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Am I missing something about this finance plan?



  • ratrace
    ratrace Posts: 1,009 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    edited 5 December 2017 at 3:12PM
    When trying to correct someone's financial planning it helps to get the maths right - Either your friend was doing FAR more than 30,000 miles, or was on an awful electricity tariff. Cost to do that should be under £1000 at worst.

    Depreciation is a concern, as with any new vehicle. But the cross-over point is far better for electric vehicles due to the huge savings on maintenance and fuel costs. But my plan would be to keep the van regardless of business success as a van is useful, especially one that is super cheap to run.

    Hitting up the hippies is harder to do with a diesel as after diesel-gate people are onto the fact that they ain't all that eco-wise. It's still an option, but it's not a great one from where I'm sitting.

    it was a mix of charging at home and charging at the service stations
    £1,500 / 30,000 = 0.05p average (not including dep)

    also in winter the range in real world is a lot less due to the cold weather

    anyway all the best with it hope it works out for you
    People are caught up in an egotistic artificial rat race to display a false image to society. We want the biggest house, fanciest car, and we don't mind paying the sky high mortgage to put up that show. We sacrifice our biggest assets our health and time, We feel happy when we see people look up to us and see how successful we are”

    Rat Race
  • Herzlos
    Herzlos Posts: 14,989 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    How much space do you need? There are nice looking estates that are as big as the smaller vans, for a lot cheaper.

    Unless you're needing it to store sheet material, you shouldn't notice much difference.

    Have you thought about hiring a van for the jobs you need a van for? A few of the joiners round here seem to do that.
  • ciderboy2009
    ciderboy2009 Posts: 1,196 Forumite
    1,000 Posts Part of the Furniture Car Insurance Carver! Name Dropper
    At the end of the day - you're in Bristol.

    Looking at the current & previous mayors policies it won't be long before the only way that anybody can get around the city will be on foot or by bike (although the Metrobust will also be there at some point - hopefully).

    How about starting with an electric bike & trailer? Much cheaper plus you don't have to worry about any of the silly road laws!

    On a serious note - if you're good at what you do then your name will be passed around regardless off gimmicks. It might even already be in the list of recommendations I'll shortly be working through for my new stairs & kitchen.

    However, if you turned up to quote for me in your electric van (I would probably come across as one of the people you're aiming at) then I would run a mile.

    I want somebody who is good at what they do - not somebody who is good with gimmicks.
  • spadoosh
    spadoosh Posts: 8,732 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Actually, once you include the large fuel bill and maintenance costs, a cheap van doesn't work out cheaper necessarily, just in up front cost. Once you get past year 4/5 (probably less if I could be bothered to do a more robust calculation) the electric van is MASSIVELY cheaper.

    How long did it take you to earn the first £18,000 profit?
  • At the end of the day - you're in Bristol.

    However, if you turned up to quote for me in your electric van (I would probably come across as one of the people you're aiming at) then I would run a mile.

    I want somebody who is good at what they do - not somebody who is good with gimmicks.

    Why would you run a mile just because of an electric van? Seems like very flawed logic to me - if you want someone who's good at the job why does their mode of transport matter?

    Not that it matters as I won't be in your rec's as that's not my type of carpentry! ;)
  • Mercdriver
    Mercdriver Posts: 3,898 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    When trying to correct someone's financial planning it helps to get the maths right - Either your friend was doing FAR more than 30,000 miles, or was on an awful electricity tariff. Cost to do that should be under £1000 at worst.

    Depreciation is a concern, as with any new vehicle. But the cross-over point is far better for electric vehicles due to the huge savings on maintenance and fuel costs. But my plan would be to keep the van regardless of business success as a van is useful, especially one that is super cheap to run.

    Hitting up the hippies is harder to do with a diesel as after diesel-gate people are onto the fact that they ain't all that eco-wise. It's still an option, but it's not a great one from where I'm sitting.

    If you know so much, why are you bothering asking mere mortals such as us?

    Drop the attitude and you may get better answers.
  • n217970
    n217970 Posts: 338 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Not that it matters as I won't be in your rec's as that's not my type of carpentry! ;)

    If kitchens and stairs are not a newly self employed chippy's "type of carpentry" I would suggest you don't bother buying a van at all, as you won't need one in 12 months.
  • Herzlos
    Herzlos Posts: 14,989 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    Why would you run a mile just because of an electric van? Seems like very flawed logic to me - if you want someone who's good at the job why does their mode of transport matter?

    Presumably they are wary about how much higher the quote is because of the fancy stuff they don't need (like an electric van). I really doubt anyone chooses/rejects a joiner based on the vehicle they use, especially since a diesel van is pretty much standard and often required (mileage, load).

    They'd therefor rather the joiner had a modest van, since they don't need to pay extra for it.
  • Mercdriver wrote: »
    If you know so much, why are you bothering asking mere mortals such as us?

    Drop the attitude and you may get better answers.

    What attitude? I've just been met with a wall of assumptions which I've had to deal with, rather than helpful advice. I've thought a hell of a lot about the benefits of electric vehicles and know a hell of a lot about them. What I don't know much about is finance - hence asking the question.

    n217970 - Maybe 'carpenter' is the wrong term, woodworking might be better. I'm a producer rather than builder.

    Herzlos - I guess I'll just have to do what I was going to do - offer reasonable rates for comparable services which happen to be provided via an electric vehicle. No skin off my nose if some people are too short-sighted to take advantage!
  • n217970
    n217970 Posts: 338 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    n217970 - Maybe 'carpenter' is the wrong term, woodworking might be better. I'm a producer rather than builder.

    I am sorry but what? I know there was an advert back in the 90s about someone saying they wanted to be a tree but I thought that was metaphorical. I have had a couple of drinkies tonight so sarcasm is 100% guaranteed but I am seriously curious as to what you mean by a producer?
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