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Weekly Flylady Thread 17th April 2017



  • kazwookie
    kazwookie Posts: 13,887 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post

    Frost here!
    Lunch made for work
    Hallway sorted

    Iona if you don't mind me asking who did you go with for your ISA this year?
    Breast Cancer Now 100 miles October 2022 100 / 100miles
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  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,959 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Morning all. Hugs to FFP and for HB and Devilcat.

    I should have listened to my body yesterday and rested. As it was, I didn't want to waste a day off, so carried on, and then spent all night awake in agony, and then passed out in the bathroom this morning with the pain. I'm such a wuss. Painkillers now kicking in.

    So no flying here today. I am doing my treasurer accounts, sorting an online shop and just dropping the dogs off at the groomer shortly.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
    Spend less now, work less later.
  • Biscuit_monster
    Morning all,

    Where have I been again? Who knows, but certainly not flying. I resolve to be here more, the house is suffering for it.
    Lynne goodness me, that must have been really scary, you are ordered to rest! I hope you are feeling better. Likewise Jazee, do nothing!

    I'm going to do what I can from the lists, starting now. DD1 has her friend here until tomorrow (yikes, how did I agree to this, I am not good with overnight guests, especially children. It makes me very anxious and I don't sleep), but I'm just going to let them entertain themselves today while I clean.


    PS Piggers good to see you back.
  • katiecat
    katiecat Posts: 231 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    Hugs to everybody having a hard time.:grouphug:

    Thanks for the lists -All looking ok here at the moment. I did have window open but it's closed again now as it's quite chilly again today.

    Started sorting through some summer clothes and have put some for charity bag.

    Cuppa time and then out with dog.


  • Fayolle
    Fayolle Posts: 2,919 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Where did the morning go??
    Jazee -squeeze onto the flylady sofa and stay there until you feel rested. And yes I am nagging!

    Not a lot ticked off from the list today so far, apart from HHI and dewebbing the lounge. I broke my feather duster so had to screw it back together - and there's a sentence I never thought I'd hear myself say!
    Kitchen and dining room finally vacuumed. Likewise the inside of my car, hopefully ready to sell it :(
    DD vacated her bed so I quickly stripped it while her back was turned and the WM is just finishing now, ready to go out on the line. The bedding on the line, not the WM..
    Quick lunch, then I'm off to meet DH to go look for a car.
    Oohh - WM done. Off I go... Catch you later.
  • greent
    greent Posts: 10,671 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic

    I'm a returner to this thread - haven't been around for a looong while, but recognise names from before/ elsewhere on the forums :) Am not going to jump straight back in this week (last week of school hols and DD and myself are both a bit under the weather) but am going to read and hopefully be inspired for next week by all of you lot ;):D
    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
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  • Honey_Bear
    Honey_Bear Posts: 7,099 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Thanks Jazee. You're not a wuss, you're trying to do too much, so, rest please along with Lynne on the Flylady Sofa. I'll send a Chippendale round later to bring a G&T with a large slice of lime and lots of ice for each of you.

    Hi Greent! :wave: Welcome back.

    Devil cat was very much more like his old self this morning and is now curled up on the sofa next to me while I deal with paperwork and so on, having been on my lap for an hour which slowed me down a bit. I need to pot up about a dozen plants and zip the vacuum cleaner around.
    Better is good enough.
  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,959 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Thanks HB, very refreshing! Glad Devilcat is more normal self.

    I have done the treasurer's stuff and the doglets are looking and smelling posh. Won't last long.
    Spend less now, work less later.
  • pigpen
    pigpen Posts: 41,069 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Shower rescrubbed, there were still some mouldy bits.. freezer partially rejiggled.. I am so going through that more thoroughly next time we come.. There is stuff in there I have seen in time after time.. clearly it doesn't get used because it is still there!! Did I mention I unblocked the vacuum cleaner which had slurped up a hair clip at some point and then wet floor grot so it was utterly useless.. it now clears the floor, I did express a bit of concern to OH that his mum might not be able to use it now it has suction.. :/

    Anyway.. I'm going home so can disappear for another couple of months.

    Taling my poorly Squeak and my conjunctivitis home.. :/
    LB moment 10/06 Debt Free date 6/6/14
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  • MinnieMousesMummy
    MinnieMousesMummy Posts: 1,454 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    edited 19 April 2017 at 3:54PM
    Hi everyone, It is a long time since I posted, however the mess and guddle in the house is starting to get to me. I will start doing things today and try to catch up with Monday and Tuesday's list.

    Bank Holiday Monday Bits and Bobs
    No levels - pick and choose as appropriate/necessary or feel free to entirely ignore!
    S&S bathroom
    S&S kitchen
    15 minutes fling frenzy...enlist the help of anyone and everyone. Issue bin bags and fling that junk/rubbish and clutter. Get all recycling out too. A straight/tidy home automatically looks cleaner and lifts the spirit!
    Spend time with those you love.

    Twinkly Tuesday kitchen and dining
    Level 1
    Clear the sills and clean the windows - don'f forget glass in doors
    Clear the sides
    Wipe window sills and sides down
    Replace stuff - wipe it as you go
    Level 2
    Wipe down cupboard fronts/doors - don't forget the handles
    Wipe table and chairs
    dust in dining room
    Level 3 - wipe splashbacks
    Clean sink - don't forget UNDER the draining rack!
    Sweep/mop/vacuum floors
    IF you haven't done it recently go through herbs and spices. Fling OOD stuff
    Some flyladies keep a list taped to the inside of the cupboard - feel free to join us
    If the kiddies are off school enlist their help!
    If your spices are spic and span then pick another cupboard to sort.
    Make me time a priority - if littlies are taking up all your time plan something for when they're back at school

    Wonderful Wednesday - reclaim your lounge
    Level 1
    Open the windows
    empty bins
    remove gibble
    remove dead or wilting flowers
    Level 2
    Dust everywhere - skirting boards, picture rails, dados, mantles
    Wipe and coasters to remove icky stickiness - and wipe light switches and sockets
    Vacuum or wipe sofas and seating
    level 3
    Now take a CRITICAL look round - check for cobwebs
    Dust light fittings and wipe bulbs
    Finally clean the floor - mop or vacuum
    plump up the cushions
    make sure your lounge is a relaxing haven for you all
    S&S kitchen and bathroom(s)
    HHI - lets get that mountain conquered
    Make sure all food in your fridge is allocated a mealplan use.
    If your kiddies go back to school next week check PE kits is washed and ironed - and new bits named. Oh - and check footwear wont believe the number of kids who think the teacher can somehow solve THAT problem!
    Homework projects - are they done? started?
    Spend a sunny half hour in the garden - little weeds become big weeds!
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