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Advice re house purchase



  • GDB2222
    GDB2222 Posts: 25,142 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    millie84 wrote: »
    Another downside to the semidetached house is that it is next door to a pub. We really liked the internal finishes, and its clearly had a lot of money spent on it, but the pub and the attached neighbour is putting us off. It's hard to decide.
    My partner has experience of renovation with previous houses, although to a lesser extent, and he has built garages before. We could do most of the work ourselves. He's also a heating engineer and plumber, which is handy.

    Pub is a bit of a problem. We have a house that was opposite a pub for a while. We still have the house, but the pub has been converted into a private house.

    There were an awful lot of disturbances, even though it was a very quiet pub. They used to stay open after hours, then finally chuck out at 1AM. Even a handful of drunks make a lot of noise, and it's very noticeable in the middle of the night. Then, they'd have beer deliveries at 6AM a couple of times a week. That's very noisy, dropping the kegs off the lorry, then down into the cellar.
    No reliance should be placed on the above! Absolutely none, do you hear?
  • millie84
    millie84 Posts: 96 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Post
    GDB2222 wrote: »
    Pub is a bit of a problem. We have a house that was opposite a pub for a while. We still have the house, but the pub has been converted into a private house.

    There were an awful lot of disturbances, even though it was a very quiet pub. They used to stay open after hours, then finally chuck out at 1AM. Even a handful of drunks make a lot of noise, and it's very noticeable in the middle of the night. Then, they'd have beer deliveries at 6AM a couple of times a week. That's very noisy, dropping the kegs off the lorry, then down into the cellar.

    I didn't think of the beer deliveries. I'm in early riser, but my partner has joint custody of his son and I don't think he'd appreciate the early wake-ups or noisy drunks at night. I imagine the house/wall would be used as a urinal by lazy drunk men too lol.
    The vendors said there was no trouble from the pub and it wasn't noisy. It has opened and closed a few times in the last few years (we used to live in the area).
    I think the pub is the reason it hasn't sold yet, we offered £120k, which they rejected, but said just a little more would be acceptable. Someone else was having a second viewing last weekend but it's still online so they must not have offered.
  • GDB2222
    GDB2222 Posts: 25,142 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    It was a relief when the pub was sold for redevelopment!
    No reliance should be placed on the above! Absolutely none, do you hear?
  • smmeadow
    smmeadow Posts: 53 Forumite
    I ended up withdrawing my offer on the house completely. The seller called my electrician "a cowboy" and she will get the electrics fixed herself.... ummm love you are the one who made them the mess that they are. Plus they are 25 years old according to my test report.

    Honestly, never dealt with anyone so unscrupulous in my life. Good luck to anyone buying that house! Nightmare
  • GDB2222
    GDB2222 Posts: 25,142 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    Electrics should be fine after 25 years. Unless the house has been used for growing hash, of course.
    No reliance should be placed on the above! Absolutely none, do you hear?
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