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Be Lean for Halloween with Slimming World



  • Now I've found that the orange chocolate hifi bars (3 syns) are so chocolatey that 1 is enough for me.

    Don't like the Rocky road ones and not too fussed on the double choc ones either.....but I am looking forward to the mint ones though - been told if after eights are your thing to avoid them as they will be dangerous!!!!
  • Lois_Lane
    Lois_Lane Posts: 3,449 Forumite
    Morning all

    I have to keep reminding myself it's Saturday today, it's so quiet! It's always the same at this time of year but I forget how quiet it can be. Next weekend is half-term and their are plenty of bookings so our last week will be busier. In past years we've taken more in half-term than we do for the other 3 weeks of October.

    Bettyboof - sorry to hear you're still stuck. I know you tried a SAS log and had a good result from that, have you continued with the changes you made as a result? I know it's disheartening when you don't lose every week - I'm taking the (very) scenic route too - but SW does work so keep trying, you will get there.

    Catch you later - just had a customer in chatting to us for ages and now I'm going to make our lunch.

    LL :)
    Start BMI - 38.7 Current BMI - 31.2 Target BMI - 26.3
  • wizkid1
    wizkid1 Posts: 1,833 Forumite
    Good afternoon everyone this is my today's menu...

    Breakfast..crumpet and fruit B

    Lunch. Bacon egg and beans, clementine.

    Dinner.. gammon garden peas corn tomatoes plum.

    Extra 2 Ryvita 3 Syns slice of garlic bread. 6 Syns f f yoghurt.
    Probably all 15 Syns.
  • Abbafan1972
    Abbafan1972 Posts: 7,065 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Hi all,

    Hope everyone is fine. I have not been around for a while, as I've been on holiday. Came back last Sunday, but have spent the last few days catching up on stuff.

    Weighed in this morning and had a gain of 3lbs. Was expecting gain - I reckon it was more but I've really been good this week and I reckon some of it has dropped off.

    As of today I have 1 stone 3lbs to lose. I did have quite large breakfasts on holiday. We had half board - dinner wasn't until 8pm at the hotel which took a while to get used to, as by 6pm I was starving.

    Hope you all have a good week!
    Striving to clear the mortgage before it finishes in Dec 2028 - amount currently owed - £37,554.38
  • Prudent
    Prudent Posts: 11,475 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    joedenise wrote: »
    Maman - what a considerate DH, LOL! My DH always accuses me to having the biggest portion no matter I've made for dinner!

    Today's plan:

    B - toasted bacon & mushroom sandwich.
    L - sea food salad
    D - Lamb hotpot - recipe from one of the old booklets which came with a magazine some time ago. Will add more speed than the recipe uses.

    Does anyone else use the online food planner? If so, have you found you can't move between the days on the calendar as they've put a video over it!

    I e-mailed SW and got a standard reply saying I should check on the website for answers or contact my consultant! As if she'd have any idea how to sort it:rotfl:.


    I am really struggling with the online planner. I use the fit log, but am sticking with the paper planner for my meals.

    I have only been doing SW for a few weeks and am concerned I am eating too much. I would really welcome comments. Here is what I ate yesterday and today.


    B- Bran flakes (he b) and milk (heb a) with a banana

    L. Homemade Courgettte mint and pea soup (all free or super free ingredients). A wholemeal roll (6syns) with Quorn bacon (2syns)

    D. Butternut Squash and chilli risotto (recipe from SWveggie deluxe cookbook) and salad. A pear

    s. A banana


    B. As yesterday (this is an unusual deviation for me as I usually have oats soaked overnight in milk with berries, but the bran flakes need using up)

    L. Homemade Parsnip and apple soup (all free or super free), except olive oil at 1 syn for my portion of soup and a wholemeal roll (6 syns) filled with a scrambled egg

    D. I am making the cheesy Mexican bake from the Veggie Deluxe cookbook 1 & 1/2 syns and will serve with a salad. I will probably have an orange too.

    This seems a lot of food. Is it okay or should I cut back? I will be back on the oats when I have used up the Bran flakes.
    Frugal Living Challenge 2024 CROFT Crafting: £151.99/250, R (visiting daughter): £165/£500 Outside activities: £214/244 (Allotment), Outside 2 (Mud monsters et al) £152 F(Family visits): £93/400 Tummy (food budget): Aiming to use full budget monthly of £200
  • TakeItEazy
    TakeItEazy Posts: 2,707 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture Photogenic First Post
    BettyBoof wrote: »
    Popping in to report a STS please Shala. Was really good this week so disappointed. Not sure what to do re moving forward with SW.

    I think I'd better reduce my (crazy) 8lbs target for this challenge to 10lbs as a start.

    Hope everyone else has a great week!

    How do you reduce 8 to 10 :question: :D

    WI with gain of .4lb but back issues affecting tummy issues so probably the reason.

