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New Build Garden - Slope/Drop


Does this look like it requires some sort of retaining wall or structure behind to secure our garden? It looks like the fence has been placed right up to the edge of the slope and I’m worried over time the ground will fall away. Some of the soil close to the fence on our side has started to sink and drop away under the fence.  


  • Brie
    Brie Posts: 11,807 Ambassador
    10,000 Posts Name Dropper Photogenic Second Anniversary
    Yes - I would be questioning that with the builder.

    Even if the soil is stable (& I'm not sure it is given that it's full of builder's rubble and so not yet settled.)  you could have problems with what ever gets planted at the edge inside the fence as the water table will be slanting down that hill and any tree or shrub will struggle (IMHO) to get enough water.  And if you water a lot that's just going to wash soil away.  

    If the builder (or you going over the fence ninja style at night) were to plant something with an extensive root system on the slope side that might do the trick.  But it really should be the whole length of the slope, not just in front of the one house that gets cranky about what should have been done better.  
    I’m a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Debt Free Wannabe and Old Style Money Saving boards.  If you need any help on these boards, do let me know. Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any posts you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button, or by emailing All views are my own and not the official line of MoneySavingExpert.

    "Never retract, never explain, never apologise; get things done and let them howl.”  Nellie McClung
  • chanz4
    chanz4 Posts: 10,978 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Xmas Saver! First Post Name Dropper
    heavy rain will wash that away
    Don't put your trust into an Experian score - it is not a number any bank will ever use & it is generally a waste of money to purchase it. They are also selling you insurance you dont need.
  • user1977
    user1977 Posts: 15,428 Forumite
    Photogenic Sixth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Combo Breaker
    Has it been built in accordance with the approved planning drawings?
  • fatbelly
    fatbelly Posts: 21,287 Forumite
    Car Insurance Carver! Cashback Cashier First Anniversary First Post
    Whose responsibility is the fence? Can't see that one staying up very long
  • penners324
    penners324 Posts: 2,991 Forumite
    1,000 Posts Fifth Anniversary Name Dropper
    Get hold of the local planning department.

    That's unlikely to be in the agreed plan for the site
  • gwynlas
    gwynlas Posts: 1,892 Forumite
    1,000 Posts Part of the Furniture Name Dropper
    That looks quite a steep slope is the gaden flat or a continuation upwards? I would have expected some kind of retention to have been included even if it was simply levelling behind the fence and a row of gambions.
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