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Court case involving boulders placed by council

I’m trying to find details about a high court case involving , I believe Walthamstow council, and them placing boulders around tower blocks and a man dying from injuries from tripping over one of the boulders . Unfortunately I have no dates for when the court case was . This info is for what might become a high court case against my housing association. Any help much appreciated

Sorry if this is in wrong forum


  • hazyjo
    hazyjo Posts: 15,474 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    It will be 'Waltham Forest Council'. Try that rather than 'Walthamstow'.
    2024 wins: *must start comping again!*
  • AdrianC
    AdrianC Posts: 42,189 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Sounds very unlikely to me.

    What negligence would the council possibly have from placing clearly visible boulders, and somebody then tripping over them?

    Perhaps it'd help if you went into a bit more detail about your complaint against your HA, rather than looking for a possibly mythical, possibly irrelevant parallel?
  • seashore22
    seashore22 Posts: 1,443 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    What makes you think this incident happened?

    When do you think it happened?
  • atherlon
    atherlon Posts: 102 Forumite
    ive taked to someone who says he remembers the article in a London paper when he lived there a few years ago
  • marliepanda
    marliepanda Posts: 7,186 Forumite
    atherlon wrote: »
    ive taked to someone who says he remembers the article in a London paper when he lived there a few years ago

    Oh right then...

    Are you sure it wasn’t ‘boulder falls on man, killing him. Counselling is being provided for the family’ As thats the story I remember from the London paper when I lived there some years back.
  • 00ec25
    00ec25 Posts: 9,123 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    edited 12 January 2018 at 12:43AM
    Oh right then...

    Are you sure it wasn’t ‘boulder falls on man, killing him. Counselling is being provided for the family’ As thats the story I remember from the London paper when I lived there some years back.
    wasn't that "Loony left council pays for boulder to have counselling after death"
  • robatwork
    robatwork Posts: 7,155 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    Did it dash? Boulderdash.
  • ThePants999
    ThePants999 Posts: 1,748 Forumite
    Seventh Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    robatwork wrote: »
    Did it dash? Boulderdash.
    Your coat, sir.
  • robatwork
    robatwork Posts: 7,155 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    Your coat, sir.

    I would have put it on sooner, if only I were a little bolder.
  • teddysmum
    teddysmum Posts: 9,484 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Combo Breaker
    There was a story ,a couple of years ago and featured I one of the 'compensation programmes ' ,where someone claimed to have tripped on a piece of metal left standing proud of a pavement after a shop had work done,, but obviously ,they didn't die.
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