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Mistreated at job centre - filing a complaint.



  • spring_chicken
    Heart shaped Diamond, I am disgusted to hear how you were treated at the jocentre! I would put in a complete about the advisor, she obviously doesnt have very good people skills and should not be allowed to work in close contact with the public if she insists on treating them with such contempt.

    I found many year ago that rather than wait for a job to be advertised, it is much better to just apply to companies direct, explaining what type of position you are looking for, what your skills are etc, you may get letters back saying "thanks, but no thanks" but you may just write to them at the correct time, and get an interview. I can honestly say that apart from maybe one or two jobs which I applied after seeing them advertised in the papers, every other job I have ever had has been from me just wrtiting letters to companies direct. I have even written letters on behalf of my hubby too, which have been successful.

    Also, if you do that, you can photocopy the letter you write (and make a list of all companies you send the letters to) and that will be able to go into your job hunting diary, so at least you will have evidence of job seeking.

    Good luck hun, dont let "Dreary Draws down at the Dole" upset you for a moment longer, oh and let us know if you receive an apology following your Dad's complaint x
    what goes around, comes around...........
  • ebeegeebee_2
    I can speak from experience regarding the jsa debate, i took voluntary redundancy in may last year after working for the same company for more than 20 years, basically i hated it and needed a change,somebody informed me that to still get my ni stamp paid i would have to sign on for contribution jsa so i did... briefly.. because i had never been in that position before i found it quite intimidating and found more than often they do tar everybody with the same brush, im am still unemployed but i am certainly not signing on ever again as the whole experience was down right degrading, people should NEVER feel any better or any worse than anybody else in my eyes and if you do then shame on you !!:mad:
  • rozmister
    rozmister Posts: 675 Forumite
    OP I'm sorry to hear the lady in the JobCentre was such a meanie towards you. I think it's like people on here say over time they see so many people who just don't care and don't want a job they probably grow a bit harsh. I worked for a while with a lady who worked for the JobCentre part time holding appointments with people who'd failed to get a job and had been on JSA for quite a while. The point of them were intensive one to ones to help give them extra guidance to services available and careers. She was almost resigned to her job rather than really get up and go and I asked her why (she was one of the most self-motivated inspirational women I've ever met) and she told me that she'd realised no matter how much energy she put in some people just didn't care one jot about it all. About half the people she was down to interview didn't turn up everyday. It's not your fault at all but I find that it always helps in life to try and imagine how somebody else's shoes feel so you can understand even if you don't agree.

    My advice for your jobsearch would be to try and find a wee bit of volunteering to help build your experience and confidence. I know it's not glamorous but you could volunteer in a charity shop or a community cafe (we have one round the corner from me which is mainly staffed by special needs adults and they always want volunteers). These positions would give you an opportunity to handle cash, interact with the public and in time take on responsibility. This would show future employers that you are capable of these things and it also shows them that you are motivated to get up off your bum. I'm not saying you aren't capable and like that already but employers want to be able to see it demonstrated before them and have somebody they can ask about it (a reference) to prove it to them.

    I don't know if it is still going in the whole country but Connexions where I live runs special things for unemployed young people. Having been a frequent visitor to Connexions when I was younger I can tell you that while the other clients may not always be your cup of tea the staff generally are lovely people who really care about helping young people. They can help with applications, CVs, hooking you up with other organisations that offer things for unemployed youngsters (my friend did a sailing course with a charity that you even got paid for!) and they often run courses. Looking for a job is hard and it's always good to have help but the JobCentre are run ragged and just can't offer it all the time. Youth services in your area usually can.

    SuburbanWifey it's so snobby to assume if somebody thinks you should work for NMW they must be used to it. I'm not on NMW and I'm too qualified for a life stacking shelves but at present I work in a supermarket (granted not shelf stacking now but I started out doing that) because I need the money!! If you hadn't got the memo there's been a worldwide recession and there aren't that many jobs around. With lots of skilled workers laid off there's more competition than ever for less jobs because lots of companies are reducing their skilled staffing levels (hence all the redundancies) rather than recruiting. Personally I think that a job is a job and beggars can't be choosers. If you can afford to wait out for your dream job fine but don't claim JobSeekers in the meantime. If you are claiming JobSeekers then take a job that you can bear and do on NMW and use your spare time to look for something else. That's life hon, you can't just wander into your dream job after redundancy and in the meantime mouths need feeding and backs need clothing.
  • Pandini
    Pandini Posts: 11 Forumite
    Hi HSD

    I hope you don't mind me giving my opinion.

    You are feeling down because you gave up college when you didn't want to, and now have to seek the kind of job which you'd probably rather not be doing.

    It's well-known that if you give someone a position of power, then they will be inclined to abuse that power. The woman at the JobCentre has power over you. She is abusing it.

