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Wether just to pay or not?

I posted on here about a month ago and followed all the advice given, I appealed my PCN and it got refused and I received a popla code.
Now I was in the wrong I overstayed in a car park, I didn't see the signs at the time I assumed it was free but I've been back since and they are quite clear.
Is it worth appealing to popla and risking paying the fine in full or just settle at the reduced amount now. All I'm thinking is I was wrong, it was my fault etc so don't want to risk wasting my time, it getting refused straight away and having to pay in full? Is it easier just to pay the £50 now?


  • kirkbyinfurnesslad_2
    Yes appeal to popla but with our help,
    Its not a fine!!!,
    It doesnt matter what happened on the day, who was in the wrong and who was in the right is irrelevant if you want to win at popla
    Stop thinking about paying it , thats silly
    Which PPC was it?

    All the popla appeal stuff is on here :
    Proud to be a member of the Anti Enforcement Hobbyist Gang.:D:T
  • Redx
    Redx Posts: 38,084 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    firstly, I am sure you know its not a fine, its a parking charge invoice

    secondly, an overstay is not a crime, it could be very valid and if they didnt have such short times on the rules then you would not have overstayed , so how do you know its not their fault for not giving you enough time ?

    even if you did overstay , it is unlikely the landowner lost any money due to it , but if he did then you should be held accountable and pay that cost, which the OFT says is typically £12 , yet they never ask for that figure, more like £100 , or £50 if you pay quickly

    the punishment doesnt fit the "crime" , even if one was committed , and the charges are outrageous so should be fought (like I did for a relative)

    so read this again , especially post #3 and its links

    and this tells you why you should fight it , guilty or innocent !

    win at popla and you pay nothing , nada , zero
  • ezerscrooge
    If you have £50 to spare and want it to go away then pay up.

    Alternatively bang in your POPLA appeal based on the following template....

    [FONT=&quot]Car Reg : xxxxx[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Location: : xxxxxx[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Date of PCN issue : xxxxxx [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]PCN Number : xxxxxx[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]POPLA Verification Code: xxxxx[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Dear POPLA Assessor,[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I am the registered Keeper of the above vehicle and I'm writing this to appeal a charge sent to me by YYY[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I would like to appeal this notice on the following grounds: [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Charge not a genuine pre-estimate of loss[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Unlawful penalty clause[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]No authority to levy charges[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Business Rates & Business Legitimacy[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]1. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Charge not a genuine pre-estimate of loss[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The demand for a payment of £xxx is punitive, unreasonable, exceeds an appropriate amount, and has no relationship to the loss that would have been suffered by the Landowner. The YYY signs states that a PCN would be issued for a “failure to comply” with the terms of parking, which indicates that the parking charge represents damages for a breach of the parking contract. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Accordingly, the parking charge must be a genuine pre-estimate of loss. YYY has not provided any evidence as to how and why the parking charge is a genuine pre-estimate of loss. Therefore the parking charge is punitive and an unenforceable penalty charge. [/FONT]
    The BPA Code of Practice states:[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“19.5 If the parking charge that the driver is being asked to pay is for a breach of contract or act of trespass, this charge must be based on the genuine pre-estimate of loss that you suffer.“[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]and [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“19.6 If your parking charge is based upon a contractually agreed sum, that charge cannot be punitive or unreasonable. “[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I put YYY to strict proof that that their charge represents a genuine pre-estimate of loss. To date YYY have refused to provide me with a detailed breakdown of how the amount of the “charge” was calculated in the form of documented, specific evidence applicable to this car park and this alleged incident. I am aware from Court rulings and previous POPLA adjudications that the cost of running the business For example, were no breach to have occurred then the cost of parking enforcement (for example, erecting signage, wages, uniforms, office costs) would still have been the same and, therefore, may not be included in this pre-estimate of loss.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]I therefore respectfully request that my appeal is upheld and the charge dismissed.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

