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Mental Welfare Commission

Has anybody had any dealing with the Mental Welfare Commission? Or heard of the work they do etc?

They're looking into my care as I don't have things in place. They said there concerned regarding me!!

I was meant to be at a CPN appointment, never went could not get out of bed. Beside the point. I am dreading when I see her (CPN) so much!!

One/ Missing the appointment, even though it is all crap we speak about. Pointless, really is.

Two} This mental welfare commission. I'm going be asked questions by my CPN/Shrink. For defo!


  • wolfehouse
    wolfehouse Posts: 1,394 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    the mental welfare commission are the good guys.
    they protect you and your rights in relation to the care you get.

    it won't be you per se that they are worried about, it will be whether the care you are getting is appropriate or given correctly.

    here is their website (in scotland)http://www.mwcscot.org.uk/mwc_home/home.asp

    it sounds like they want to give yor cpn/shrink advise about your treatment...a second opinion if you will.

    did someone call their helpline about your case?
    if you are worried you can call the helpline and they will explain things to you.

    by the way they are also the ones who run tribunals (for compulsary treatment orders) but that is an entirely different process
  • nanamoo
    nanamoo Posts: 96 Forumite
    hi bryando, try not to worry about it

    when my OH had a cpn he had some one from the M.W.C sit in on a couple of sessions, they were there to ensure that his rights were being observed and that he was getting the help that he needed
  • Bryando
    Bryando Posts: 1,464 Forumite
    I phoned, wish I never. Dread all I can say, DREAD!

    Decided to take responsable steps. These voices I have and the past I had with them.

    I spoke to my CPN and said my voices were going down hill. to be advised to reflect on my life and see what is causing the turn. I felt a bit woried due to the fact at times I end up arrested for people safety or my own. The CPNs etc seem to think as I'm aware what is happening I be fine. What they dont get into there head is the fact at times I can't even remember things. Did I do that etc etc etc! I deem myself a danger when the voices start going .

    I dont like the fact I am a 'walking time ... ' as people have said to me. I don't like the fact I have a past and yet sit here and well........ Reflect on what has happened recently ''as there must be something''!

    I'm fed up with a situation of something has to happen before I'm either lifted or what ever.. Yet if I end up in A&E I'm blasted for not taking steps to prevent me getting to this stage.

    Also being told I don't need an Advocate when detained as I am highly intelligent and be able to work out my own problems. Yet another year of CPNs and Psychiatrists. Why? Thats 5 years and yet again a new shrink and yet again the topic for discussion is the voices!

    I can tell when the voices are starting in a way that scares me. Then its like flicking a switch. Something has happened and can just mind few things re it. Can't sort out things in order etc etc.

    I've been tempted to write to the media and senior MSPs.

    Could scream
  • Bryando
    Bryando Posts: 1,464 Forumite
    Also my shrink will know I have phoned they told me. Feel like never going to see them. As I missed my cpn appointment she will send a leeter and if dont get back to her. They take me of their books. Thinking of ignoring the letter. As really pointless going, had enough. Time to stand rather than draging myself to sit and yap about well. Take your pick.
  • savagej
    savagej Posts: 1,158 Forumite
    edited 25 January 2010 at 10:06AM
    Unfortunately Bryando, your experience is exactly the same as many on the NHS. I have had the issue in A&E (I call it the goal post on wheels, no matter what you do it is wrong and ends up being your fault certainly not theirs), I have been told I am very intelligent I should be able to work it out, I was once told "you know if you answer yes to this next question I am not letting you out of here", (which was "are you planning on killing yourself") needless to say I picked up my jacket and walked.

    I have been in the "system" since 1992, must have seen well over 20 Consultant Psychs and can only think of maybe 2 out them that were any use what so ever. I recently hurt my knee and had to have an MRI scan in the Orthopaedic Dept, I walked out wondering if I had been in a BUPA Hospital as all of my previous experience was Psychiatry. I was treated like I was human, like it was not abnormal not know how the body work, I was even asked if I wanted copied into to correspondence with my GP.

    If I could afford it I would go private.

