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Help - my 10 jars of tomato chutney are too runny.



  • mrs_baggins
    mrs_baggins Posts: 1,290 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Hi all I posted about my glut of plums yesterday and barneysmum very kindly gave me this link to a recipie for some chutney.

    As i had a lot of plums I doubled up the quantities. After te required amount of cooking time it was still very runny so i left it to cook some more. I bottled it and it was still very runny but I thought it may have formed up overnight. Alas no! Any ideas on how I can get it a bit firmer. Can i put it back into a pan at this late date and cook it some more? Any ideas on what went wrong?
  • DawnW
    DawnW Posts: 7,495 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    It is simply a matter of putting it all back in the pan and cooking it some more! It is hard to give a precise time for chutney because the ingredients vary in the amount of water they contain. Boil it (fairly gently, don't let it burn) till it is thick enough to leave a trail when you stir it with a wooden spoon. As you say, it will thicken up a bit more as it cools, but must be quite thick to start with. All you are doing by boiling it further is evaporating the water. Once enough has evaporated, it will be nice and thick. Good luck.
  • mrs_baggins
    mrs_baggins Posts: 1,290 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    cheers thanks!!!
  • oliveoyl
    oliveoyl Posts: 3,379 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped! Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I made some chutney a few days ago (mango though) and it took just short of 3 hours to reduce down to being syrupy.

    Make your own Pot Noodles using a flower pot, sawdust and some old shoe laces. Pour in boiling water, stir then allow to stand for two minutes before taking one mouthful, and throwing away. Just like the real thing!
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    Hi mrs baggins,

    I hope you managed to get it sorted out. I have added your thread to an earlier one on runny chutney to keep the suggestions together.

  • mrs_baggins
    mrs_baggins Posts: 1,290 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    well I had three jars of quite rnny plum chutney yesterday and so I bunged it all back in the pan for about an hour and I now have TWO jars of plum chutney! hopefully these will set nice
  • I have chutney on the cooker now. I've simmered it, lid off for 3 hours and it still is really runny, with no hint of sticking at the bottom of the pan.

    1/2 an hour ago I strained off some of the liquid, but it's looking quite pathetic - like a load of veg sitting in vinegar tbh. Nowhere near a chutney consistency. :(

    I'm really down about it. Will cornflour do the trick or will I ruin the entire batch? I really want to rescue this as I forked out on cyder vinegar for the occasion :mad:

    It doesn't have a high fruit content - it's marrow with onions, tomatoes and apples. Does anyone have any rescue tips for me. Having read through the thread I think I've tried everything............
  • bigpaws23 wrote: »
    I have chutney on the cooker now. I've simmered it, lid off for 3 hours and it still is really runny, with no hint of sticking at the bottom of the pan.

    1/2 an hour ago I strained off some of the liquid, but it's looking quite pathetic - like a load of veg sitting in vinegar tbh. Nowhere near a chutney consistency. :(

    I'm really down about it. Will cornflour do the trick or will I ruin the entire batch? I really want to rescue this as I forked out on cyder vinegar for the occasion :mad:

    It doesn't have a high fruit content - it's marrow with onions, tomatoes and apples. Does anyone have any rescue tips for me. Having read through the thread I think I've tried everything............

    I wouldn't have advised straining off the liquid - this will contain the sugar and vinegar which are essential if the chutney is to keep ;)

    I'd put them back and be patient in your boiling down of the chutney - it'll work in the end, but may take a while, with high water content ingredients :o

    Penny. x
    :rudolf: Sheep, pigs, hens and bees on our Teesdale smallholding :rudolf:
  • Thanks Penny; I've taken your advise and just need to be more patient. I was panicking at the thought of all those wasted ingredients (and time!)
  • bigpaws23 wrote: »
    Thanks Penny; I've taken your advise and just need to be more patient. I was panicking at the thought of all those wasted ingredients (and time!)

    :D Do be patient - it can take hours for chutney to be ready ;) I tend to prepare mine one day, then put it on to boil first thing the next morning.

    You then need to be patient again - fresh chutney tastes very harsh - it takes a good 6 weeks to mature :D

    Penny. x
    :rudolf: Sheep, pigs, hens and bees on our Teesdale smallholding :rudolf:
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