    [FONT=&quot]2. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Unlawful penalty clause - revenue for YYY[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Since there was no demonstrable loss/damage and yet a breach of contract has been alleged, this 'charge' can only be an unlawful attempt at dressing up a penalty to impersonate a parking ticket, as was found in the case of Excel Parking Services v Hetherington-Jakeman (2008) also OBServices v Thurlow (review, February 2011), in Parking Eye v Smith (Manchester County Court December 2011) and UKCPS v Murphy (April 2012).[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]This transparently punitive charge by YYY is a revenue-raising exercise and is therefore unenforceable in law. YYY's own website is damning in this regard. [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]So this is (as is proven by the Operator's own website) a revenue-raising scheme disguised as a 'parking ticket' - so in fact it is an unenforceable penalty.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I therefore respectfully request that my appeal is upheld and the charge dismissed.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]3. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]No authority to levy charges[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]A parking management company will need to have the proper legal authorisation to contract with the consumer on the landowner’s behalf and enforce for breach of contract.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]YYY must produce evidence to demonstrate that it is the landowner, or a contract that it has the authority of the landowner to issue charge notices at this location. I believe there is no contract with the landowner/occupier that entitles YYY to levy these charges and to pursue these charges in their own name as creditor in the Courts and therefore has no authority to issue charge notices.[/FONT]
    I put YYY to strict proof to POPLA that they have the necessary legal authorisation at this location and I demand that the YYY produce to POPLA the contemporaneous and unredacted contract between the landowner and YYY. Even if a basic contract is produced and mentions PCNs, the lack of ownership or assignment of title or interest in the land reduces any contract to one that exists simply on an agency basis between YYY and the owner/occupier, containing nothing that YYY can lawfully use in their own name as a mere agent, that could impact on a third party customer. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]It has also been widely reported that some parking companies have provided “witness statements” instead of the relevant contract. There is no proof whatsoever that the alleged signatory on behalf of the landowner has ever seen the relevant contract, or, indeed is even an employee of the landowner. I require, if such a witness statement is submitted, that it is accompanied by a letter, on landowner’s headed notepaper, and signed by a director or equivalent of the landowner, confirming that the signatory is, indeed, authorised to act on behalf of the landowner, has read and the relevant terms of the contract and is qualified to attest to the full limit of authority of the parking company[/FONT]
    I therefore respectfully request that my appeal is upheld and the charge dismissed.

    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]4. Business Rates & Business Legitimacy[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]As this car park is now being used for the purpose of running a business by YYY, which is entirely separate from any other businesses the car park services, and generates revenue and profit for YYY, I do not believe that YYY has the necessary planning permission or have declared the running of their business venture at this location to the Local Valuation Office and Local Authority for the purpose of the payment of Business Rates.[/FONT]
    I put YYY to strict proof that the necessary planning permission is in place, and that they have registered the business they are operating at xxxxxxxxxx with the Valuation Office and to provide proof that Business Rates are being paid to the Local Authority, or to provide proof or explanation of their exemption from such Business Rates. Failure to do so indicates that they are not operating a legitimate business from the premises.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]I therefore respectfully request that my appeal is upheld and the charge dismissed.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]This concludes my appeal.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Kind regards[/FONT]

    Does not matter much what you did or did not do, you're fighting on contractural terms - the GPEOL is usually the killer where the PPC is claiming 'breach' or 'failure to comply'
  • pogofish
    pogofish Posts: 10,852 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Noticing your username - Did this happen in Scotland or England?
  • wiogs
    wiogs Posts: 2,744 Forumite
    If you feel you have done something wrong then donate the amount of the invoice to your favourite charity.

    Much better that than PPC scum ending up with a single penny.
  • Coupon-mad
    Coupon-mad Posts: 133,967 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    Which PPC is it and do you live in England/Wales?
    PRIVATE 'PCN'? DON'T PAY BUT DON'T IGNORE IT (except N.Ireland).
    CLICK at the top of this/any page where it says:
    Forum Home»Motoring»Parking Tickets Fines & Parking - read the NEWBIES THREAD
  • Barnton_1982
    I live in England, it was issued by Euro Car Parks.
    I don't really want to pay the £50, just don't want to end up with a £90 fine in a month or so for it getting rejected.
    Thanks for all your replies!
  • HO87
    HO87 Posts: 4,296 Forumite
    This is NOT a fine! No private company has the power to impose a fine for rules that were made up to obtain money from you. Whether you think you may have done wrong or not Euro Car Parks have NO authority to kid you into thinking you must pay a "fine".

    Think about it. At most you owe them for the period you overstayed and didn't pay for and I'd just bet that doesn't come to £50 let alone £90.

    The plan we offer is to appeal to Euro Car Parks ensuring that that appeal will fail. They are then obliged to issue a POPLA code with their rejection and with our guidance you can then appeal to POPLA (independent appeals service) and win. That will not cost you a penny. Well, apart from a little effort.
    My very sincere apologies for those hoping to request off-board assistance but I am now so inundated with requests that in order to do justice to those "already in the system" I am no longer accepting PM's and am unlikely to do so for the foreseeable future (August 2016). :(

    For those seeking more detailed advice and guidance regarding small claims cases arising from private parking issues I recommend that you visit the Private Parking forum on
  • kirkbyinfurnesslad_2
    I live in England, it was issued by Euro Car Parks.
    I don't really want to pay the £50, just don't want to end up with a £90 fine in a month or so for it getting rejected.
    Thanks for all your replies!

    Does this mean you are going to take our advice?
    Once again its not a fine, why are you calling it a fine and why do you think you would have to pay anyway?
    Proud to be a member of the Anti Enforcement Hobbyist Gang.:D:T
  • fil_cad
    fil_cad Posts: 834 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Dont pay it, ppcs thrive on soft touches to fill up there bank balance, go to POPLA and help the ppc slowly go bankrupt
    PPCs say its carpark management, BPA say its raising standards..... we all know its just about raking in the revenue. :eek:
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