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Little Chef - Popham

Stopped at the new revamped Little Chef at Popham, just off the M3 near Winchester, for anyone who didn't see the TV show, it's menu has been done by Heston Blumenthal and it's been gutted & dragged the brand into the 21st century.

IMHO it's a great way to sample some of Heston's food without paying over £100 for a main course, the food was fantastic & the place was full, unheard of in ordinary Little Chefs on a dark January Tuesday night.

If Little Chef don't roll this out, it doesn't deserve to survive!

Heston's new menu:


  • davetrousers
    davetrousers Posts: 5,862 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Are they all Heston's Recipes?

    I remember some of them from the TV show, but we never saw a finalised menu.

    I notice the link has 'temporary menu' !

  • Matt_Nixon
    I think they are, the Ox Cheeks were def. in the TV show & they were lovely.
  • angel13
    angel13 Posts: 2,272 Forumite
    im from somerset but living in kent so when i watched the shop (i didnt know it was going to be there) i found it hilarious that the dreaded a303 i have to use to get home appeared! lmao

    i have now decided that on one of our trips back home to dorset using a different route we will have to take a detour and go there now instead - i am btw a little chef virgin apart from a cup of tea my dad bought me. i normally stop at the garage there and have a loo break and a sarnie.

    can anyone tell me - as in the show they didnt show anything i could eat, just mentioned macaroni - does his menu include any decent vegetarian food as i dont want to do an out of the way detour just to end up in the car eating a sarnie from the garage :rotfl:
  • kazwookie
    kazwookie Posts: 13,928 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Well having watched the TV, I hope Heston does get his roll out.

    But having listened to an over weight, stuck in the dark ages CEO of Little Chef, I will be very suprised if it did happen, lets face it the CEO would give heston the food cost / profit figures.
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  • angel13
    angel13 Posts: 2,272 Forumite
    oh i know. i dont normally watch cook things as i have an issue with what they may be about to cook :eek:

    but i ended up watching all 3 parts in a row with my partner and got hooked. i used to work in standard cafes so i understand it from the staff perspective. of course as per usual the only moron was the boss with no vision for his business or any clue about what to really do!
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