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March Update: What are you growing in 2006?

Here is the March thread to continue the discussion about what Oldstylers are growing in 2006.

If anyone wants to catch up here are the first two threads in the series:

What are you Growing in 2006?

February Update: What are you Growing in 2006?

Please come back to this thread to join in or to carry on where you left off.

Don't let the snow put you off thinking about how you can become a bit more self-sufficient in 2006 - it's already time to start growing from seed on the windowsill!!


  • troll35
    troll35 Posts: 712 Forumite
    Snow? What snow? We've not even had a dusting.
    I got a pack of the free gardeners world chilli seeds (numex) so I'll be planting them this month. I'm not doing potatoes this year as last years crop was poor so I'll give them a miss. Instead we are growing sprouts, purple sprouting broccoli, onions, beetroot, green beans, tomatoes and cucumber. I don't have a big garden so there will only be a few of each but I'm going to try mixing in some veg with the flowers in my front garden too.
    I like to live in cloud cuckoo land :hello:
  • annie-c
    annie-c Posts: 2,542 Forumite
    Ooh, I hadn't thought about using the front garden for veggies - what sort would you grow Troll? (I don't mean to sound snobbish, I live in a very little house, but my neighbours might raise their eyebrows at potatoes out front!!!)

    Are there any 'pretty' things you can put in the front?? Something to coordinate with the geraniums, perhaps??!!!
  • GreenFingers_2
    I've been doing a lot of tidying up out the back this last few days and most of the last weekend. Trimming the shrubs, tidying the borders, the inside of the shed is a never ends.. hee hee ... but quite a lot of seeds will be planted this month. I will update / edit this post in a few days time. :D

    Sunday 5th March
    The seeds that were planted a couple of weeks ago are doing fine on the kitchen window sill - hooray. Today I have been trying to dig out an old tree stump which is buried in a corner of the new extended veggie patch - good grief.... :p I ache from head to toe at the moment. The stump thingy is only about 6" diameter but will have to be dug out as far as possible. Should be done this week sometime - I need a nice cup of tea at the moment.... :D
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  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    I dont have much garden, but this year im going to attempt to grow some herbs, i have mint and chives on my window sill (inside) at the moment, waiting for the weather to improve before i put them outside, and hopefully will grow a few more types as well!!!!
  • Ronankfan
    Ronankfan Posts: 707 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    We dont have a very big garden so i do a lot of my growing in large pots - so hopefully this year we will be enjoying tomatoes and sweetcorn and also a large selection of herbs.
  • Curry_Queen
    Curry_Queen Posts: 5,589 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I [STRIKE]sewed [/STRIKE] [STRIKE]sewn[/STRIKE] planted some trays of seeds yesterday - basil, tomatoes, nasturtium and chives so far :j :D ... but I'm rapidly running out of window sill space :doh: ... doesn't help that the cats keep nicking the best ones :rolleyes:

    I keep looking out for greenhouses on freecycle but the couple I've spotted so far have been grabbed before I even get chance to read the email! I might have to try and get hold of one of those little poly ones for the time being.

    Whilst on the subject of gardening, I need to do quite a lot of work to my garden to tidy it up, and to be honest I'm not sure where to even start :o

    There's a scruffy looking hedging plant that runs the full length of the garden that I really want to take out, but I don't even know what it is or what type of root system it has and how deep they go etc. It has long straight woody stems (new growth is green) and is about 5ft tall, shorter in some places where it looks like someone has lopped all the tops off, and when you break a stem it has that spongy stuff in the middle LOL! Can anyone possibly identify it from that description? :rotfl: (I could post a photo if that helps!)
    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
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  • grace
    grace Posts: 183 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Ooo...just found this thread...I love gardening....I only have a small terraced house and little garden....but with two horrible hounds most of what I grow is in pots....Im going to grow Tomatoes again this year, I had an excellent crop the last time I tried them and the seeds are cheap in Wilkinsons....

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  • chem14346777
    I've just moved into a house with a tiny little garden, and its all paved unfortunately, however I'm quite eager to get growing some bits and pieces for the first time.

    My mum has gone out and bought me a little plastic greenhouse thing from Aldi, and I've been ordering various makes of Chilli seeds from EBay (i love hot food!), so hopefully I'll be planting about 6 kinds of chilli, along with some peppers and various herbs this year (corriander, parsley, chives, etc). I'm really looking forward to the harvest! :drool:
  • bluemoon_3
    bluemoon_3 Posts: 297 Forumite
    annie-c wrote:
    Don't let the snow put you off thinking about how you can become a bit more self-sufficient in 2006 - it's already time to start growing from seed on the windowsill!!

    For everything? I keep looking to see when I should start my seeds on the windowsill, but there's conflicting advice. Some sites say to leave it until April. Some say do it now (beginning of March). Others say to count back a certain number of weeks from the last frost date in your area.

    This is my first year at growing from seed (and at gardening in general, really) so I'm totally confused! I'm desperate to get started, but my fear of getting it wrong has stopped me!

    I'm particularly concerned to get my Tomato Tumbler seeds sown at the right time, because I only have seven seeds, so there's not a lot of room for error. :confused:

    But I trust you fellow OSers, so if you say it's safe to bung them in a seed tray now, I shall do so. :D
    Sealed Pot Challenge 5 - #1742 :j
  • MrsMW
    MrsMW Posts: 590 Forumite
    Bluemoon, don't fret too much about the planting times, I always find it better to sow my seeds later rather than too early. Depends where you live but I'm up north and have just started my tomato seeds off today - on the windowsill in the study. I shall sow some more in a couple of weeks time, if they're a bit late they always seem to catch up.
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