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O/S Daily Friday 14th November 2014

O/S Daily Friday 14th November

This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything Old Style and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what Old Style things we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an Old Style natter. The more the merrier!

As this is the Old Style Board, it would be appreciated if posts could include some Old Style content. Please be aware that many people may have small screens, or slow internet connections, so please don’t post large pictures, or clip art – links are preferred. When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning.

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” is fine.


  • nmlc
    nmlc Posts: 4,788 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Morning everyone

    Birthday wishes to those celebrating a birthday, hope you have a great day x

    Hugs and get well wishes to those that want/need them.

    Still dark, but its wet wild and windy.

    DH and I up enjoying first cuppas of the day. DS1 up and getting ready for work.

    Dinner last night was breaded chicken pieces, with a chicken and prawn paella/rice thing, was nice to have something different. I have left different bits in the fridge and freezer for the boys whilst we’re away. I’m very much looking forward to our time away but hoping we can fit everything in the car!

    This morning I have to go to the bank before we leave, but other than that we can just get ready at our leisure and head off, we’re taking another couple.

    I managed to get all the ironing done yesterday and I also managed to clear the dirty washing basket, the washing machine was going all day!

    Have good Friday’s everyone x

    Take care x

    Keep safe and well x

    nmlc x
  • Gers
    Gers Posts: 12,165 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary
    Morning everyone.

    Thanks for starting the thread nmlc.

    Woken up by the wind battering the house so have made a cup of tea and come back to bed.

    Whilst it's still dark out the moon is very bright.

    Did a very very little C shopping. We don't really do the C festival apart from for overseas family and two sets of very close friends.

    Yesterday we had a 'day-early' takeaway. The weather was so foul when driving up it took longer to get home. When we got here I stuck the food in the oven whilst we sorted out bags, got a fire going and refilled the bird feeders. No wine...not on a 'school night'.

    No real idea of what today will need or bring though looking forward to reading about the OS dogs.

    Happy Friday everyone.
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Morning all
    Hubby's been fed & dropped off at work, I've come home to empty the DW & WM, I'll go back t work soon.
    The phone rang around midnight, someone parked their car in the school car park whilst visiting friends & was most aggrieved to find the school gates locked & that they were unable to retrieve their car. Would hubby go & unlock the gates for them. He might have done it if they had been polite, but they were rude & abusive, so he refused, lol.
    We have a child free weekend ahead, so I'm hoping for lots of sleep & lots of 'Hestering'
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs Hester
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • Essex-girl_2
    Good Morning Everyone

    Been MIA for ages - long story short - was doing a job over the summer running a bar which was 60hours min a week - loved it but was exhausted and didn't see the family and has my son has some issues at the moment I left in Sept.

    Plan was to get home and paperwork up straight then look for another job - part time this time. However it has been a few weeks and nothing has got done:eek:

    Been ill and had terrible toothache and couldn't find a dentist for weeks. Rotten tooth is now out (yesterday) and although a little tender it is a bug improvement. Now need to get my act together.

    Wont be able to do too much today as have meeting in town with my son at lunchtime, need to run a couple of errands then back home. Friend is dropping off their dog as we are looking after her for the weekend - oh and forgot to mention our dog is pregnant and about to drop at anytime which is very exciting but also very scary :o

    Need to get back in a routine and MSE'ng so first step is to get back on here . First step done yay :j

    Have'nt even had time to lurk recently so am behind with everyones news, I do see that there has been some sad losses to Old Style :(

    Anyway - going to make another cup of coffee then finish cleaning the oven shelves which I started yesterday before jumping in the shower. Have a great day all.x
  • [Deleted User]
    Good Morning everyone, what a wet day we have here today but it's so warm out there that I got really hot when I walked the Lurcha this morning. He's off to the vetty person for his blood test at 9.15 and I'm off to the city after that to start on christmas stocking shopping. He actually slept for a full night last night so we both got to sleep as well, what a difference a really good night makes to how you feel eh?

