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Santander mortgage FTB



  • Yacol82
    Yacol82 Posts: 5 Forumite
    Hello as you can see my timescale above just to let you know still waiting for offer to come in post but my broker pull out pdf copy from Santander online system so I read it already and bit settled now, guys keep checking Santander intermediaries website with service level, so if they ask you for any additional documents and you submitted it then from that day check which applications Santander reviewing with underwriters so you will see when to expect update from Santander and when to chase with broker if you applied by one.
    Good luck and you need to be patience, very stressful time 😬
  • Thanks,

    We got our offer at last.I wish all who are waiting get good news.

    time line:

    26 April 2017: Applied via broker.
    3rd May 2017: document missing ( bank statement of child benefit proof and previous address).
    4th May 2017: documents provided.
    11 May : Another missing thing !! A document was not scanned properly. New scan was sent within two hours.
    17 May : Offer confirmed
  • nathyb1234
    nathyb1234 Posts: 21 Forumite

    We got our offer at last.I wish all who are waiting get good news.

    time line:

    26 April 2017: Applied via broker.
    3rd May 2017: document missing ( bank statement of child benefit proof and previous address).
    4th May 2017: documents provided.
    11 May : Another missing thing !! A document was not scanned properly. New scan was sent within two hours.
    17 May : Offer confirmed

    Hello! We got our offer as well.
    Our timeline :)


    23thd April 2017 - Plot reservation made
    28th April 2017 - Meeting with Mortgage Adviser
    2nd May 2017 - AIP and full application done at Santander
    3rd May 2017 - Authority to Proceed from HTB received
    11th May 2017 - Documents with underwriters and valuation booked for
    12th May 2017- valuation done
    19th May 20y - Mortgage offer received
  • jarshay
    jarshay Posts: 73 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Congrats to all here with offers! Pray ours is successful too
    Mortgage for £212000 - 10/17 for 35 years!
    Aiming to overpay each year as close to 10% as possible!
  • Aly28
    Aly28 Posts: 10 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    Congrats to all who've had offers so far!
    I applied for an Aip online on 8th June, submitted all my documents on 16th and have a telephone appointment with their mortgage advisor on Tuesday 20th. From there it should be passed to the underwriters and being a buyer in Scotland i have the home report to help towards the valuation stage. Sellers want a move in date of July 21st so i'm crossing my fingers everything runs smoothly!

    Best of luck and keep the updates coming! :)
  • JJMayer
    JJMayer Posts: 17 Forumite
    28/06/18 DIP accepted on .
    04/07/18 - our Financial assessment/affordability assessment passed (shared ownership)
    06/07/18 Text received by Santander today to confirm application has been received.
  • marcmc84
    marcmc84 Posts: 49 Forumite
    Third Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Name Dropper
    Still waiting a decision on ours, full application submitted on the 19th june. Been chased for docs and then one was missing that they initially accepted (failed to attached to case) so back in underwriting queue and hoping to hear this week. I expect they will want more and more documents and then it will be another week. Whole process been awful, had mortgages before with accord and then NatWest, no issues straight through within a week. Wish broker never placed us with Santander its been a long drawn out stressful process.
  • JJMayer
    JJMayer Posts: 17 Forumite
    11/07/18 - More documents requested, sent these over asap. Now at the back of the queue again..
  • 01/10/2018 Application submitted via broker
    02/10/2018 Text message received from Santander confirming they received application
    02/10/2018 More documents requested
    02/10/2018 Survey booked for 12/10/2018
    03/10/2018 Documents uploaded
    05/10/2018 Incorrectly completed documents, submission requested again for same documents
    08/10/2018 Correctly completed documents uploaded
    12/10/2018 Valuation took place

    NOW we are anxiously waiting for a decision!

    It's so frustrating as our future plans totally depend on this mortgage. Santander were the only lender to take our latest year income and lend 5.5x.

    I checked on the service levels, it says "We're reviewing applications sent to our underwriters on 2 October". I'm guessing our application would have been sent to the underwriter on 08/10/2018 as that was when all our documents were in place (I'm hoping), then the survey took place on 12/10/2018. Its a bit of a mystery as to exactly whats happening in the background but nevertheless hopefully we will get a response WITH an offer very soon!
  • First_Time_Mortgage
    First_Time_Mortgage Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited 29 November 2018 at 7:09PM
    05/11/2018 - New build house booked
    05/11/2018 - PIF applied to help to buy (HTB) for authority to proceed (AIP)
    08/11/2018 - Query on PIF form. Amended form submitted to HTB
    13/11/2018 - AIP received from HTB
    13/11/2018 - Full first-time mortgage application submitted to Santander via our broker
    14/11/2018 - Text and email received from Santander confirming application has been received
    16/11/2018 - Valuation done (asked from and informed by developers)
    22/11/2018 - Additional info requested/ asked to process from my end
    23/11/2018 - Additional info sorted (they wait to get info updated online which can take time) and take 48 hours to review
    29/112018 - Approved!

    Now waiting to receive the offer in the post hopefully soon!

    All the very best to everyone waiting on their mortgage approval and offer!

    PS: Key is to find a good experienced mortgage broker who helps you through out the process! We were very fortunate to find one!
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