Baby steps towards mortgage freedom



  • Moominmamma89
    The rain is back today and we got soaked on our walk - I thought I would chance it when there was a break in the rain as don't like keeping the kids in all day and Mr Moomin has the car. Unfortunately my timing was awful and just as we were at the furthest point from home the sky opened :(. Luckily I had the rain cover for the pram so only me and Munchkin got wet but he wasn't impressed.

    Life here is still plodding along as usual - have a call with my tutor Friday so hoping to have passed the unit I submitted last week and I'm working on another one atm that will hopefully be ready for submitting over the weekend. Also have another viewing booked in for Saturday but haven't heard from the couple I thought were so interested so obviously I would make a rubbish estate agent :D.

    August's OP is sitting ready in my e-savings and I have a few YouGov surveys I need to get done.

    Hope everyone is having a nice week so far :)
  • Moominmamma89
    Afternoon everyone - just thought I'd do a quick post before my tutor calls about the last lot of coursework I've submitted. Had a really busy morning - Run first thing then Mr T for pizza and treats (Friday night is still movie night in the Moomin house), got house all tidy and then went to see my old PT as I'm switching gyms and he wanted to see how big Button has got. It's a lovely day here weather wise so I didn't mind the walk and have hit about 13k on my fitbit already.

    After my call with my tutor I have promised Munchkin I will bake some cupcakes with him and then later I have my sewing class. Lastly I just have to pop to Mum's to walk her dogs as she is going to Ireland tonight to see my Granny - I will definitely sleep tonight!

    It's my niece's birthday today and we sent a parcel with a card, some money and sweets in earlier this week so if Mr Moomin hasn't heard from his brother by tonight I will get him to message to check it has all arrived safely. Otherwise no other plans - not that I would have time to fit anything else in :D.

    On the mortgage front I shuffled some interest from my e-savings account for an OP but have to wait until Monday to make said OP.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend :)
  • Moominmamma89
    Evening all - hope everyone has had a good weekend.

    I managed another 100% on latest coursework so that is 5/8 done and dusted. Have a call booked in with tutor on Wednesday to go through number 6 before submitting final version so fingers crossed I will have it all 8 coursework units done and submitted by 17th as we have a wedding to go to on the 18th and I would like to be able to completely relax that weekend before having to prepare for my practical assessments in September.

    Took Munchkin into Birmingham on Saturday to see Despicable Me 3 which wasn't bad considering it was the third installment (fourth if you count the Minion movie). We also went on a hunt for the bears that are up round the city for the Children's hospital - we have found 33 bears so far but it started to rain so will take him back one day later in the holidays to find the rest. Button is going through quite bad separation anxiety atm and if I'm in the house seems to just want to stay with me which whilst lovely is a bit tiring so it was nice to have a day just me and Munchkin.

    Viewer on Saturday confirmed the house didn't meet their needs but didn't give any further details and no viewings booked in now so just waiting to see what happens.

    Anyway hopefully I will be back tomorrow to confirm I've paid August's OP - can you believe it is August already, not sure where the year has gone!

  • Moominmamma89
    August OP of £346 paid so should be able to update signature again sometime next week. Getting close to being out of the £140's which will be fab. Shall be back with a proper update soon but have to rush off to get some studying done before Button wakes up from her nap!
  • CharlieKat
    CharlieKat Posts: 112 Forumite
    Hi Moominmamma

    Thank you for posting on my thread - thought i'd say hi :wave: i've subscribed and am off to catch up on your thread :)
    Food Shop March £85.55 Petrol March £45.78 Socialising March £60.65 on 5 adventures
    Overdraft 04/02/2019: [STRIKE]£1500[/STRIKE] /£
    Mortgage: [STRIKE]£140,000[/STRIKE] £57,565.14
    Annual Target £6845 Currently At £
  • Moominmamma89
    Hi CharlieKat :wave: I've been enjoying your diary, find reading others helps keep me inspired to keep going.

    I have been rubbish at updating but things are very busy here between studying and it being the summer holidays. I am at the point where I'm wondering why I have taken on the added stress of studying but then remind myself it will all be worth it in the end.

    Still waiting for my OP to be knocked off mortgage balance so that will be next week now. We did win £25 on the PBs this month but it just goes straight back it as the bonds are savings for something specific so can't be used for OPing.

