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reasonable expenses single 1child



  • pelirocco
    pelirocco Posts: 8,274 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post
    I think you need to post on the debt free board they will help you

    I dont know about bankruptcy someone else can advise on that but you expensives are high

    144 a month (1728 per year) for school dinners trips uniform is alot - make sandwiches / uniform is only needed once a year how much it is? how many school trips? what is this per year? does your child have to go?

    200 per month on clothing is alot when you can't afford it

    600 per month for two people on food/laundry, sorry but that's crazy you can cut this down to 200

    I am single with one child I have approx the same monthly income as you. If I put my mind to it and lived more frugally I could easily save 387 per month.

    Do not panic post on other areas of the site they will help you get your spend down. Look on the old style board to see how to save on you grocery/household bill.

    Good Luck

    This poster needs advice on allowable expenditure for bankruptcy, not how to reduce their spends (at the moment) they need to be able to go back to the OR to question how they arrived at the excess
    Vuja De - the feeling you'll be here later
  • Singlemumm wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Before I am going to work, I will add details from my income and expenditures what I have filled when made app online.
    INCOME 1673( salary 1357, Child benefit 81, Child tax credit 235)
    EXPENSES 1672.68 :
    rent- 373/month
    tv licence - 6/week - isn't this £12 per month?
    council tax - 56/month
    gas - 30/month
    eletricity - 30/month
    water - 18/month
    opticians - 16.67/month
    Groceries -110/weekWe have 4 of us and spend half of that which includes lunches at work for the week for 2 adults and our tolietries and laundry costs etc
    toiletries- 12/week
    (food and housekeeping per month 615,34)
    meals at work - 20/weekNot essential really - you could prepare lunch for less than £4 per day based on 5 day week
    public transport-120/month
    School uniforms -300/year £25 per month
    school meals - 20/weekcould take packed lunch
    after school clubs and trips - 35/month
    clothing and footwear - 30/week this can't be right? Is this a monthly figure?
    hairdressing - 40/month
    internet tv - 19/month
    2mobile phones - 40/month
    laundry and cleaning - 12/month

    Not quoting from what is acceptable/not acceptable but some comments on your outgoing for you to consider.

    I think to spend £160 every 4 weeks on food at school and work is quite a lot of money. You could have a decent pack up for half of this or less.

    You are spending £120 every 4 weeks on clothes - again this is surely going to be questioned?
  • iammumtoone
    iammumtoone Posts: 6,377 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped! First Post
    pelirocco wrote: »
    This poster needs advice on allowable expenditure for bankruptcy, not how to reduce their spends (at the moment) they need to be able to go back to the OR to question how they arrived at the excess

    The poster was worried about how they were going to pay what seemed to them a large amount compared to their SOA. My intention was to relive this worry by pointing out with the right help on the SOA they posted it is doable.

    They may well be able to get that amount down but in the worse case if they don't there is help and advise available to make sure they cope if they need to.
  • iammumtoone
    iammumtoone Posts: 6,377 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped! First Post
    edited 10 November 2017 at 10:01PM
    Singlemumm wrote: »
    I have received email from OR assistance with breakdowns he made.
    For groceries he put £337 and clothing/footwear/hairdressing £80.
    At least I do know now.
    but I have compare numbers and bettwen my amount and hes amount is difference.
    there is not £387 but £358.
    how this is possible?
    soo finally, it is worth to not sign and a bit negotiate?

    Did they explain if the £337 for groceries included work and school spends? that might be where the difference is

    Regarding negotiating it is always worth a try whatever you are negotiating for if they say no then you can still agree but if you don't ask you don't get.
  • There is what he send to me:
    Rent 373
    tv/internet/tv 59
    gas/electricity 60
    water 18
    council tax 56
    insurance( i think is optician)16.67
    tv licence 24
    transport and travel 120
    childcare and maintenance 146.67
    all these amounts he did not change in my SOA
    clothes/footwear/haidressing 80
    food and toiletries 337
  • He said groceries reduced from 110 to 55 ,clothing from 30 to 10,and toiletries from 12 to 6
  • Thank you all.my IPA has been reduced from £387 to £220
  • debt_doctor
    debt_doctor Posts: 4,595 Forumite
    First Post Third Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good, I'm pleased for you.

    Well done.
    Debt Doctor, Debt caseworker, Citizens' Advice Bureau .
    Impartial debt advice services: Citizens Advice Bureau Find your local CAB *** National Debtline - Tel: 0808 808 4000*** BSC No. 100 ***
  • ess0two
    ess0two Posts: 3,606 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Nothing like cutting your cloth to suit
    Official MR B fan club,dont go............................
  • Anyone knows if my name will be on Council tax again from April?
    Now we have received bill and is only other tenant name on it.
    I have explained to OR how I paying my bills(sharing with other tenant),it was one of reasons to reduce IPA.
    It has been included in expenses but OR has explained he has added this amount to IPA because I do not need to pay CT this year anymore.
    Finally I said I will be in trouble with other tenant,he will not agree to pay all amount.
    City council will add my name automaticly from next April?
This discussion has been closed.
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