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Recipe Collection Thread (recipe board)



  • culpepper
    culpepper Posts: 4,076 Forumite
    Potato Pie

    1/3rd pack of bacon bits
    one onion
    6 or so medium potatoes (boiled)
    pastry.(to line and top off a pie dish)
    blob of marg

    Soften marg and fry onion till transparent,add bacon,cook till bacon has lost its red colour,add flour and mix till absorbed,add milk and it makes a lovely bacony flavoured sauce.Add cooked chopped up potato.
    Make Pastry and line pie dish,fill with filling,top with pie crust.Cook for about 25 mins on 200c. Serve with any veg.
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    4oz butter or marg
    4oz castor sugar
    2 large eggs (whisked)
    4oz SF flour (sieved)

    To Fill: jam
    To Decorate: castor or icing sugar

    Cream butter and sugar together until soft and light
    Gradually beat in the whisked eggs into the butter/sugar mix.
    Fold in the sieved flour.

    Divide between two 6-7in tins and back for 18-20 mins. Gas 4 350F
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    These are great for lunchboxes, teatime treats, picnics, children's tea parties!

    Basic Sponge (quantity 24 squares)

    12oz/350g butter/marg (softened)
    12oz/350g caster sugar
    6 eggs, size 3
    12oz/350g SR Flour (sifted)
    1Tbsp baking powder (sifted)

    Put all the ingredients into a bowl and beat well.
    Spoon into a greased, floured 12x8x2in baking tray (30x20x2 cm)
    Bake Gas 4/ 350F/180C for 30 - 40 mins.

    Freeze: Cut cooked cakes into squares, wrap in foil or put into a poly box. Keeps for up to 3mths
    Caraway Triangles - simply add 2Tbsp caraway seeds to the basic sponge mixture; cook as above. Cool on a wire rack, dust with icing sugar and cut into ... triangles! :)

    Orange Syrup Cakes: - Basic sponge + 8 oranges + 6oz castor sugar.
    Grate rind and squeeze juice from 2 oranges, stir into sponge mixture and continue as per basic sponge.
    Slice remaining oranges. Heat sugar in 12floz/350ml water, bring to the boil, add oranges slices and simmer for 5-8mins.
    When cake has cooled, put the orange slices over the top of the uncut sponge and spoon the syrup over. Cut into 24 squares.

    Carrot and Walnut:
    basic sponge but replace castor sugar with light brown sugar.
    12oz/350g carrots (peeled and grated)
    4oz/125g chopped walnuts (+ 24 walnut halves to decorate)
    2tsp mixed spice
    Topping: 12oz/350g cream cheese, 3oz castor sugar, 2 Tbsp milk

    Simply add the carrots/chopped walnuts and spice to the basic sponge mixture but cook for approx 50-60mins. Remove from tin and cool.
    Beat all the topping ingredients together and spread over the cooled cake. Cut into 24 triangles and top each one with a walnut half.
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
  • squeaky
    squeaky Posts: 14,129 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker

    1 tin corned beef
    Potatoes for four servings
    Curry_Queen's curry sauce approx (500ml)
    2 large carrots
    1 large pack mushrooms
    2 desert spoons branston pickle
    2 tsp cumin
    Some left over mashed potato


    Bung the tin of Corned Beef into the fridge well before starting (optional) because it makes it easier to slice when cold.

    Peel the taters and the carrot. Parboil them for up to fifteen minutes.

    Meanwhile chop the mushrooms.

    Add the cumin and the mashed potato and the branston pickle (optional) to the curry sauce. Mix well.

    When the parboiling is done carefully slice the hot potatoes and the carrot.

    Layer the potato in the bottom of your casserole dish or slow cooker pot. Put in a splash of water just to stop the potato from burning.

    Add a layer of carrot and mushroom mixed, and then a layer of the sliced corned beef.

    Reapeat until ingredients are used up.

    Pour the curry sauce on top.

    Give it about four hours on low in a slow cooker, perhaps two in a covered casserole dish in a moderate oven.
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    Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.
    DTFAC: Y.T.D = £5.20 Apr £0.50
  • Nasnowt
    Nasnowt Posts: 2,743 Forumite
    Vegetarian Lentils and Coconut Serves 4 - 6

    200g green lentils
    1 chopped onion
    1 roughly chopped carrot (largish pieces)
    1 large roughly chopped courgette (largish pieces)
    chopped chili or peppers to your taste
    garlic to your taste
    1/2 pint of good vegetable stock
    1 carton of coconut cream
    baby spinach leaves
    large bunch of destalked and chopped coriander

    Rinse the green lentils well then boil for 10 mins. Rinse them again and drain
    While lentils are cooking
    brown the onion, carrot, courgette, chili or peppers and garlic in a large flat high sided frying pan
    add approx 1/2 pint of good stock
    Add the cooked lentils
    Simmer for roughly 10 mins, or until vegetables are just done.
    gently stir in coconut cream
    Remove from heat
    Add spinach leaves
    Add chopped coriander
    cover until spinach is wilted.
    Season to taste

    Serve with buttered and grilled quorn fillets
    and brown rice.

    For extra ooomph for special occasions serve
    watercress sauce over the quorn fillets
    :wave: In my new basket: A slightly whiffy blanket; Racy’s 2nd favorite jumper; remains of a slipper; 2 sticks (1 chewed); bouncy ball collection (4); Racy’s iPod :shhh: and a large sock (found under Racy's bed) :confused:

  • Nasnowt
    Nasnowt Posts: 2,743 Forumite
    This is my variation on an excellent vegetarian society recipe. per vegetarian society version, use red lentils, but I prefer green. I sometimes vary the nuts too, depending on what I have at the time.

    The mashed neeps and tatties are sacrosanct!

