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Garage trying to Charge after warranty work carried out.



  • unholyangel
    unholyangel Posts: 16,864 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    ayres wrote: »
    Yes i have receipt Westmoor car sales.

    Thanks for all this wham never had to deal with anything like this before.

    Did you say how you paid for the vehicle? Credit card or dealer organised finance involved?
    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means - Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride
  • ayres
    ayres Posts: 18 Forumite
    Garage has no card machine so bank transfer.

  • ayres
    ayres Posts: 18 Forumite
    i think i have decided to pay the repair bill with objections and inform them i intend to take them to small claims court to get that refund back. the risk of loosing whole van and all money is to high.He has stopped answering any phone calls so am going to go garage tomorrow and sit and wait for this to be resolved.
    Hopefully won't have to wait to long as a very dissatisfied customer waiting in office can't be good for business.
  • System
    System Posts: 178,148 Community Admin
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    ayres wrote: »
    An incorrect size tyre is unsafe

    No it isn't or space saver spare tyres would be illegal to use.
  • ayres
    ayres Posts: 18 Forumite
    It was a smaller rolling diameter and incorrect tyre on the wheel how is this not unsafe?
  • bigisi
    bigisi Posts: 925 Forumite
    ayres wrote: »
    It was a smaller rolling diameter and incorrect tyre on the wheel how is this not unsafe?

    Did you even read Tarambor's post?
  • bertiewhite
    bertiewhite Posts: 1,904 Forumite
    First Post
    ayres wrote: »
    as their warranty only covers 50% of work. which i know legally they are responsible for the whole amount and should be returning the van.

    Are you sure? There is a car sales forecourt in Lincs that give full warranties on their more expensive vehicles but only "half & half" warranties on the cheaper ones. It's made clear when you buy the vehicle though.
  • DoaM
    DoaM Posts: 11,863 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Fifth Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper
    bigisi wrote: »
    Did you even read Tarambor's post?

    Is a so-called "space saver" wheel+tyre a small diameter than the standard wheel+tyre? I thought they were the same overall diameter - they simply take up less vertical space in the boot (or under the car at the rear) than a standard wheel+tyre.

    A single wheel + tyre with a smaller diameter on an axle will mean the vehicle suspension is unbalanced. Whether this is an issue I've no idea, but it's not something I would want for myself.
  • AdrianC
    AdrianC Posts: 42,189 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    They can be smaller diameter, yes.
  • ayres
    ayres Posts: 18 Forumite
    from my reading Construction & Use says that you have to have the same size tyres on an axle. Spacesavers get special discompensation, along with a 50mph(?) max speed.
    as this was not a spacesaver and no limit was implied and i was not informed of it i would say this counts as an increased risk?

    I did however believe spacesavers were just thinner and had no idea they would be a different rolling diameter.

    Even if not unsafe the vehicle was still not as described and option for refund should be available. but as garage is very unscrupulous and i feel i would be at a high risk of loosing both.
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