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Eye test and work

housebuyer143 Posts: 3,541 Forumite
First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
edited 2 November 2023 at 7:38PM in Employment, jobseeking & training
I started a new job and I work on the computer the whole time I'm there. 
Everywhere I worked before offered free eye tests and glasses, but this place does not. 
They have told me that they offer a taxable heath policy which reimburses eye tests but it's essentially at a cost of over £200 a year which I don't want. 

If I refuse to take out this policy does that mean they can refuse to pay for my eye test? I thought it was a legal requirement that they pay for this if I need one. 


  • oldernonethewiser
    Things that are differerent: draw & drawer, brought & bought, loose & lose, dose & does, payed & paid

  • housebuyer143
    housebuyer143 Posts: 3,541 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    edited 2 November 2023 at 7:46PM
    Thanks, seems like they must provide it if I don't want to take out the health policy. I will go back to the benefit department and see if they change their tune.
  • oldernonethewiser
    If the policy is optional that doesn't relieve them of their obligation to look after your health.

    Hope you get on okay.
    Things that are differerent: draw & drawer, brought & bought, loose & lose, dose & does, payed & paid

  • MikeJXE
    MikeJXE Posts: 3,149 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    They are required to pay for an eye test but

    If it means treading on someone's toes and perhaps a mark against me

    I would pay the £20 ish for the test myself 
  • prettyandfluffy
    As above, it might not be worth the hassle.  Some places like Asda opticians do free or very cheap sight tests from time to time, have a look round and see what's available near you.
  • oldernonethewiser
    MikeJXE said:
    They are required to pay for an eye test but

    If it means treading on someone's toes and perhaps a mark against me

    I would pay the £20 ish for the test myself 
    Don't forget, the company should be paying for glasses too if required.

    To the OP, ask to see their DSE assessments if you really want to stand on someone's toes ;)

    (Of course they could all be up to date and tickety-boo)

    Free eye tests here north of Hadrian's wall

    Things that are differerent: draw & drawer, brought & bought, loose & lose, dose & does, payed & paid

  • housebuyer143
    Thanks. Yeah, I will ask and if they say no then I'll just pay it. I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes for £20. It's a nice place to work. 
  • LightFlare
    I think there is often a misconception that the test and glasses will cover "normal" sight adjustments

    They usually don't and will be only for use of DSE
  • Dakta
    Dakta Posts: 574 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    I queried it at work ages ago and the forms needed to claim it were more hassle than the few quid it cost for the test and I abandoned it because it really didn't cost a fortune 
  • Savvy_Sue
    Savvy_Sue Posts: 46,272 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    I think there is often a misconception that the test and glasses will cover "normal" sight adjustments

    They usually don't and will be only for use of DSE
    Yes, if the glasses are only required for DSE then work should pay, but if prescription is for eg driving then you're on your own. 

    Also the optician may offer 'extras', eg mine takes special photos of my eyeballs which track changes over the years. Employer isn't required to pay for these, and they're not included in free NHS tests.
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