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I have a low key blog that I use for day to day blogging. I use blogger but have my own website linked to it directly.
I am having big issues with traffic. Both in driving traffic but this is going to be hard full stop! But more importantly in how to tell the difference between a bot and a real person!
Is there any hosting that I can sign up to that cuts out the fake bots? Just looking for generic advice on how to take this further and then prehaps monitise it into 2022. I have adverts on it but they aren't clicked and I sometimes put up links to Amazon for things that I have/used. Whilst sometimes clicked through to Amazon - no purchases. All ideas greatfully received! Thanks in advance


  • MalMonroe
    MalMonroe Posts: 5,783 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    Hi, one of my friends makes a living from blogging and has written her own guide. She says that right now, things aren't quite so easy in the blogging world and is looking around for other freelance writing gigs. 

    However, if you just google something like "how to blog without bots" or similar, you'll get loads of links containing good advice. 

    In this instance, Google is your friend. Especially if you are a blogger.
    Please note - taken from the Forum Rules and amended for my own personal use (with thanks) : It is up to you to investigate, check, double-check and check yet again before you make any decisions or take any action based on any information you glean from any of my posts. Although I do carry out careful research before posting and never intend to mislead or supply out-of-date or incorrect information, please do not rely 100% on what you are reading. Verify everything in order to protect yourself as you are responsible for any action you consequently take.
  • Hi, I had a blog a few years ago on Wordpress and had loads of spam, in the end I closed it. I started writing on Medium earlier this year and it seems like lots of bloggers also write there and link to their blog or website.

    You have to pay to be a member, but get paid per read (this can be paltry, but some writers make a full time living from it).

    It might be an option to help open up your blog to a wider audience. 
  • dave2319
    dave2319 Posts: 555 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Hadn't heard of Medium but just had a look there now and it says you don't have to pay to write with them, and readers only pay if they want to be able to access an unlimited number of stories.
    Seems the downside if you want to join their Partner Program so you can earn money is the requirement to have at least 100 followers, but otherwise an interesting site. Thanks for mentioning it.
  • Jenna_Appleseed
    Hi, I had a blog a few years ago on Wordpress and had loads of spam, in the end I closed it. I started writing on Medium earlier this year and it seems like lots of bloggers also write there and link to their blog or website.

    You have to pay to be a member, but get paid per read (this can be paltry, but some writers make a full time living from it).

    It might be an option to help open up your blog to a wider audience. 
    That's not true - being a writer on Medium's free, you only have to pay to be able to read articles behind a paywall, not to publish on there.


    Info on the Partnership Program that pays you for having your articles read or for referring people for the paid membership

    "Do you need a Medium membership to publish in the Partner Program?

    No, you don’t have to be a paying Medium member to join the Partner Program and start earning. If you do subscribe to be a member, your monthly membership fees will directly support writers on Medium."

    "And suddenly I find myself listening to a man I've never known before,
    Telling me about the sea..."
  • themoneyearner
    Also on medium but slow burner, but easy to just post my article on medium as well as site. There are a couple of others that you can post on as well, earn some free crypto again not huge amounts but all helps and opens up to a new audience.

    Publish ox and read.cash
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