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MoneySaving Father's Day gift ideas

MSE_Laura_F Posts: 1,592 MSE Staff
1,000 Posts Fifth Anniversary Newshound! I've been Money Tipped!
Do you have any ideas for cheap or free Father's Day gift ideas?

Can you suggest an activity, a DIY present, a low-cost item or a homemade card? Do you have any anecdotes about something tried, tested and successful? Let's hear it. Thanks.
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  • matty_bram
    matty_bram Posts: 21 Forumite
    10 Posts
    I'm a bit late to the party. 

    But how about this...just don't buy anything?

    Do something as a family. Enjoy the time. Save the money for the important things. 

    Last fathers day my son (1 year old, so my wife really) got me a keyring with a picture of him on. Then we has a nice meal together. 
  • These thoughtful gestures won't cost much but mean a lot.
    Homemade Card: Craft a heartfelt card.
    Cook a Meal: Prepare a special dish.
    Photo Collage: Create a photo collage.
    Handmade Crafts: Make a custom gift, ring or wooden simple figure of an animal.
    Write a Letter: Express your feelings in a letter. I know old-fashioned, but memorable.
    Nature Walk: Enjoy a nature walk together or find and make your own route.
    Coupon Book: Offer helpful coupons.
    Plant a Garden: Garden together.
    Record a Video: Share a video message or make it with clothes friends and family members.
    Storytelling: Share stories or read a book or make a book)
  • DigSunPap
    DigSunPap Posts: 375 Forumite
    100 Posts Name Dropper
    Try looking in MenKind for those sorts of gifts. It depends what your dad is into, but there is usually at least one item in there that any father would be happy with. Its been my go to shop for years.
  • HappyDad8 said:
    These thoughtful gestures won't cost much but mean a lot.
    Homemade Card: Craft a heartfelt card.
    Cook a Meal: Prepare a special dish.
    Photo Collage: Create a photo collage.
    Handmade Crafts: Make a custom gift, ring or wooden simple figure of an animal.
    Write a Letter: Express your feelings in a letter. I know old-fashioned, but memorable.
    Nature Walk: Enjoy a nature walk together or find and make your own route.
    Coupon Book: Offer helpful coupons.
    Plant a Garden: Garden together.
    Record a Video: Share a video message or make it with clothes friends and family members.
    Storytelling: Share stories or read a book or make a book)
    Lovely ideas. 
  • DigSunPap
    DigSunPap Posts: 375 Forumite
    100 Posts Name Dropper
    HappyDad8 said:
    These thoughtful gestures won't cost much but mean a lot.
    Homemade Card: Craft a heartfelt card.
    Cook a Meal: Prepare a special dish.
    Photo Collage: Create a photo collage.
    Handmade Crafts: Make a custom gift, ring or wooden simple figure of an animal.
    Write a Letter: Express your feelings in a letter. I know old-fashioned, but memorable.
    Nature Walk: Enjoy a nature walk together or find and make your own route.
    Coupon Book: Offer helpful coupons.
    Plant a Garden: Garden together.
    Record a Video: Share a video message or make it with clothes friends and family members.
    Storytelling: Share stories or read a book or make a book)
    All would make great gifts!
  • Killmark
    Killmark Posts: 313 Forumite
    First Post Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker
    Usually, very inexpensive gifts are the ones that are quickly forgotten. I like to give my loved ones either experiences or material things that will be long-lasting.
    And I'm not talking about spending time with family as an experience, because you can do that every day, not only on birthdays.

    Would it be an option not to buy anything? I don't think so.
    I know many people tend to say, 'Oh, just don't buy anything,' but I don't think they're being sincere. We all love gifts, even if deep in our hearts. It's a pleasant experience in itself that the person giving the gift has thought of us.

    If, however, I were to advise on a long-term, budget-friendly gift, then consider a custom bobblehead.
    These bobbleheads are everywhere. It's a recent trend, but I consider it a perfect gift.
    You have the opportunity to immortalize the loved ones at the age they are now.
    Although the initial cost is around $50, considering that you can gather several family members to purchase it and that this figurine will last for many decades, I believe it's totally worth it.

  • Katiehound
    Katiehound Posts: 7,788 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped! Rampant Recycler First Post Combo Breaker
    Personally I shop in ££s not $$s & IMHO that is just sheer tat!
    If you want a figurine look for something made by an artist- hey, but each to his own.

    These were meant to be money saving ideas

    Bit late for father's Day in June.........
    Being polite and pleasant doesn't cost anything! --
    Many thanks
    -Stash bust:in 2022:337
    Stash bust :2023. 120duvets, 24 bags, 43 dog coats, 2 scrunchies, 10 mittens, 6 bootees, 8 glass cases, 2 A6 notebooks, 59 cards, 6 lav bags,36 angels,9 bones, 1 knee blanket, 1 lined bag,3 owls, 88 pyramids = total 420 total spend £5. Total for 'Dogs for Good' £546.82

    2024:37 Doggy duvets,30 pyramids, 6 hottie covers, 4 knit hats,13 crochet angels,1 shopper, 87cards=178 £96.25 spent!!!
  • Pollycat
    Pollycat Posts: 35,011 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Personally I shop in ££s not $$s & IMHO that is just sheer tat!
    If you want a figurine look for something made by an artist- hey, but each to his own.

    These were meant to be money saving ideas

    Bit late for father's Day in June.........
    Tat with a capital 'T'.

    FTR, Fathers Day (in the UK) is in June.
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