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  • Kimitatsu
    Kimitatsu Posts: 3,894 Forumite
    redlady_1 wrote: »
    That is what I am missing, a general DIY bod. I want a fence putting up but suspect the digging out of the plants/hedge/trees that are there will be more than putting the fence up.

    the dreaded cellar of doom will need doing at some point. Perhaps I should have bought some floor tiles for the dungeon (as it is known down the pub!) while I was at it but I have just spent a fortune so thought better of it.

    Redlady I just asked at the local college and the neighbours to see if anyone wanted to earn a few extra quid. He is 19 and so needs direction (ie I have to tell him what I want doing and he has x amount of time to do it in!) but in the main he is a good lad.

    If you have the dungeon of doom (love that lol) then I bought some damp stop in focus today, already on offer at 25% off when they went into administration it was reduced by a further 20% today. Great if you have a little bit of damp - we do on one wall, after the builders came replastered it and the salt came back through they said they didnt know what caused it. An investigation of the back garden produced a well - ahhh that will be it then doh!
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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 12,492 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    the 60s bbc 2 NOW lulu
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 12,492 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    I will go back to read the several pages I have skipped but I want to keep you up to date on futures. Here are a few snippets from today 30 may

    extreme weather threatened to limit output as global demand increases. (this refers to agricultural)

    The Standard & Poor’s GSCI Agriculture Index climbed for the second straight week as droughts lingered in China and Europe while excess moisture delayed planting in the U.S. and Canada. Last week, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley signaled a bullish outlook for commodities, raising their forecasts for crude-oil prices by more than 20 percent. (bullish means that futures prices are going UP)

    The global recovery from a recession that followed the 2008 financial crisis “is gaining strength and is becoming more self-sustained, (this means that other nations will be more competitive for commodities)

    I cannot get through to my own DDs about stocking to save money later. Anyway heres the info and do with it what you will. I know what I am going to do!!
  • Mrs_Veg_Plot
    Mrs_Veg_Plot Posts: 960 Forumite
    Jediteacher congratulations :j and ouch ;).

    Have sorted out the car problem. Have discussed it with DD who despite being only 15 has a considerable amount of money in savings as we have always saved and not spent her disability allowance. Anyway we are borrowing the money for a car from her and will pay it back as soon as we can. I do not feel good about doing this but it is the only way we can afford it :(. I am supposed to be off as it is half term but have worked an extra shift Sat, Sun and Mon and will also be working extras next Sat and Sun as well. Any spare will be used to start paying her back.

    Went to a surprise 40th birthday and a wedding last week. The bride and groom gave all of the guests at the day reception a lottery ticket for Saturdays draw. Must check to see if mine was a winner. Have discussed with OH what we would do if either of our tickets won. I would share it with the bride and groom but OH said he would rather give a smaller amount but give it to all of the wedding guests. Not sure which is the better idea?

    Went shopping on Sun and struck lucky with woopsie lamb in Tesco, so ended up spending much more than planned but it does mean I will not be buying much meat for the rest of the month so it all evens out.

    OH colitis is settling down so I am starting to introduce a more normal diet back into the household. I never thought I would miss brown bread so much, not that he can eat that yet.

    Will be planting my beans and courgettes out this week using Greyqueen’s sunken milk bottle idea as a way of conserving water. Have managed to persuade OH to put a bowl in the shower to catch the water wasted whilst he waits for it to warm up. We do this for both of our showers and he was impressed to see we are saving a washing up bowl full each day.

    Enjoy the rest of the BH weekend.

    Mrs VP
    I am playing all of the right notes just not necessarily in the right order :D.
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    kittie wrote: »
    I will go back to read the several pages I have skipped but I want to keep you up to date on futures. Here are a few snippets from today 30 may

    extreme weather threatened to limit output as global demand increases. (this refers to agricultural)

    The Standard & Poor’s GSCI Agriculture Index climbed for the second straight week as droughts lingered in China and Europe while excess moisture delayed planting in the U.S. and Canada. Last week, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley signaled a bullish outlook for commodities, raising their forecasts for crude-oil prices by more than 20 percent. (bullish means that futures prices are going UP)

    The global recovery from a recession that followed the 2008 financial crisis “is gaining strength and is becoming more self-sustained, (this means that other nations will be more competitive for commodities)

    I cannot get through to my own DDs about stocking to save money later. Anyway heres the info and do with it what you will. I know what I am going to do!!

    Kittie i totally agree about this..i am having few problems getting it through to my older girls about food prices..they are just now starting to see it for themselves but i shudder to think how high prices are going to get...thansk for the info too..i am going to stock up and keep gong with my "good life plan"..and stuff the supermarket:D..
    going back to read rest of pages now
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • gailey_2
    gailey_2 Posts: 2,329 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi guys

    apologies for absence finding 2 under 2 keeping me busy.

