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Missing cat - NOW FOUND! :)

jenny_ramone Posts: 34 Forumite
edited 7 August 2012 at 4:53PM in Pets & pet care
Our cat, Floyd, didn't come home on Tuesday night and hasn't been seen since. He's microchipped, but doesn't wear a collar. We live in Purton, near Swindon. He's never disappeared before. I've phoned all the vets and they've told me that any vet to take him in will scan him straight away, haven't heard anything, so he's still out there somewhere (we hope). I've visited all my neighbours and given them flyers with his picture and my contact details, put up posters, put adverts on every "lost and found" site I can find (including our local CPL and council) and we spent hours last night wandering around calling for him (and checked the sides of the roads :(). My other cat is distraught without him, and we are too. Any suggestions of what else we can do would be greatly appreciated.....

His details (just in case anyone is local) - small black male neutered cat, no white marks, approx 5 yrs old. Microchipped, but no collar. Missing from Thompson Court in Purton since 24 July, no sightings of him since.

Thank you :(

Edited to add - Floyd has been found :)


  • Katanak
    Katanak Posts: 8 Forumite
    So sorry to hear this.

    Are you on Facebook? If so, post it on there and ask everyone to share and get their friends to share too.

    In addition, contact your local RSPCA and notify them. Many branches have a Facebook page too and are happy to post details for you.

    Knock on many doors as you can and ask people to check in their sheds, garages, lock ups, whatever...

    Good luck - I really hope that you get him back soon. x
  • McKneff
    McKneff Posts: 38,855 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    It's amazing how many lost cats owners come on here, absolutlely frantic and understandably so, and in a short time, they come back on saying 'he's just wandered in as if nothing has happened'

    Hopefully this will happen for you.
    Good luck in finding him.
    make the most of it, we are only here for the weekend.
    and we will never, ever return.
  • katiefinger
    katiefinger Posts: 54 Forumite
    McKneff wrote: »
    It's amazing how many lost cats owners come on here, absolutlely frantic and understandably so, and in a short time, they come back on saying 'he's just wandered in as if nothing has happened'
    My Boy has been missing for over three months now but I still live in hope that I can be one of those owners!

    Jenny, so sorry. Hopefully he'll toddle home soon. If the weather has been anything like ours (hot! and with the neighbours taking the opportunity to potter in the garden) he could have borrowed someone's open garage/shed to sleep in and cool off so do knock on your neighbours doors and get them to check.
    Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. So it goes.
  • BonitaG
    BonitaG Posts: 21 Forumite
    Sorry to hear Floyd has gone missing!
    I think it would be a good idea if you also contact the council and let them know you are missing a cat and what he looks like.

    I am saying that because my friend's cat went missing a couple of years ago. Unfortunately with the worst possible outcome. The council collected the cat, but did NOT scan his microchip. So she only found out two days later when the person who had found him saw the poster and called.

    I really hope Floyd is ok and comes home very soon! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Please let us know.
  • BonitaG
    BonitaG Posts: 21 Forumite
    Hi Jenny,
    just had another thought. If he is microchipped, he will be registered on a central database. Check who you are registered with. My dogs are with Identichip and they offer a service helping to look for the missing pet (contacting rescue agencies, vets etc) so everyone who needs to know will know. Depending on what memebership level you went for at the time, it might even be free. Best to give them a call and find out what they can do for you and what it will cost.
    Good luck!
    ALIBOBSY Posts: 4,527 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper Third Anniversary
    I agree with the poster about sheds, our 2 have nearly been shut in ours several times in the last few days as it has been open in the day whilst we were in the garden.

    Had a neighbour quite a few years ago whose big tom cat used to dissapear for several days at a time on a regular basis, but always came back. Then one time 3 months passed with no sign. They tried vets/neighbours/posters,nothing. So sadly they had to assume he was dead or elsewhere. They got 2 kittens and moved on with life.

    2 YEARS later in the summer with the patio doors open, said tom cat just saunters in and plonks himself on the couch! Shocked wasn't the word lol.

    They took him to the vet as he looked a bit bedraggled who said the cat had, had a broken leg which had been set and healed. They wondered if he had been run over and taken to a vets further away and perhaps taken in by a charity then rehomed and eventually when he got the chance legged it back home? Who knows lol. But he wasn't chipped, at least if they are chipped if they end up at the vets you will find out.

    I have had an older cat just wander off and not comeback. The vet said not unusual for older cats to go off to die, but younger cats its usually trapped somewhere, having a wander or an accident.

    Hope all the wanderers return soon.

    "Overthinking every little thing
    Acknowledge the bell you cant unring"

  • Sorry for the delay in replying - Floyd has been found! :D

    I'd put flyers through all my neighbours doors, put posters up, adverts on every site I could think of, phoned the council (they check for microchips), etc etc.... then someone phoned last night and said "I think your cat is in our garage..." and as they were on the phone, he came running up the garden! He'd been shut in for two days and I was getting really worried what with the hot weather.

    We're SO pleased he's safe, thank you everyone for your helpful replies!! :D:D:D
  • picklepick
    picklepick Posts: 4,048 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    Aww I love a happy ending!
    What matters most is how well you walk through the fire
  • Mayflower10cat
    Mayflower10cat Posts: 1,148 Forumite
    Me too, so very relieved for you that Floyd has returned!
  • MagicCats
    MagicCats Posts: 282 Forumite
    Probably happy in the garage out of the sun. Saved him turning into 'Pink Floyd' :rotfl:

    So glad he's back, and I LOVE his name (I'm a massive Pink Floyd fan)
    2012 Wins: 1 x Case of Lanson Champagne :beer:
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