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Electric Fire


I have a fairly large living room and have also one of those electric fires that comes with 'fake' coal which is attached to a marble fireplace - in recent weeks with the cold and stuff you can feel the cold air coming through and gets pretty cold in the room esp feet - a few questions:

1) Is there some sort of cover I can buy that will keep the air away - Just stuck newspapers before but not really worked.

2) If I was to buy a replacement what type should I go for? Would it be easy to replace

Hope this makes sense - could not find a pic on the internet :(



  • ormus
    ormus Posts: 42,714 Forumite
    why is the back open at all? (behind the fire).

    it needs blanking off completely.
    Get some gorm.
  • aj9648
    aj9648 Posts: 1,373 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Its not open - not sure what you mean.....
  • totalsolutions
    >Its not open - not sure what you mean....
    Did you answer your own "ask" ?

    Re-read the replies below

    >some sort of cover I can buy that will keep the air away - Just stuck newspapers
    >before but not really worked
    >why is the back open at all? (behind the fire).
    >it needs blanking off completely.
  • ormus
    ormus Posts: 42,714 Forumite
    is this a parallel universe or summat?
    Get some gorm.
  • Inactive
    Inactive Posts: 14,509 Forumite
    aj9648 wrote: »

    I have a fairly large living room and have also one of those electric fires that comes with 'fake' coal which is attached to a marble fireplace - in recent weeks with the cold and stuff you can feel the cold air coming through and gets pretty cold in the room esp feet - a few questions:

    1) Is there some sort of cover I can buy that will keep the air away - Just stuck newspapers before but not really worked.

    2) If I was to buy a replacement what type should I go for? Would it be easy to replace

    Hope this makes sense - could not find a pic on the internet :(


    Sadly it does not.
  • jrrowleyws
    Does it back onto a chimney breast? If so I think what people are trying to say is... Remove electric fire. Block off chimney (poss with a small vent hole to prevent damp). Replace electric fire. Should minimise the cold air.
  • 27col
    27col Posts: 6,554 Forumite
    It is very hard to help some people.
    I can afford anything that I want.
    Just so long as I don't want much.
  • aj9648
    aj9648 Posts: 1,373 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    Sorry guys - yes not much of a DIY person

    The chimney has already been taken out some time ago and there is a vent to the outside of the building

    The floors are also damn cold - even the carpet - we have a fairly large basement - is that an issue?
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