    Its horrible rainy day here.
    waited in for someone to look at pram im selling but they dident turn up:mad:.

    My dad thourghtfully given me 25wine bottles to fill with elderflower champers but not had chance to pick the flowers, get the ingrediants and new bucket needs to be my priority this week.
    Alongwith working out how to make jam in breadmaker.

    We dont have much food in the house desperatly need store cupboard shop.

    Want to start slimming world tommorow so challange is be on a diet without costing more than spend now.Most of its hm made mealsfrom scratch so think can keep coststo a minimum and I dont mind quorn.

    Still trying to declutter and organise.

    congrats jedi teacher on new baby.

    sammy k-same as you want to stockpile but notsure where as kitchens so small.Also thinking about xmas need to go carbootsoon and start my shopping as have 3kids to buy for this year.
    pad by xmas2010 £14,636.65/£20,000::beer:
    Pay off as much as I can 2011 £15008.02/£15,000:j

    new grocery challenge £200/£250 feb

    KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON:D,Onwards and upward2013:)
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Hi all..well its been raining here since very early hours this morning ...but its warm tots playing nicely in play tents,hubby mooching as he wants to get stuff done...i had a lightbulb moment last night..yes i know i don't have them very often..but my tumble drier is making my clothes smell bloody awful..and as a result i will not use it have had piles of washing building up waiting for a warm or windy i say lightbulb went airing cupboard is really huge and always warm..i have put clothes in there before to finish off drying and they do and they smell nice...anyway i am very anal about my washing..weird i know...i don't like the piles all over back to point..i thought why don't i take all my bed linen out of it and put poles up and hang my washing in there to dry..and put bed linen in blanket box on the landing,throws and big blankets can go in my old fashioned i think its a great idea and so does hubby..we had a look for a blanket box and i refuse to pay £30 for he has plenty of wood in his shed he is going to make me one...thats why he is mooching around driving me potty...
    Have quick question do you freeze then re-heat jacket potatoes and can i store new potatoes that have been par-boiled in the freezer until i want them...???????
    Had a quiet day really..been darning socks all day..anyway off to have tea..
    love to you all
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • HariboJunkie
    HariboJunkie Posts: 7,740 Forumite
    Thank you Redlady and Kimatsu for your common sense advice re the extension. :A OH is very keen to build our own house but a) we haven't found a suitable plot and b) I know he will try to build it himself and we have a business to run. :cool:
    So the answer in the meantime, until we find the dream plot, is to add another bedroom and bathroom and give OH a workroom/store on ground level. Need to get lots of quotes in next.

    Re dolmades (stuffed vine leaves), the recipe given is lovely but remember to blanch the leaves first. :)

    I'm almost ashamed to say it after my rant this morning but the sun has shone here all day. :eek::D:j:beer::T Can't believe it. The dog has been walked well and the garden tidied.
    FR chicken salad tonight with HM bread and HG lettuce, radish, spring onions, rocket and coriander.
    Boy, does the sun make a difference to my mood. :D
  • saveabobortwo
    saveabobortwo Posts: 357 Forumite
    what food stuffs are you going to stock up on? how much do you purchase?.Been to a boot fair today not to sell as sometimes i wonder whether i am literally giving away goods i may need to rebuy at a more expensive price at a later date. today for 20p got a large stainless steel mixing bowl for making cakes 2 free candle holders,a car vac in full working order for 1 pound an antique corner cabinet made of oak for 3 pounds.and a very nice large blue and white lamp with the shade for 2 pounds . an antique fire guard for 3 pounds so was very pleased with the bargains i found .i do find nyself becoming increasingly aware of whats going on with our local economy ie what shops are shutting down etc can t really help not notice it. thankyou to the poster who told us about giving her dog some of her casserol from her slow cooker. we have had to change our little dogs food to the cheapest brand and it dont look that appetising so will use slow cooker to make stews and he can have some of ours he is one of the family anyway and i like to know he has good foods aswell.
  • [Deleted User]
    Thank you all for the warnings about potential food-price increases. We have been on a very strict budget for several months and our supplies are very low- DH reckoned just buying as we needed things would keep our costs down, this has always stressed me since I have always been used to having a very small stock of tinned and frozen foods- not much- but now we have nothing so I need to get a move on.
    Being a regulaer reader of this thread can see the price of lots of food items have been creeping up slowly (and not so slowly in many cases), so I have emptied a bookcase in spare room, going to try to sell the books, this should give me extra pennies towards my store-cupboard.
    Thanks again for the warning :T:T
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