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Gas supply - No idea who!

We have been in our property for 3 yrs and we are yet to pay for the gas we are using. We have tried to find out who is the supplier but honestly got stuck at every turn. As it turns out we have not paid for gas at all.

Question is... what do we do? Do we wait for the supplier to ring us? Do we try again and hope to find them?

We are happy to pay for the gas and I am expecting to pay for some back payment which we can afford.

Hoping someone can shed some light on the issue.


  • xmaslolly76
    xmaslolly76 Posts: 3,974 Forumite
    We had a different problem two companies claimed to be supplying us i was advised to contact transco they should be able to tell you who is supplying the property.
    :jFriends are like fabric you can never have enough:j
  • JennyR68
    JennyR68 Posts: 416 Forumite
    edited 24 January 2010 at 7:47PM
    Uk energy.co.uk says -

    Gas - This service is provided by Xoserve Ltd.
    If your gas is supplied through the national gas network, The thing that identifies your gas supply is the meter point number, you can find this out and also who supplies your home by phoning the national Meter Number Helpline on 0870 608 1524.
    If you need to identify the gas network to which you are connected contact the Gas Network Identity Line: 0870 1600229.
  • Phone National Grid and they will tell you who the supplier is.

    three years is going to be a huge bill plus what your using just now. Why have you not seen to this earlier ?
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    We Know He's Not a Chelsea Fan.
    Fernando Torres = El Judas
  • We honestly did try try to find the supplier. We phoned the national service and we spend time with people on the phones trying to sort it out. I will try the numbers tomorrow. One might ask why they would not come looking for the payment though. 3 yrs... no money but no disconnection... Doesn't sound like any utility company I know!
  • Premier_2
    Premier_2 Posts: 15,141 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    How to identify your gas supplier

    If that fails completely, it could be that you have a shipperless site
    "Now to trolling as a concept. .... Personally, I've always found it a little sad that people choose to spend such a large proportion of their lives in this way but they do, and we have to deal with it." - MSE Forum Manager 6th July 2010
  • lemontart
    lemontart Posts: 6,037 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    also if it is shipperless or has no listed supplier then it is the suppliers of choice responsibilty to request for a new mprn to be generated on your behalf.
    I am responsible me, myself and I alone I am not the keeper others thoughts and words.
  • JennyR68
    JennyR68 Posts: 416 Forumite
    Did you get anywhere with those numbers?
  • I found myself in exactly the same situation with electricity on a new build property.

    After 3.5 years, somebody realised they had not been billing and sent us a HUGE bill.

    But the rules say that if they have not attempted to bill a customer then they can only back date the bill for 12 months.

    So hang on to all the letters you have sent trying to find out who your supplier was. You may need to prove you made the effort but in reality, the worse you should be looking at is a 12 month bill. You may need to stand your ground when the time comes (in my case the supplier didn't argue) and a 12 month bill is still going to hurt but look on the bright side.

    So far you have had 2 years free gas
  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,048 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Networkguy wrote: »
    But the rules say that if they have not attempted to bill a customer then they can only back date the bill for 12 months.

    As you indicate, that is not necessarily so for new occupants.

    You will need to prove that you have written, and received a reply! from the authorities.

    It isn't open season for people to move into new properties and say we made lots of phone calls etc. The moment you use any energy you have entered a legally binding deemed contract with the supplier - even if you don't know who that supplier might be.
  • So we rang the National Gas Helpline and they were very helpful. They said that the flat was not registered and the lady stated that we could register the flat at any time and start paying and that would be that.

    Only 2 Flats out of the whole block (around 40 of them) are paying for the gas. Odd. As the meters are not on the Gas network system as it were there is no record and that is that. One of the strangest things we have heard of for a very long time. We have registered the meter and have given them a reading and will start paying so we can hand it over to tenants and all will be working as per normal.

    Thanks for your advice though.It prompted some deep thought and action but the result was not what we expected at all!
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