    Makes 4 individual haggis,

    Dairy, wheat & egg free
    100g/4oz onion, finely chopped
    15ml/1tbsp sunflower oil
    200g/8oz fine oatmeal
    50g/2oz carrots, very finely chopped
    35g/1.5oz mushrooms, finely chopped
    50g/2oz green lentils
    600ml/1pint vegetable stock
    25g/1oz mashed, tinned red kidney beans
    35g/1.5oz ground peanuts
    25g/1oz ground hazelnuts
    0.5 tbsp soy sauce
    1tbsp lemon juice
    2tsp dried thyme
    2tsp dried rosemary
    generous pinch cayenne pepper
    2 tsp mixed spice
    1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
    salt to taste
    1. Pre-heat the oven to 190°C, 375°F or Gas Mark 5
    2. Sauté the onion in the oil for 5 minutes, then add the carrot and mushrooms and cook for a further 5 minutes.
    3. Now add the lentils and three quarters of the stock.
    4. Blend the mashed red kidney beans in the remaining stock, add these to the pan with the nuts, shoyu, lemon juice and seasonings. Cook everything, well mixed together, for a further 10 to 15 minutes.
    5. Add the oatmeal, reduce the heat and simmer gently for 15 to 20 minutes, adding a little extra liquid if necessary.
    6. Turn the mixture into 4 lightly oiled pudding tins and bake in the centre of the oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
    7. Serve with mashed neeps (swede) and tatties (potatoes), green veg and onion gravy.
    :wave: In my new basket: A slightly whiffy blanket; Racy’s 2nd favorite jumper; remains of a slipper; 2 sticks (1 chewed); bouncy ball collection (4); Racy’s iPod :shhh: and a large sock (found under Racy's bed) :confused:

  • Curry_Queen
    Curry_Queen Posts: 5,589 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    1/2 cup (70g) red lentils
    3 cups (820ml) water
    1 tsp salt
    1 small onion, finely chopped
    3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    4 tbsp melted ghee (can use oil)
    pinch turmeric
    1/2 tsp garam masala

    Place lentils, salt and water in pan and bring to boil. Simmer gently for about 1 hour, skimming off any froth and stirring occasionally till you end up with a yellow soup-like consistency.

    In the meantime fry the onions and garlic in the ghee/oil until pale brown in colour. Add turmeric and garam masala to onions and cook a few more seconds.

    Stir onion mixture into cooked lentils and serve hot, garnished with chopped tomato and fresh coriander leaves.

    This has just reminded me I also need to post one of my favourite curries, Chicken Dhansak ;)
    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
    It is that what you do, good or bad,
    will come back to you three times as strong!

  • Curry_Queen
    Curry_Queen Posts: 5,589 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    This uses a combination of the curry sauce, which is posted in the recipe index, and the lentil dal above and can be made in minutes (assuming you already have the sauces pre-made) just adding cooked chicken pieces and spices ;)

    6 tbsp veg oil
    275ml curry sauce
    275ml tarka dal
    450g cooked chicken
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp chilli powder
    1 green chilli, finely chopped
    11/2 tsp garam masala
    1 tsp ground cumin
    2 tbs lemon juice
    handful freshly chopped coriander

    Heat the oil in deep frying pan or wok and add curry sauce and dal till boiling. Keeping the heat high add chicken, chilli, salt and chilli powder. Stir and continue to cook on high heat for about 5 mins.

    Turn down and simmer for another 5 mins until sauce thickens and oil separates out, skimming off any excess. Stir in garam masala, cumin and lemon juice giving it another minute or two, then serve garnished with chopped coriander.
    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
    It is that what you do, good or bad,
    will come back to you three times as strong!

  • Loadsabob
    Loadsabob Posts: 662 Forumite
    These are lovely, I make them for breakfast or mid-morning snacks. I'm sure you can use normal milk instead of soya, it's just that they came from a veggie cookbook with lots of vegan recipes in - DON'T LET THAT PUT YOU OFF!

    They're scrummy, but also taste a bit "good for you", so perfect for my purpose I think!

    Banana Oat Muffins

    Makes approximately 18 muffins

    Preparation time 35 minutes

    100g (4oz) rolled oats
    100g (4oz) currants
    570ml (1 pint) soya milk
    225g (8oz) wholewheat flour
    2 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    3 bananas, peeled
    100g (4oz) brown sugar
    140ml (1/4 pint) oil

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. / 350 degrees F. / Gas mark 4 and lightly oil or line some muffin tins. Measure the oats and currants into a bowl and cover with the soya milk, leave to one side to soak. Mix the flour, baking powder, soda and cinnamon in a mixing bowl and put to one side. Cream the bananas, sugar and oil together in a blender and add to the soaked oat mixture. Stir well then gradually add the dry mix. Stir briefly then drop a large spoon of batter into each muffin tin. Bake for 20 minutes.
  • Queenie
    Queenie Posts: 8,793 Forumite
    Walnut Cake

    4oz butter or marg
    4oz sugar
    3 eggs
    6oz plain flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    pinch of salt
    3oz walnuts of other nuts
    vanilla flavouring
    water icing

    Line a cake tin with paper. Cream fat and sugar until they are soft. Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Siever the flour, baking powder and salt together and FOLD LIGHTLY into the mixture.
    Chop walnuts and add these with a few drops of vanilla.
    Mix well, turn into cake tin (tin size 7in x 3in deep)
    Bake in a moderate over (Gas 4, 375F, ??C) for approx 30 - 40 mins

    When cold, cover with a layer of vanilla flavoured water icing and decorate with halves of walnuts.

    This recipe comes from an old recipe book circa: 1930's
    PMS Pot: £57.53 Pigsback Pot: £23.00
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