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ESA and Carers Allowance

Is Carers Allowance worth claiming if I care for somebody else whilst I'm on ESA. If so how would it effect my ESA? I've tried to research it online. The way I read it is if I was awarded ESA The full amount of Carers Allowance will be deducted each week from my ESA amount. But I would then be entitled to Carer Premium as a top up to my ESA. I'm just trying to work out whether it's worth me applying or not? As I don't know whether to or not?


  • poppy12345
    poppy12345 Posts: 18,417 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    Dan27 wrote: »
    Is Carers Allowance worth claiming if I care for somebody else whilst I'm on ESA. If so how would it effect my ESA? I've tried to research it online. The way I read it is if I was awarded ESA The full amount of Carers Allowance will be deducted each week from my ESA amount. But I would then be entitled to Carer Premium as a top up to my ESA. I'm just trying to work out whether it's worth me applying or not? As I don't know whether to or not?
    If you care for this person for at least 35 hours per week and they claim Daily living PIP/mid/high rate DLA or AA then yes you can claim Carers Allowance.

    ESA will take off the CA from your ESA and add a premium of £34.60 per week. Carers Allowance will then pay you £62.70 per week. You would then be £34.60 better off per week.

    If the person you're going to claim Carers Allowance for claims SDP (Severe Disability Premium) then they would lose this. I'd advice you to check they aren't claiming this before you make the claim for CA.
  • Vickimichelle
    Vickimichelle Posts: 1,724 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee!
    Dan27 wrote: »
    Is Carers Allowance worth claiming if I care for somebody else whilst I'm on ESA. If so how would it effect my ESA? I've tried to research it online. The way I read it is if I was awarded ESA The full amount of Carers Allowance will be deducted each week from my ESA amount. But I would then be entitled to Carer Premium as a top up to my ESA. I'm just trying to work out whether it's worth me applying or not? As I don't know whether to or not?

    I'm on ESA & care for my son who is on DLA, I can't claim carers as I get too much money (I think the limit is £116 a week) but get a carers premium as I have an underlining entitlement to carers.
  • Dan27
    Dan27 Posts: 604 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary First Post
    edited 10 March 2018 at 3:28AM
    Thank you both for your answers. I'm jumping the gun a little. My Dad has recently applied for Pip which he will likely get awarded hopefully. I have been doing alot of care recently over the last few months since his became very ill. He doesn't get any income based benefit at the moment but is part of a joint ESA claim with my mom. They don't get any SDP as far as I'm aware so it looks like once my dad has pip awarded hopefully. It may be good idea for me to swiftly apply for Carers Allowance.
  • poppy12345
    poppy12345 Posts: 18,417 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    I'm on ESA & care for my son who is on DLA, I can't claim carers as I get too much money (I think the limit is £116 a week) but get a carers premium as I have an underlining entitlement to carers.
    Are you sure about that? Carers Premium is only added when taking into account as Income for a means tested benefit.

    How are you paid this Carer Premium? It's £34.60 per week and it's added to an existing Income Related benefit.
  • poppy12345
    poppy12345 Posts: 18,417 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    Dan27 wrote: »
    Thank you both for your answers. I'm jumping the gun a little. My Dad has recently applied for Pip which he will likely get awarded hopefully. I have been doing alot of care recently over the last few months since his became very ill. He doesn't get any income based benefit at the moment but is part of a joint ESA claim with my mom. They don't get any SDP as far as I'm aware so it looks like once my dad has pip awarded hopefully. It may be good idea for me to swiftly apply for Carers Allowance.
    Then he does claim an Income Related benefit because of the joint claim. No they wouldn't get SDP because you need a disability benefit for this as well as the other criteria.

    Does your mum claim a disability benefit? DLA/PIP/AA?
  • Dan27
    Dan27 Posts: 604 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary First Post
    poppy12345 wrote: »
    Then he does claim an Income Related benefit because of the joint claim. No they wouldn't get SDP because you need a disability benefit for this as well as the other criteria.

    Does your mum claim a disability benefit? DLA/PIP/AA?

    Yes but again she doesnt get severe disability payment as far as I'm aware. Just gets enhanced disability as part of ESA
  • poppy12345
    poppy12345 Posts: 18,417 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    Dan27 wrote: »
    Yes but again she doesnt get severe disability payment as far as I'm aware. Just gets enhanced disability as part of ESA
    If she claims daily living PIP, DLA mid/high rate care or AA and your dad is awarded PIP daily living then they can claim the couples SDP which is £124.90 extra per week on top of the ESA. If you claim Carers Allowance for you dad then they will lose out on £62.45 per week because only 1 of them would be able to claim SDP. If this is the case i'd advice you to think carefully before claiming CA.

    Lots to think about IF your dad is awarded the PIP.
  • poppy12345
    poppy12345 Posts: 18,417 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    I just seen your other thread here. https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/5805219 and noticed that you claim Contribution based ESA. Unfortunately this means you won't be able to claim Carers Allowance because of the overlapping benefit rule. The Carers Premium can not paid on top of a Contribution based benefit, they are only paid on top of Income Related benefits.
    See here. https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/benefits-and-tax-credits-you-can-claim-as-a-carer
  • Dan27
    Dan27 Posts: 604 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary First Post
    poppy12345 wrote: »
    I just seen your other thread here. https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/5805219 and noticed that you claim Contribution based ESA. Unfortunately this means you won't be able to claim Carers Allowance because of the overlapping benefit rule. The Carers Premium can not paid on top of a Contribution based benefit, they are only paid on top of Income Related benefits.
    See here. https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/benefits-and-tax-credits-you-can-claim-as-a-carer

    My contributions one has now run out and I now claim income related esa. I've been switched for a few years now.
  • Dan27
    Dan27 Posts: 604 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary First Post
    poppy12345 wrote: »
    If she claims daily living PIP, DLA mid/high rate care or AA and your dad is awarded PIP daily living then they can claim the couples SDP which is £124.90 extra per week on top of the ESA. If you claim Carers Allowance for you dad then they will lose out on £62.45 per week because only 1 of them would be able to claim SDP. If this is the case i'd advice you to think carefully before claiming CA.

    Lots to think about IF your dad is awarded the PIP.

    Yes because I don't know yet but it's very Likely will be awarded thank you for your help. Still don't know what to do or whether to advise them to apply for SDP when my dad gets his pip award. Is that better then to have some confidence.
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