Free Cetaphil Cleanser
http://cetaphiluksamples.hscampaigns.com/#enter-now Source: http://www.wowfreestuff.co.uk/free-cetaphil-skincare-set/
Big library crime book giveaway
Received in the CRA e_Newsletter: BIG LIBRARY CRIME BOOK GIVEAWAY CrimeFest is teaming up with the CWA, publishers and libraries to give away up to 4,000 books across the country on Saturday 5 May. To celebrate their 10th anniversary and help launch the CWA’s National Crime Reading Month in May, CrimeFest are expanding…
100 Nectar Points (provide insurance renewal dates)
100 Nectar Points awarded for providing at least one insurance renewal month. Nectar points credited within 60 days. https://www.sainsburysbank.co.uk/insuring/renewal-dates Official MoneySavingExpert insert Tue 1 May: Nectar has offered this perk for a while, so it may not work if you've signed up previously, but it's…
Boots Free 10-Day Supply of Your Shade and Formula of Clinique Foundation instore
http://www.boots.com/clinique/clinique-foundation-bounceback? Show this voucher on your mobile or print it off on your PC and show to a Clinique consultant in any Boots store, to receive a free 10-day supply of your shade and formula of Clinique Foundation.* High-performance benefits. A stunning range of shades. From…
FREE Princes Mackerel Fillets
Free pack of Princes Mackerel Fillets 125G - various flavours. https://www.princes.co.uk/mackerelcouponing/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrcq-wc_D2QIVBLvtCh0hjgUtEAAYASAAEgI08fD_BwE I received a direct email link to print the coupon as I'd previously given them my details when claiming a voucher for a different product so some of you…
Free John Freida haircare samples
Are These Survey Sites Worth It (2) Updated 2016
OK so after a few requests over the years I've decided to update the previous thread https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/1003753 I've made a new poll which will remain open for a year taking into account the sites that I have been told have closed and a few newer or more frequently used sites. I have chosen to…
Free sample Duncans dog food
Free sample La Prairie eye cream (collect from counter)
No printing needed, just show the email you will receive at the counter when collecting. https://www.laprairie.co.uk/gb/sampling-creme-extraordinaire
Healthy Cake Recipe Book - Vegan and Gluten-free
eBook for Plant-based Cakes. It's pay what you like, but you are allowed to pay nothing. Good for people with several allergies as all flour, egg and dairy free. In case I've messed up the links its - https://payhip.com/b/roPh
Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day - 10 April
You will be able to get a single scoop of an ice cream of your choice in a cone or a cup. https://www.benjerry.co.uk/scoop-shops/free-cone-day
FREE ios App Starman
Step one - Download Official Apple Store app (shopping) from the ios app store. Step two - Scroll down the Discovery page on the Official Apple store and Redeem the Starman app (which takes you to the app store on your device to download) Starman: Tale of Light: Guide Starman through breathtaking architectural sceneries…
Free Tennis throughout the Summer Great British Tennis Weekends
https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/opendays Try tennis for free this summer at a Great British Tennis Weekend event! Thousands of free events will be taking place throughout the summer and all across the country, with sessions to suit the whole family. There are Mini Tennis sessions, family time, free play, Cardio Tennis and…
AOMEI Backupper Professional Edition V 4.0.6 (RRP £47.99)
AOMEI Backupper Professional Edition V 4.0.6 Site of Promotion: Get AOMEI Backupper Pro free for World Backup Day | TechRadar Download the latest version: Download Backup Software 30 Days Free Trial - AOMEI Backupper then click the 'Purchase' link at the top and register with the license key AMPR-1R75D-YS3W1-45ZV6 To…
Free L’Oreal sugar scrub
80,000 samples (1 x 4ml Smooth Sugar Glow or Nourish Scrub sample), subject to availability until 29/04/18 whilst stocks last. http://www.loreal-paris.co.uk/sharethesugar Official MoneySavingExpert insert Tue 3 Apr: If you sign up to the L’Oreal newsletter, you can get a free 4ml sugar scrub sample, until Sun 29 Apr or…
Free things to do/see Lincoln/shire Mar 24/25th
See website here for places to visit for free this weekend: https://www.visitlincoln.com/whats-on/discover-lincolnshire-weekend-2018
Free ebooks for anyone with an electronic reader
I had a Sony reader for Christmas and these work well :-) http://www.planetebook.com/ Does anyone know of any more sites? TIA :-) Chris Official MoneySavingExpert insert Tue 25 Jun: This thread was originally started in 2008 but the freebies are still available. Download classic literature, such as The Great Gatsby and…
Free European Rail Pass
Unfortunately, only for those born in year 2000. It's not launched yet but some details about it can be found in the article linked to below. 30,000 will be made available. https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/travel/2018-is-the-only-british-18-year-olds-can-get-a-free-interrail-pass/
Heartstart CPR Training Courses from BHF
https://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/how-to-save-a-life/how-to-do-cpr/heartstart-training Heartstart - CPR training courses BHF nurse training young people in Heartstart life saving skills Heartstart is our initiative to teach emergency life saving skills to the British public. By attending a course near you, you're helping…
Free tin of Gourmet gold melting heart cat food
To claim their free sample, registered members of the Gourmet VIC Club must go to https://www.purina.co.uk/cat/gourmet/free-sample and complete an application. This offer ends at 23:59 on 27.02.2018, or when all allocated samples of Gourmet Gold Melting Heart 85g have been issued, whichever is soonest.…