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DLA to PIP Confused

battyboimatt Posts: 621 Forumite
First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
edited 12 September 2017 at 4:36PM in Benefits & tax credits
Today I checked my bank account and I noticed a payment of DLA which is early, I was not expecting my next payment for another two weeks. So I phoned up the DLA inquiry line and they tell me that the payment is from the 24th August until 12th September (today) and that my DLA claim is now closed as they have been informed of a PIP decision and that I was awarded PIP.

I informed the man at DLA that I haven’t had any letters, so he gave me the PIP inquiry line number, whom I then phoned. He checked the PIP system and said that they have not reached a decision about my PIP claim yet and that it is still with a decision maker. I then told him what DLA had said, so he put me on hold and went to check, he then came back and said DLA does indeed have a note on their system that they have a PIP decision DLA claim closed, but he said this is impossible as they have not reached a decision or sent any letters out. He would escalate this to his manager and I will get a letter when they decide. He then hung up on me.


  • pmlindyloo
    pmlindyloo Posts: 13,061 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Well after checking my bank account today, I notice a DLA payment, which I was not expecting as my claim does not end until next month, I have applied for PIP and had my face to face assessment at the end of July.

    The guy at DLA tells my the payment is from the 24th August until Today the 12th August, because they have been informed of a PIP decision and that my DLA claim is now closed as I've been awarded PIP.

    I told them it would nice to be informed because I haven't had any letters from anyone. He said I should get in touch with the PIP help line and he gave me the number.

    So back on the phone, I get, finally get through to PIP after ages on hold, explain what is going on to be told: "We haven't made a decision yet, it's still with the decision maker nothing on our system for it. " I explain what DLA have told me and he looks on their system and confirms they have logged that my claim has ended pip decision. Which he says is impossible because they haven't issued anything yet. He will escalate it to his manager and as soon as they make a decision they will send me a letter.

    SO just what is going on, if my DLA has ended because they say they have had a PIP decision and then it takes a couple of weeks to decide I will have lost out on my DLA. It seems the left-hand does not know what the right hand is doing. I am so confused.

    I am confused by your post, sorry. Can you please read it through and check the dates and the wording.

    Once you have a PIP decision your DLA will continue for a further 4 weeks so something is amiss here.

    Perhaps you could call back DLA and ask them when they were notified of a decision and what has happened to your 4 week 'run on' of DLA.
  • I kept my DLA until a decision was made on my PIP claim. I was refused PIP so was without any disability benefits until months later when I won at tribunal and had all the back money refunded.
    Feb 2019 GC £151.53/£300
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, wisdom to know the difference.
  • Hope I have cleared it up a little, pmlindyloo. I'm just confused because DLA said they have been notified that I have been awarded pip and paid me until claim closed, and PIP said they can't have been informed as they haven't made a decision.
  • pmlindyloo
    pmlindyloo Posts: 13,061 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Hope I have cleared it up a little, pmlindyloo. I'm just confused because DLA said they have been notified that I have been awarded pip and paid me until claim closed, and PIP said they can't have been informed as they haven't made a decision.

    Thanks for editing your message.

    These things happen. Often just a computer blip.

    Hopefully they will sort it all out.

    People sometimes receive back pay after first applying for PIP and before they have received a letter confirming the decision so I shouldn't worry too much.

    You could try ringing DLA again and asking when the decision was made and/or ringing PIP again and seeing if the computer has been updated.
  • poppy12345
    poppy12345 Posts: 18,417 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper
    It takes about 24 hours for the computers to be updated with the info so this is more than likely why they can't see it. Very often 1 department will find out before anyone else, the claimant is often the last to know. I'm sure if you ring back tomorrow after 12 then they'll be able to tell you what the decision is.
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