    Hope the MHC works out for you.
  • Bryando
    Bryando Posts: 1,464 Forumite
    savagej wrote: »
    Unfortunately Bryando, your experience is exactly the same as many on the NHS. I have had the issue in A&E, I have been told I am very intelligent I should be able to work it out, I was once told "you know if you answer yes to this next question I am not letting you out of here", (which was "are you planning on killing yourself") needless to say I picked up my jacket and walked.

    I have been in the "system" since 1992, must have seen well over 20 Consultant Psychs and can only think of maybe 2 out them that were any use what so ever. I recently hurt my knee and had to have an MRI scan in the Orthopaedic Dept, I walked out wondering if I had been in a BUPA Hospital as all of my previous experience was Psychiatry. I was treated like I was human, like it was not abnormal not know how the body work, I was even asked if I wanted copied into to correspondence with my GP.

    If I could afford it I would go private.

    I'm so glad to read your post. I don't mean that bad, just well put it this way. It is not just me!

    Yes what they come out is well reckless in my opinion. If you dont meet what the textbook says, then they are well. Puzzled! Head in books, bum in the air!

    I honestly wish I was not as switched on as I am. Then things may be easy. Fed up with it, so fed up. What do you think it cost to get a assessment by a independant shrink?
  • savagej
    savagej Posts: 1,158 Forumite
    edited 25 January 2010 at 11:27AM
    "its not just me", is how I felt when I read your post. I feel like printing it out and sending it to my local mental health resourse centre.

    Also agree with the the if it does not fit the book, after all of these years I do not have an completely official diagnosis just lots of speculative ones. My current shrink said some people with complex problems fit some on the symptoms in of one condition and one of another and so on and actually have all of them. So I am going through a "review" to arrrange a referral to an "ultra-specialist unit", no idea what that means, to try and work out exactly what I have.

    It is either bipolar, or schzioaffective, plus generalised anxiety, OCD, social phocia, panic attacks and it goes on and on and on.

    Let us know how things go.



    Edit: for your first appointment at the Priory it is about £150-200.
  • Bryando
    Bryando Posts: 1,464 Forumite
    If only I could get a independant Psychiatrist, if only!

    with me its been Borderline Personality disorder. However this got shaky when I confronted two CPNs whom were adamant that you only need to traits! However I asked my G.P. he looked into for me and well bingo. They were talking crap. So says it all and they are Psychiatric Nurses, yet another two whom forget they are 'nurses'. Fed up with CPNs thinking they are Doctors, discovered this with mental health.

    However there was Schizophrenia, anxiety, depression. Then there was the pumped me full of drugs and my G.P. got me off them. doing no good, how can you help somebody if you don't know what is up. He had a point!
  • savagej
    savagej Posts: 1,158 Forumite
    edited 25 January 2010 at 4:06PM
    One of my relatives is now retired but was a Consultant Psychiatrist in the private sector. He has told me in order to be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder you need to meet a whole host of criteria and he has read papers by some of the Psych's specialising in personaility disorders who say they will not diagnose this disorder without the follow 2 being present (even if all other critera are met):
    1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. Note: Do not include suicidal or self-injuring behavior covered in Criterion 5
    2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation (also called splitting)
    This is from DSM critera, there is a similar disorder is the ICD manual and I think they are considering re-naming the entire thing to "emotionally unstable disorder" or even to some kind of bipolar disorder (Borderline comes from the border of psychosis and neurosis which is probably why you have been told at one point you have Schizophernia). It is subject to much debate, is it really a separate disorder or is it something which lie on what is called the "bipolar specturm".
    If you do have it the current best treatment is supposed to be a very high dose of an SSRI, a low dose of an anti-psychotic, a mood stabilizer and something called Dialectical Behavioural Therapy. I can try and post some of the research but it is all out there on Google, just look for Borderline Personality Disorder treatments.

    Some days I fit the criteria too but the treatment for it and bipolar disorder are the same so I win either way. Well if it is ever possible to win with a mental illness.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 3,401 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    i am disagnıosed bi polar and take that cocktail and have kept well for 9 years--small amount of respiridone -carbamazipine and a ssri--ventlafaxine--works for me and i never suffer side affects or swings--my life is great now -i have married and work--i was a mess for years before the magic cocktail was prescribed
    mfw'11 No68- 55k mortgage İO--little to nothing saved! i must do better.
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