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Pushy credit card salesman - rules?



  • Missus_Hyde
    Missus_Hyde Posts: 535 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Posts Photogenic
    I understand that ultimately it is down to him to refuse but this salesperson was very pushy and followed my friend as he tried to walk away. He was giving him advice which I think was incorrect or could have gotten my friend into debt. He repeatedly told the man he had no income and couldn't afford the credit.

    I understand the "no such thing as can't say no", but when you have serious anxiety and someone is pushing something on you and wont take no for an answer it is extremely intimidating. Some would say yes just to get away from him.

    Whereas I can have a certain amount of sympathy for someone who has anxiety problems and finds themselves in a similar position, I find a simple "No, thank you", followed by "What is it you don't understand about foxtrot oscar?" should they be undeterred by my first reply, invariably has the desired effect and stops any further conversation on the subject very satisfactorily. ;) :cool:
    A cunning plan, Baldrick? Whatever it was, it's got to be better than pretending to be mad; after all, who'd notice another mad person around here?.......Edmund Blackadder.
  • A few weeks back, one of them tried it on me, beginning his spiel, as I walked past, with "Have you got a minute mate?"

    I glared at him and, in a raised voice, said "I'M NOT YOUR MATE! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!"

    By the time he'd coughed up an apology, I was 5 yards away, and fast opening the gap. :)
  • bengal-stripe
    bengal-stripe Posts: 3,351 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    agrinnall wrote: »
    Or alternatively they'll give the guy a bonus for persistence, after all, it's his job to get people who don't want one to take out a credit card.

    On the other hand, if the pushy agent frequently signs-up applicants who, after a credit search, get denied; he might find himself out of a job pretty soon.
  • Chrysalis
    Chrysalis Posts: 4,197 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic Second Anniversary First Post
    this is what happens when people get paid on commission. The guy is just trying to make a living so I dont feel bad to him.

    Your friend could have just walked away but if he does get something through the post he can ask to be removed from their list.
  • OP this friend who has NO income? what does he live off ?

    You would be more of a friend if you told him to grow a pair and move on.
  • Geoff1963
    Geoff1963 Posts: 1,088 Forumite
    Find a friend who has a good sense of humour and plenty of free time, to say to the salesman, "You know, I think I might be interested. Can you give me some more details ?" Then post the hour-long video on YouTube.
    The sales people rely on us not wanting to be rude to them, but they can't be rude to us.

    Double-glazing sales people used to really suffer whenever they called my granny.
  • Fingerbobs
    Fingerbobs Posts: 1,672 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture 1,000 Posts Name Dropper
    Whereas I can have a certain amount of sympathy for someone who has anxiety problems and finds themselves in a similar position, I find a simple "No, thank you", followed by "What is it you don't understand about foxtrot oscar?" should they be undeterred by my first reply, invariably has the desired effect and stops any further conversation on the subject very satisfactorily. ;) :cool:

    I have had anxiety issues, and personally I have no problem with salespeople like this, although I appreciate everyone is different.

    My method is to politely and cheerfully say "No, I'm not interested, thank you" then if they make any further representations I just totally ignore them as though they weren't there and get on with what I was doing.
  • Shakin_Steve
    Shakin_Steve Posts: 2,755 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    If he'd have persuaded your mate to sign up, it wouldn't have got far, once they did a credit search. So....the salesman might have got paid for a lead, but not for a sign up. And your friend would have a hard search on his credit file.
    I came into this world with nothing and I've got most of it left.
  • Anthorn
    Anthorn Posts: 4,362 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi, hope I'm in the right place.

    There has been a stand in my local shopping centre for some people selling credit cards recently. I've avoided them so far but yesterday they caught a friend off guard and he's the type of person who can't say no.

    He told them repeatedly that he has no income and has no need or desire to sign up for credit. The guy kept telling him that this is how you build up credit and pushed really hard. My friend said he felt intimidated and like he couldn't get away unless he gave them his contact details. I was actually impressed that he got away with just that.

    What are the rules on pushy sales, particularly for something like credit? The guy was repeatedly told this is not something he could afford but kept insisting it was needed, potentially getting my friend in trouble.

    Does anyone know who is the best person to complain to?

    I've advised my friend to ask them to remove his details from their system when they call and to ask for an address to complain to.

    Strange post: I have never experienced a credit card salesperson whether pushy or otherwise and the only job selling credit cards that I can find is in India.

    On salespersons in general, we must recognise that they are doing their best to earn a living and will be more interested in a potential customer they regard as a "live one". So don't be a live one.
  • "Me no English speaking" always works for me.
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