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Is Ziffit any good?

I've got a whole collection of CDs I want to get rid off as they're taking up too much room. I've heard of Music Magpie and Ziffit and was wondering how they compare. I did do a selection of scans and found Ziffit did offer more but also did reject more than Music Magpie.

Also, can anyone recommend the right size of box for sending multiple CDs, say 20 at a time.


  • Bobo_Brazil
    Ziffit are pretty good, in my experience. Generally, imo you will almost always get more cash than music magpie.

    Just occasionally though, they have not paid out for one item on the grounds it 'wasn't included'. however, given that I am 1001% sure it was definitely in the box, and packaged between other items that they clearly did find included, I find myself wondering -- once I can forgive as a mistake, this has happened with 2 of my last 3 trades. 

    As for boxes - I tend to recycle amazon boxes if there are any around. if not your friendly neighbourhood supermarket is also a possible.
  • Deru
    Deru Posts: 622 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    I have used Ziffit multiple times. They pay better than MusicMagpie in most cases and they also take books.

    However, as above, one of my DVDs evaporated into thin air once.  Like many, it happened to be the highest value one which I know was added to the box.  Any complaints raised is futile as they won’t admit it was stolen.  

    That aside, it’s still a nice way to clear space but they can be fussy on what titles they accept.  MusicMagpie are less fussy but pay next to nothing for most.  Quite hard to reach the £5 threshold but Magpie also take Tech.

    I find Ziffit’s criteria and pricing random.  Sometimes they will accept a title but other times they will not and the price varies depending on what order you scan.  Seems the first few titles you add will be more lenient so I think their system can pay a bit more for titles they won’t normally take just to get you started on the first few items. 

    I believe I’ve managed to get over £200 from my books and DVDs with them.  Had to be a bit creative and do multiple trades as that was the only way to get some titles accepted.

    btw, I think they are the same company as WeBuyBooks. 
  • Hawie
    Hawie Posts: 2 Newbie
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    I used Ziffit to sell some items recently. I spent ages sorting through books, CDs and DVDs, scanning these items as I went, and packaged those which Ziffit accepted and sent them off. Apparently they did not receive many of these items, most often those items that Ziffit had valued the most! They also do not return those items which they reject! How convenient. 

    I filed a crime report with the local constabulary to report this theft, I wished I'd read the reviews on here before engaging with them. A large number of reviews report items mysteriously disappearing on receipt! Make of that what you want, but I will avoid this company in future, as I would advise anybody considering using Ziffit to do likewise. I wished I'd given the items to charity instead. Notably, Ziffit do not respond to reviews, and they do not respond when you attempt to contact them, which you can only do by email. They also do not appear to have a functioning complaints department, or any department which deals with customer services. 
  • the_lunatic_is_in_my_head
    the_lunatic_is_in_my_head Posts: 7,915 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    edited 14 May at 10:46AM
    Ziffit are owed by World of Books as above they are more picky than Music Magpie but will pay more. 

    They typically offer around 10% of the item's value so 30p on a CD usually means £3 on eBay. It's £1.90 to post a standard CD 2nd Class now but if you find any where they are offering closer to £1 or more it's worth checking on eBay. 

    There are plenty of people who want to see what condition a CD is actually in and not have it arrived smashed up because it was sent in a grey mailing bag so some CDs are worth the trouble of selling.

    Some titles, although worth money, might never sell, completed listings on eBay should give you an idea. 

    If sending to 
    Ziffit I'd look for a decent, sturdy double walled box, in terms of size line up 20 CDs and measure :) I'd be inclined to add some bubblewrap or such as CD cases are very prone to damage. 
    In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces
  • onemouseplace
    onemouseplace Posts: 73 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Ziffit rejected about half of ours, which did make me wary as they were all in a similar condition imo.  I probably wouldn't use them again, although given we've now cleared all our CDs, I'd unlikely to anyway!
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