Man Utd bundle win
Thank you to sarah250187. I won a Man United bundle of away shirt, a match worn shirt, mutv subscription and premium membership. Very pleased with that.
Thank you KJ1986 - my first ever win
In mid August I started entering some of the competitions on this site. I’ve never been lucky in competitions (getting good tickets to things is my superpower). Today I had my very first win. I won a hot chocolate hamper from this…
Thanks CloWithTheFlow23 - Won a Cream Tea Box for 2
Just received an email to say I was selected as one of 100 runners-up to win a Rodda's Cream Tea Box for 2 (I think this is the prize). Many thanks to @CloWithTheFlow23 for the original post here:…
Thank you McLennan - £200 Lingerie Voucher Win
I received an email yesterday to say I had won a £200 voucher to spend at Royce Lingerie through Yours Magazine. My best win this year and means I will have to sort out my underwear draw now ;)…
Logitech win - thanks diddlydoop
https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6552540 Thanks @diddlydoop - I won one of the prizes in the Logitech Work Days Comp. Prize came in an email from logitech-rewards @ activationboxx.com It was a coupon code to apply at checkout when you purchase your prize on the logitech.com website that reduces the price to…
Thanks EnglishWelshie
Thank you, I won this competition https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6538729/e-31-07-md-win-263-liz-cliftons-calm-animal-summer-support?utm_source=community-search&utm_medium=organic-search&utm_term=1+Month%27s+Calm+Club+Membership+with+Liz+Clifton+of+Family+Dog+Connection+Limited 1 Month's Calm Club…
Thanks BeulahBukowski 👍
I’ve just received a cheque for £50 from That’s Life issue 28 code break puzzle Many thanks for posting @BeulahBukowski 🥂
My first win
I won a glassware party pack on the Meantime Brewing Spin2win today. My first win since I started in December. Yay 🎉 thank you to @purplevamp for the post.
Just want to say,I have won nothing all year!!( I know,join the club!) Just keep trying.
Thank you to purplevamp!
I've won a T-shirt from the Spin to Win Meantime Brewing competition :smiley:
Denby win
Just had an email to say I’ve won a 12 piece Denby dinner set from Clarence court eggs
Yours issue 458 - Sammy Squirrel
Thanks @One-Eye. £100 cheque received today from Yours issue 458 - Sammy Squirrel
Won £100
Thanks Comping Rich, got email that went into my Junk but was also followed up by a phone call from your thread https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6554620/e-24-12-5pm-win-10-000-over-450-instant-win-prizes Was a bit cautious but bank transfer done swiftly and a few days later all seems good.
Mag Daily Win!
My third Mag Daily win this year! (Others were from House Beautiful) Had an email from Marie Claire to say I've won a Tavo Maeve Pet Protection System! From…
Win a £100 supermarket gift card (TopCashback / Gleam)
Shout out to @Mouse400 for posting the comp below https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6549633/e-25-08-1pm-win-a-100-supermarket-gift-card-topcashback-gleam?utm_source=community-search&utm_medium=organic-search&utm_term=topcashback Had an email this aft confirming I've won £100 supermarket giftcard of my choice…
Thanks Comping_Rich. I won a Peppersmith Fruity Box
Just had an email From Sixtyplussurfers to say I've won a Peppersmith Fruity Box (containing lemon mints and strawberry Pastilles) in their Summer July/August issue.. I won some of their mints in a mag daily last year and they were lovely so looking forward to trying these too. Many thanks to @Comping_Rich for posting…
Thank you @pa2539 Sun Wordsearch Win
Thank you @pa2539 I have been contacted to say I have £50 which is great timing with summer holiday expenses. I entered by email and they do pay by bacs in to your bank account. :)
Thanks @pa2539 Sun Arroword £50 win
Had WEM winning £50 on The Sun Arroword, which does confirm again that email route works!!
Thank you diddlydoop. I won a year supply of lingerie
Thank you diddlydoop. I won a year supply of lingerie from THIS comp. Prize arrived within 2 days of me acknowledging and providing sizes. T&C's state value of £250 but the invoice that came with it was £330. Great prize absolutely delighted.
Looks like I won Keepmoat survey!
Received an email which I initially suspected but it seems to be a prize for https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6543899/e-14-08-win-100-of-m-s-vouchers-survey-on-social-media-habits?utm_source=community-search&utm_medium=organic-search&utm_term=Keepmoat Thanks to @KJ1986