    I'm off to the quilt fair at the NEC with my mum this weekend which will be nice if spendy - really sad that I look forward to it all year :D. I've been putting some personal money aside for a few months so I have £100 to spend guilt free and I ordered the tickets online the other month. Only other thing on this weekend is that I've roped Mr Moomin into being my "client" for the next bit of coursework so get to put him through his paces at the gym :rotfl: have promised him dinner out as a thank you.

    Anyway I promise I will try to get better at updated but don't think I'll be back into regular posting until the end of the Summer holidays.

    Hope everyone has a fab weekend x
  • Moominmamma89
    Evening all - been mega busy last few days,

    Quilt Fair on Saturday was great fun and very inspiring, Mr Moomin got through his gym session on Sunday and bless was very enthusiastic about it all so did me proud and gave me a lovely evaluation which I just need to type up and submit online. Will do that tomorrow night thou as I have spent about 4 odd hours on studying today and can't face it tonight.

    Today was a NSD and manged to get kids out for a walk - Button is teething and Munchkin has an awful cough so wanted to get them some fresh air and just get us all out of the house for a bit.

    Had a viewing today which I think went well and hoping for an offer but I never seem to judge it right so who knows :o.

    Hope everyone has a lovely week x
  • ch4rly2002
    Hey Moominmama, I'm a bit behind with my diaries so I've just been catching up with yours. I'm glad the return to work went ok, and I'm really pleased that you figured out the job wasn't for you and have done something about it. Too many people waste years of their life miserable in their jobs (I am guilty of that at the moment, but plan to do something about it too). Well done on the marks! You are right to be proud, and I'm glad you have somewhere you can boast :D My brother-in-law and his wife live in California and have a PT that comes to their house twice a week for an hour work out. That's how they fit it in around work and it gives them the motivation as they know she's coming so they can't say they don't feel like exercising. Might be an idea when you become a PT to do an hour in the evening after the kids are in bed (maybe 8ish - I don't know what time kids go to bed as I don't have any!) while Mr Moomin looks after the kids. Just a thought anyway, but I wish you well in your studying and career change!
    You've done well getting so many viewings so quickly. I hope you sell soon so you can start planning your next adventure x
    Mortgage: Mar 2018 -£300,000 / Jul 2021 -£255,000
    Student Loan: March 2011 -£18,275.04 / Jul 2021 -£10,425.28
    Joint Savings: Aim £13.5k. Dec 2016 £1,700 / Jul 2021 £36,600
    Loan to In-Laws: Sep 2010 -£48,185.82 / Apr 2019 £0
    Car Loan: Sep 2018 -£16,265 / Apr 2019 £0
    Credit Card 0%: Nov 2016 -£4,500 / Apr 2019 £0
  • Moominmamma89
    HI Ch4rly - yes the idea was to try and fit it round Mr Moomin as he earns the main wage. To start with hoping to do it in evenings and my days off until I build up enough work to leave my office job.

    I have a call from my tutor at half 1 to let me know how the last bits of coursework have gone so fingers crossed I can come back to brag later rather than commiserate!

    We are at a wedding tomorrow evening and although we have just been invited to the evening because of the distance are going to stay over as my MIL has offered to let the kids sleepover so I'm looking forward to that especially as Mr Moomin has suggested a cinema trip in the afternoon.

    OP still hasn't been applied off the mortgage which is annoying - the bank have gone from it takes 5-7 business days to 5-10 business days which really bugs me as the payment is coming from an account with the same bank :mad:.

    Anyhoo off for a quick recap of my notes and will let you all know the outcome :)
  • Moominmamma89
    Passed with another 100% :T - very pleased as I've passed 6 of my 8 units. The last two have been submitted and are in the queue to be marked so should know by next week. It is a huge weight off my mind to have the coursework all submitted thou and means I can concentrate on the two papers and practical side.

    I have to say I'm surprised I have managed it as it's been 10 years since I did any studying and I've never done a subject like this. Poor Mr Moomin has had to put up with a few tears when things were getting tough and I felt like giving up - somedays he had more of a battle with me and my homework then he did with Munchkin and his :D. So I'm off to the shop to get him some sweets to say thanks for putting up with me.

    I forgot to say the viewers from Monday had a second viewing this morning and he took my mobile number and said he would contact me when they have had a think so fingers crossed we may have an offer this afternoon.

    Anyway I hope everyone has a fab weekend and sorry for the bragging post but I needed to get it out somewhere :o.

    Byeeeeeeee xx
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