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UKDVDR - Rogue Traders ??



  • Ive had dealings with this company and ive had great service, tho i pick up from the Edinburgh base. There does seem to be a lot of Polish workers there now ! so it looks like they have upped there game from the local Edinburgh scallies.

    lots a luv
  • custardy
    custardy Posts: 38,365 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    yup i can confirm they use a lot of poles.
    TBH ive never had problems from when they were in margate till they came up to edinburgh
  • stamford wrote: »
    Its only a couple of quid but its the principle

    I always thought there was a minimum you could sue for in small claims. Anyway, just complain to your credit card company and get the money off them. Its pointless getting stressed for 'principles'.
  • custardy
    custardy Posts: 38,365 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    beebop wrote: »
    Ah :eek: So the Poles came from Margate eh :rotfl:

    Thousands of Edinburgh Jam(Scallies)Tarts cant get work thanks to Margate.

    the border between Blackpool and Margate should now be shut ! next its going to be St Annes that get the best workers.:D

    Uk born and bred have the social they dont need jobs !!!

    lol i meant ukdvdr :D
  • Poppycat
    Poppycat Posts: 19,913 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Post
    I have had a few orders from them and had no problems so far. I also use SVP too and they are great too
  • God Knows Where You Where Shopping I Have Dealt With This Company For Years With Never A Compaint Whether You Buy One Pack Two Packs
    One Hundred Or One Thousand The Postage Is The Same £5-49 Suggest You Go Back To Thier Site
    And Check Before You Drop A Bollock
  • BruceyBonus
    BruceyBonus Posts: 1,142 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    I'm having a very similar problem to the OP.

    Ordered Saturday (4 items). Paid by debit card. Tuesday, around 11pm received email saying order sent and listed all 4 items. 10am next morning, they emailed saying one item was out of stock so they sent the rest of the order anyway (weird as they told me the entire order was sent?!) They said they would refund the cost of the item but as their postage charge is still the same for 3 items, they would not give any credit for this. This then made the unit price, inc. postage, more expensive.

    About an hour later, postie came with the parcel asking for a signature. I told him that I wanted to refuse delivery and could he return to sender. He obliged and scribbled RTS on the package.

    Emailed UKDVDR to cancel under DSR who said they could only refund the cost of the items, not the postage. After quoting a paragraph from an OFT leaflet, they still wouldn't budge. Had to threaten to contact Trading Standards before they finally agreed to a full refund.

    I'm now waiting for the item to be returned.

    What a massive palaver to both me and them. If they had just emailed before sending the goods, none of this would have happened.
  • custardy
    custardy Posts: 38,365 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post Name Dropper
    i dont know if theres been some changes at ukdvdr recently
    i popped in the other day to pick up some dvd's,i was passing by anyway
    however they now dont sell anything over the counter without it being pre-ordered
    they used to have a pc on the counter to allow you to do this on site but its no more.
  • deanos
    deanos Posts: 11,226 Forumite
    First Anniversary Uniform Washer First Post
    gromoor wrote: »
    God Knows Where You Where Shopping I Have Dealt With This Company For Years With Never A Compaint Whether You Buy One Pack Two Packs
    One Hundred Or One Thousand The Postage Is The Same £5-49 Suggest You Go Back To Thier Site
    And Check Before You Drop A Bollock

    Not true i get my carts from them and the postage does vary depending on how many i buy.

    You can check yourself, add a set of Epson carts and postage is £2.99+vat, 2 sets are £4.69 +vat, 4+ sets are a maximum charge of £5.95 +vat
  • i have just purchased 12 ink cartridges from here(ukdvdr) for the first time i cant believe why they are so cheap... i normally pay 20 pounds for a black cartridge and they charge 79p how so? i assume the cartridges are filled with ink. even the shipping costs are good. some one please reply. its from the ukdvdr site in scotland
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