    Still in pain so not much to say :(

    Have a good weekend all :A
    Its not what you do but the way that you do it, thats what get results :T
    Keep the Faith All

    Heartbroken 12.12.13 :cry:
  • TakeItEazy
    TakeItEazy Posts: 2,707 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture Photogenic First Post
    Prudent wrote: »
    I am really struggling with the online planner. I use the fit log, but am sticking with the paper planner for my meals.

    I have only been doing SW for a few weeks and am concerned I am eating too much. I would really welcome comments. Here is what I ate yesterday and today.


    B- Bran flakes (he b) and milk (heb a) with a banana

    L. Homemade Courgettte mint and pea soup (all free or super free ingredients). A wholemeal roll (6syns) with Quorn bacon (2syns)

    D. Butternut Squash and chilli risotto (recipe from SWveggie deluxe cookbook) and salad. A pear

    s. A banana


    B. As yesterday (this is an unusual deviation for me as I usually have oats soaked overnight in milk with berries, but the bran flakes need using up)

    L. Homemade Parsnip and apple soup (all free or super free), except olive oil at 1 syn for my portion of soup and a wholemeal roll (6 syns) filled with a scrambled egg

    D. I am making the cheesy Mexican bake from the Veggie Deluxe cookbook 1 & 1/2 syns and will serve with a salad. I will probably have an orange too.

    This seems a lot of food. Is it okay or should I cut back? I will be back on the oats when I have used up the Bran flakes.

    Certainly not too much food :D

    As bananas aren't super free (unless they've changed :o) and the conscientious (?) is too many bananas aren't good for weight loss, I'd watch this! Also technically cooked apple = syns :(. How much oil is 1 syn? all adds up!

    Keep going it does work :A
    Its not what you do but the way that you do it, thats what get results :T
    Keep the Faith All

    Heartbroken 12.12.13 :cry:
  • Prudent
    Prudent Posts: 11,475 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    TakeItEazy wrote: »
    Certainly not too much food :D

    As bananas aren't super free (unless they've changed :o) and the conscientious (?) is too many bananas aren't good for weight loss, I'd watch this! Also technically cooked apple = syns :(. How much oil is 1 syn? all adds up!

    Keep going it does work :A

    Ah that makes sense, I hadn't thought about the apple being cooked. I used a tablespoons of oil and had 1/6th of the soup, as 1 tablespoons + 6 syns I then worked it out to be one syn. Now I need to work out the apple! 1/6th of two cooked apples? 2 syns? I will cut back on the bananas. Thank you :)
    Frugal Living Challenge 2024 CROFT Crafting: £151.99/250, R (visiting daughter): £165/£500 Outside activities: £214/244 (Allotment), Outside 2 (Mud monsters et al) £152 F(Family visits): £93/400 Tummy (food budget): Aiming to use full budget monthly of £200
  • mrsp1987
    mrsp1987 Posts: 815 Forumite
    Energy Saving Champion Cashback Cashier First Post Wedding Day Wonder
    I believe the generic going rate for oil is 1 1/2 syn per teaspoon (I could be way off the mark here though)!
  • maman
    maman Posts: 29,014 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Good to see your holiday gain disappearing already abbafan. Hope you had a good time. It's strange but we always eat about 7.30 in the evening. If I have to eat earlier then I'm looking for a snack before bedtime.:)

    TakeItEazy wrote: »
    Certainly not too much food :D

    As bananas aren't super free (unless they've changed :o) and the conscientious (?) is too many bananas aren't good for weight loss, I'd watch this! Also technically cooked apple = syns :(. How much oil is 1 syn? all adds up!

    Keep going it does work :A

    I'd agree with tie. Definitely not too much food. I don't remember if you've got the new books prudent but there have been changes to the terminology and also the fruit and veg lists. These days the 'good' ones are called Speed food rather than superfree. The list is at the beginning of the thread. It's not the words that matter, of course, but SW have decided that a number of fruits are too sugary to be helpful although still free. I'd see bananas as a waste of an opportunity to have Speed fruit like you'd normally do with your berries.

    My answer to everything is always eat more Speed :o but your menu does look a bit low. None at breakfast, none in the parsnip soup but I can't tell how big the salads are or how much veg is in the veggie meals. You'll probably get away with it if you're a veggie as the old Green menus didn't specify how much Speed.

    Chocolate in the evenings was getting a bit of a habit for me too (:wave:meg). I was only having about 3.5 per night but that mounts up over a week. I've put it away in the cupboard at least until I get back to the weight I'd like to be.

    DH continues to be helpful;). He gave me one slice of toast again this morning. I found that useful yesterday as I had a Benefit bar when I got home with a cuppa so didn't miss the chocolate. We've been out for a walk today, not really Body Magic just ambling in the sunshine. He wanted to know if this was part of my plan to lose 1.5lbs. He's never taken such a detailed interest.:)

    Today's EE plan:

    B: NAS grapefruit, 0.5 HEB toast, baked beans
    L: veggie (pepper, mushroom, spring onion) omelette with pickles
    D: pork burger, fried onions, patatas bravas, mushrooms, green stuff (asparagus, broccoli, peas, mange tout).
    Syns: weekend wine:j.
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