    We're feeling much more positive over the lads' future now , thanks for listening to my worries and being so kind and supportive. Hopefully somewhere in that little greying pointy head is still the dog we knew and if we're patient we might find a part of him and help him to have fun again. Going to try to enjoy every day with him from now on. Wish me luck in town with the shopping, I've not a clue what to get so I'm going to wander looking for inspiration!!! Lyn xxx.
  • [Deleted User]
    Good Morning all,bit like my friends grandson at the moment here 'wet'n'windy ' :):):):)Its also my gorgeous grandson Danny's birthday today and he is 24 I'm far to young to have a walloping great grandson of 24 for goodness sake :):):)Bless him he is a great chap.Happy birthday to anyone else celebrating today.
    Back at History club this afternoon and we are doing the history of around Charing cross in London which should be interesting.
    Only four more weeks until DGS Ben is home from Uni and I can't wait to feed him up a bit . They maybe grown up (well four of them are ) but they are still my grandchildren. I can still make a fuss of the three youngest boys though.:):):)
    Well its pension payday so I've just paid all my bills and am out of debt and danger for another month and am pleasantly in the black (won't last long as Christmas is looming and lots of birthdays as well.) All my 'fiscal fasting' is working :)
    Right onwards and upwards chums Have a good day and stay wrapped up warm if you have to brave the filthy weather outside
    Cheers JackieO xxx
  • donny-gal
    donny-gal Posts: 4,654 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    ¡Hola! :wave:
    Another one here needs to get my head and @ss in order, spending too much on the PC, joined some FB groups showing old photos of the area and some school photos, so got drawn into looking at those.playing patience games, and just generally "faffing". Also doing DS an Aran jumper for Xmas when hands allow. Touch wood, atm, they seem to be moving in the right direction..
    Winter is at last starting to show out here, some rain forecast for today, though it has not materialised yet, I may have to wear a cardigan inside as it is overcast, and the sun is still our heating, only 19C forcast for today, not quite sure how we will feel when we return in December. Skye is curled up in a tight ball, something she never does when its warm. No more rain forecast for a week, so I am sure we will cope!!
    Mrs LW I have been reading but not posting, but pleased you have better news for Dockie, and that is what we are here for, to give an ear when needed. ((hugs))
    EG :hello: Welcome Back, yes reading this does sort of give you a gentle kick in the right direction.
    HH That will teach them not to park there again then, won't it. Enjoy your Hestering Weekend ;):D:T:T
    nmic Steady on girl, you are only just out of pot!! Hope you weekend goes well.
    Must do some shopping today, and to put some Euros in our Spanish Bank. Lidl is where we will go to top up with basics, tonight I think we may be having Ham Omelettes as I seem to have an egg glut, and have ham in too. Still using up, but need some staples, and something for Sunday dinner. Maybe a chicken as it will spread several days. Saturday we are out with friends for their birthday.
    Judi I see you are a little disenchanted with FB, hope you will still post here, so we have newsof the SA house. :D
    Skye is just getting excited as DH is putting his shoes on ready to take her out for her first walk of the day. We are so lucky she goes around 10-12 hours overnight (it is 10.22am here). She is a lovely little star, she doesn't attack my knitting wool, and only bothers us if she is hungry, her water bowl is empty or needs to go out, otherwise she just like to snuggle up with us, or walk to anyone passing. She does let them know though if they dare to pass without saying hello to her. As soon as she sees us putting our shoes on though, great excitement, yapping, and spinning, chasing her tail. She is going to miss our next door neighbours who have just left to return to Norway. They have treats for her, and as soon as she hears their voice, she starts "talking" to them so they lean over the wall to say hello, and talk to her in Norwegian. She is also fluent in Dutch, Spanish, and German, they think her a very clever dog!! Our Norwegian neighbours are a delight to have next door, they have a laugh and a joke with us, we went to the Chinese with them last night, for a farewell meal, without us living in each others pockets.
    Well enough waffle from me.
    Molly, LW and all others under the weather ((hugs)), spoons, positive vibes. Take care EVERYONE. DG
    Member #8 of the SKI-ers Club
    Why is it I have less time now I am retired then when I worked?
  • RosyRed
    RosyRed Posts: 3,124 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    edited 14 November 2014 at 10:46AM
    Morning all,

    W et & wild here too-I'm not taking Lyla out this morning so I can rest my painful knee,DS will walk her later.We've been trying to get hold of the Sports Therapist who comes to the house for DS2s back but he must be busy & not got back to him yet.Lyla is sulking and trying to find things to chew,naughty pup ;)

    Not sure whats for tea,I've been very lax with my meal plan this week.Last night did pizzas with some bases I found in the freezer,basically ham & pineapple.Got a massive pineapple from Lids last week,used some of that on top,really sweet & juicy.Prob said it before but DS2 reacts badly to tomato so I put Daddies sauce on his base instead -gives it a bit of a bbq/sweet n sour taste which goes well with ham etc :D

    DGS is being dropped off later this aft to stay overnight,& both DGC are off to a party tomorrow. DGD Mum asked me to make an angel costume for her but I popped into ASda on Wednesday after I met my group of old schoolfriends for lunch,and spotted a lovely one for £8.I thought by the time I'd bought a sheet or fabric and trimmings it was hardly worth it making one ( I got rid of a lot of my fabric stash when we moved)Anyway her Mum must have thought the same & bought one but its too long so she's sent it to me to be shortened.

    I havent done any C shopping yet and can't rustle up any enthusiasm either with it being painful to walk so have been looking online- its mainly the DGC these days,have spotted one thing for DGS but its also his 1st birthday in a couple of weeks so need to keep looking.

    Anyway hope you all have a good day xx

    Welcome back Essex girl,you've been busy! Good luck with the pups when they arrive.

    Mrs LW- glad you all got a good nights sleep.The vet prescribed those tablets for Lylas firework phobia and they certainly helped her,so fingers crossed for lovely Docky.
    :heartsmil 'A woman is like a teabag: You never know her strength until you drop her in hot water'. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  • busiscoming2
    Morning all,

    Donnygal - 19 degrees. I wouldn't be complaining about that! :)

    Hester - Shouldn't laugh, but serves them right!

    Chucked it down earlier but seems to have stopped for a bit. My new mattress has just been delivered. Got it from an independent local company and had no problems with them putting it upstairs for me. I've just fought with the old one and managed to get it down the stairs on my own. It's days like this I wish we didn't have a town house with curly stairs!

    Going to make a flan thing for dinner with chorizo and veg. Probably have it with wedges.

    Have a good Friday :)
  • hilstep2000
    Morning all,
    The rain has stopped, thank goodness. Thought I may have to start building an ark!:rotfl:

    Finally found a decorator who is coming to quote tomorrow. I just can't do it myself anymore.

    OH is out on business, so I am catching up with my recorded TV.

    Not sure what to have for dinner. Had toad in the hole last night.

    Happy Birthday if it is yours today

    (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to poorly people.
    I Believe in saving money!!!:T
    A Bargain is only a bargain if you need it!

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