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Started for 2015!

Yesterday, came across a great gift, half price, which I bought for my granddaughter's 2015 Christmas stocking!

I usually set up a spread sheet on the computer listing gifts when I buy them, who they are for etc. Think this is the earliest I have started.


  • 7roland8
    7roland8 Posts: 3,601 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    I still have a few items I am carrying over to next year - plus an order of Xmas small items on sale which will come useful too - so most of the small 'friends' gifts done.
    Now on the lookout for nice cards reduced!
    Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day. -- Sally Koch
  • azzabazza
    azzabazza Posts: 1,072 Forumite
    I got cards 50% off yesterday at a RSPB gift shop. Also fantastic Christmas crackers with 70% off! I think some shops are reducing early this year.
  • Pollycat
    Pollycat Posts: 34,902 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post Savvy Shopper!
    azzabazza wrote: »
    Yesterday, came across a great gift, half price, which I bought for my granddaughter's 2015 Christmas stocking!

    I usually set up a spread sheet on the computer listing gifts when I buy them, who they are for etc. Think this is the earliest I have started.

    Yippee! Somebody as anal as me! :T ;)

    My spreadsheet also shows how much I paid, where I bought it from, how much the original price was, whether it's for Christmas or birthday.
    OH thinks I'm barmy. :p

    I've got stacks of stuff for Christmas next year, usually buy things when on holiday - unusual things that people can't get here.

    I'm lurking in Wilko waiting for them to reduce their Christmas lights, 240 LED reduced from £30 to £24 - but I only want to pay £15. :o
  • fluffypocket
    I do that too , with the spreadsheet , price I paid and the original price, I use the original price for the value of the gift when gifting, glad I am not alone in this.
    Also any leftover gifts from this year to carry over , I allocate against people and occasions on the spreadsheet
    If its not cheap and its not free I don't want it and I will wait till it is :p
  • balletshoes
    balletshoes Posts: 16,610 Forumite
    I don't have that many gifts to buy that I need a spreadsheet, but I do have a little list of stuff I've bought, who its for, what i paid, and what the RRP is.
  • moomoomama27
    Yes I do the spreadsheet with an amount next to each name. I've already started buying for 2015.
  • azzabazza
    azzabazza Posts: 1,072 Forumite
    Pollycat wrote: »
    Yippee! Somebody as anal as me! :T ;)

    My spreadsheet also shows how much I paid, where I bought it from, how much the original price was, whether it's for Christmas or birthday.
    OH thinks I'm barmy. :p


    Ha ha, MY OH says I use any excuse to set up a new spread sheet! I currently don't note the price paid/original price but I can feel the need to add a couple of extra columns!!! :D:D
  • Pollycat
    Pollycat Posts: 34,902 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post Savvy Shopper!
    azzabazza wrote: »
    Ha ha, MY OH says I use any excuse to set up a new spread sheet! I currently don't note the price paid/original price but I can feel the need to add a couple of extra columns!!! :D:D

    Go for it! ;)

    On the subject of lists, I don't have a spreadsheet but I do keep a list of everything in my freezer. Well, 2 lists actually. 1 for 'ready meals' such as batch cooked bol, chilli, shepherds pie bases etc and one for other stuff e.g. meat, fish.

    It has:
    date in, what it is, weight, where I bought it, how much it cost and how much it was originally (for reduced items).

    My sister says I should get out more. :rotfl:
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