    It's also well known that positive thinking reaps positive rewards, and negative thinking reaps negative rewards.

    My three points above are all of use to you in your future career in Performing Arts. Believe me, when you qualify from Uni, you will be spending more time out of work that you will be in work. Getting part-time jobs - and going through what you went through yesterday - will become commonplace.

    To get used to it, my advice is to treat it like an acting exercise.

    Firstly, before you go up to the counter, recite to yourself (and believe it) "I like you, you like me. This is going to go well"
    Repeat this ten or twenty times.

    Then, at the counter, give yourself a part to play.

    One day, you can be the girl who is always smiling, no matter what is thrown at her.

    Another day, you might be the girl who is secretly happy inside because when she finishes her Performing Arts degree, she's going to have a job she loves, rather than a job sitting behind a counter at the Job Centre!

    Finally, have you tried ringing round any of the Performing Arts schools in Glasgow (specifically the ones that teach school age kids) and seeing if they need any help? Even if you just go in for a few hours and help out for travel expenses, it will keep you focused on your main career, and make you realise that there is sunshine out there!

    There is Stagecoach, Razzamataz, Glasgow Acting Academy and quite a few others in your area. A phone call is probably best, and before you call, go through in your head all the great Performing Arts skills you have so that you can talk naturally about them.

    Sorry this is so long, but I really wanted to help you, and I hope you get through this difficult time.
  • FatVonD
    FatVonD Posts: 5,315 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker I've been Money Tipped!
    rozmister wrote: »
    I'm not on NMW and I'm too qualified for a life stacking shelves but at present I work in a supermarket (granted not shelf stacking now but I started out doing that) because I need the money!!

    I admire your attitude, I am on notice of redundancy at the moment, I do have plans but if it comes to it I'd work at McDonalds but I'd make sure I was the best damned employee they'd ever had and be asking about management opportunities by the end of the week!

    That said I don't think any of us, and I'm as guilty as the next person, are aware of quite how hard it is for this generation to get a foot on the ladder, it certainly wasn't like this when I left school.
    Make £25 a day in April £0/£750 (March £584, February £602, January £883.66)

    December £361.54, November £322.28, October £288.52, September £374.30, August £223.95, July £71.45, June £251.22, May£119.33, April £236.24, March £106.74, Feb £40.99, Jan £98.54) Total for 2017 - £2,495.10
  • ebeegeebee_2
    ebeegeebee_2 Posts: 29 Forumite
    edited 7 January 2011 at 6:19PM
    Rozmister whilst you make some rather valid points everybody is different and everybody has different opinions , i worked very very hard for a company that didn't respect me for over 20 years, they offered a voluntary package, i accepted, they refused me saying i was too skilled and they didn't want to lose me, rather than feeling grateful, i felt like i was being punished, people were saying i was a fool to be putting myself in the position of unemployment at such a dodgy time but tbh to me life is short enough and i would rather beg steal or borrow food, clothes etc then work like a donkey and be used and abused, at the moment i am extremely poor i refuse to claim benefits because they look down their noses at you... but you know what....I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER.:j
  • sharpy2010
    sharpy2010 Posts: 2,471 Forumite
    Hello there :-)

    Sounds like you didn't have the best of times at the job centre the other day. Lets hope next time you have a better experience.

    Its nice to see that you have been supported by all the good people on here, with some helpful advice.

    I'd also suggest that it might be an idea to toughen up a little bit, or else people in the job industry will walk all over you forever, and you don't want that, do you!

    Good luck!
  • SilverFoxe
    SilverFoxe Posts: 73 Forumite
    edited 7 January 2011 at 6:36PM
    I think a lot of the issues here boil down to low personal self esteem. And hating yourself for where you are in life through no fault of your own is really not constructive, it's choosing to be a victim. It's serious depression. Anger internalised.

    Okay Pollyanna time, when you feel down help someone, it doesn't have to be anything big, smile at a shop assistant, do something to enhance someone elses' day, that's empowerment and anyone can do it.
  • Freddie_Snowbits
    She's Too many lazy idiots out there who think 6 actions a fortnight is acceptable or vague responses are.

    You are unemployed and allegedly job seeking. You should spend several hours a day searching online websites such as JCP, S1 Jobs, Reed etc applying for jobs.
    Freddie does not normally come to this part of the Parish, but your post is UTTER CODSWALLOP.

    I suppose these peoples should be paraded for Joe Public every Saturday morning? That way, you can see how your tax is spent.

    I think someways, people that are employed are lazy, scared and cannot have any go in them. They get up every morning, Sh**, Shave, Shower, snatch breakfast, do eight hours and get paid pittance.

    Me, I get up and earn what I am worth every day
  • ebeegeebee_2
    Freddie, you took the words right out of my mouth :beer:
    sometimes i think people are lemmins and just can't think for them selves
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