlover08
    I would love to join this thread. I like cooking a lot and try to cook new things often. I have just counted and I have 56 cookbooks! I will do at least one new thing a week. I still will barely have cooked any meals from all the books!

    Think I have a cookbook problem!
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