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DFW - Final Hurdle support club!

citizenkitten Posts: 419 Forumite
edited 11 October 2012 at 5:27PM in Debt-free wannabe
Hi All

after reading other peoples posts on different threads, I have decided to turn this into a thread of supporting each other who are very near their DFD or paid off nearly all of their debts and are struggling to get to the final hurdle.

we have all probably tried all the different challenges on here to get us to our targets and still do some, but sometimes it just is not enough.

Some of us get even more motivated when we are near the end, so please share your enthusiasm!:j

for those who have struggled with the same issue but managed to kick it in to touch, also share with us your wisdom!


MY TARGET : DFD (MINUS CAR) JAN 2013, which means I have to get my butt into gear and up my £374.98 repayments to 564.35, which means finding 189.37 worth of motivation.

So my story:
I dont know about the rest of you, but personally after managing to pay off 17k in 3 years and with the finishing line very close. I am now really really really really finding motivation hard to come by, months of scrimping and saving have gotten to me and every month I pay less and less off. I am not paying any interest either on any of my debts which is not helping me be disciplined.

Also i have the classic reward myself relationship with money, so if i feel i have done well with money I tend to reward myself...*looks at shoe collection* the better I have done or the how punishing it has been, the more expensive i believe my reward should be.... which really works against what i am trying to achieve! :rotfl:I try not to make my rewards monetary but not much else works to satisfy me, believe me I have tried....

I know some people are really excited by the finishing line so please share so I can make Jan 2013 my debt 1 dfd. ( i am not counting my car because I paid with that with my savings) but i do plan to pay that off too.
Debt = [STRIKE]21,003.22[/STRIKE] 0! :j/Car [STRIKE]4500[/STRIKE] 2875
Savings 12k in 2013: NUMBER 093 = 1100.31/4000
Wedding fund 1045/3500 LOL!

Crazy Clothes 2013 NO 002= 376.64/500/No MoreBooks 0/30


  • BlushingRose
    17K is a brilliant achievement, well done!!

    Keep going, you can do it!!!
    Our LBM: Dec 2011. DMP started: Jan 2012. Debt at LBM: £41,568

    Oct 2012 = Current debt: £40,548.93
    Oct 2013 = Current debt: £39.054.70

    DMP Support number 424 - Long haul number 308
  • citizenkitten
    thanks blushing rose - i have exceptional circumstances to be able to pay that much off in a short period of time, for me trying to conquer most of my emotional issues relating to money has been the hardest and given me my LBMs.

    I can however now give good advice (i think anyway LOL!) on job hunting, how to write cvs and interviews!

    My debt was mostly because i was unemployed for 8 months and I had such deep psychological issues about it, the other bits of my debt are me "rewarding" myself when I cleared chunks off my debt.

    may i ask what your debt is due to?
    Debt = [STRIKE]21,003.22[/STRIKE] 0! :j/Car [STRIKE]4500[/STRIKE] 2875
    Savings 12k in 2013: NUMBER 093 = 1100.31/4000
    Wedding fund 1045/3500 LOL!

    Crazy Clothes 2013 NO 002= 376.64/500/No MoreBooks 0/30
  • TakingControl
    Keep at it, you have done so well. :T:T My last £1000 are also on a 0% card now (god knows how I managed to get it with 2 defaults :eek: ) and I too find myself thinking, well, if its another month longer, it is not accuring interest.

    Then I remind myself that I want to have a glass of bubbly at midnight 31/12/2012 in my hand, toasting to a new year and being the first time in 15 years debt free :D:j

    You can do it too. Only 2 more months :T
    LBM 11/2009 Total Debts 11/2009 £44624 with DFD 2015 :(
    Debt Free Date: 14/11/2012 :j:j:j
  • owen_money
    I will be DF in 2 weeks (£45k paid back)! You are right kitten the last few months are hard, but what spurs me on is all the extra cash I will have. Just stick at it, please. The trick is not to get back into debt!

    Now I want to know what your 'exceptional circumstances' are, ohh do tell.

    We are all here to help you, if you do it I will buy you a small port and lemon :)
    One man's folly is another man's wife. Helen Roland (1876 - 1950)
  • sickasachip13
    Hi Citizen,

    I would say my debt was accumulated in a similar way - I had a bad habit of 'rewarding' myself with spending and gradually took out more cards etc, this was more than manageable while I was working. Then I was made redundant and we spent the redundancy pay quickly, fell back on the cards for day to day living and then started withdrawing cash from them to feed the bank account, to pay the minimum on the cards......... we didn't stop until disaster was imminent. By which time we were in deep.

    I would like to think I've broken the 'rewarding' thinking, but I won't know until I've actually got a disposable income. However, I am confident that I've broken the buying on credit issue.]

    Dig deep mate, you've done very well. I think being able to pay a lump quickly maybe means that you've not really adapted to the drip-feed of the lower payments/longer game thinking??

    All the best
  • BlushingRose
    BlushingRose Posts: 1,621 Forumite
    The debt we're dealing with was caused through stuff which happened before I moved in, followed by bad choices. In the final couple of years all living expenses ended up being on the CC and we were trying to pay everything off which left us with no money, vicious circle really.
    I wish we'd got holidays and expensive stuff to show for it, but we don't.
    Our LBM: Dec 2011. DMP started: Jan 2012. Debt at LBM: £41,568

    Oct 2012 = Current debt: £40,548.93
    Oct 2013 = Current debt: £39.054.70

    DMP Support number 424 - Long haul number 308
  • citizenkitten
    blushing rose - i think your case is like most peoples, i have nothing really to show for my 22k debt except a few nice clothes I have kept. but clothes are not exactly helping me now! i wish it had been on amazing holidays too or a wedding etc. even paying towards a mortgage i would accept! that at least is going to something of worth. do you have a df diary i can follow?

    sickasachip13 - yeah not having a job for 8 months royally ! me, i was depressed because i didnt have a job, so i spent, i got depressed about what i spent, so i spent etc on and on till then i got a good job, then i tried to dig myself out the hole and i only made it worse.... till basically i felt so awful about everything that I had done that I made a will and shamed myself into getting into a solvent position so I had something to say in my will to be able to give away... :rotfl:funny what motivates you in the first place eh?!

    yeah i get the rewarding thing and still have not completely broken it as like you my disposable income has not really become a reality yet... so we shall see. but i know where my psyche comes from at least and i am trying to mend myself out of it. valuing yourself on what you buy for you is not healthy in anyway.

    owen_money - WOWEEE! well done! i am not spurred by the extra cash as after this I need to save for a *cough wedding cough* which makes it sound terrible that i am not enthused to hurry up my dfd to save for something so special, but not having my spend money for so long is just getting to me now, especially due to my personality.

    my special circumstances are that because my dad died when i was young that as soon as i could live alone my father's money was used to buy me a small flat to live in, so i am rent free, mortgage free. however I don't own it nor am i entitled to it, my whole family owns it and can decide who lives in it at any point. (part of my family thing, no one is left stuff, the whole family gets left stuff and the trustees decide how it spent and used) and minus the 8 months i was unemployed i have worked very hard to earn a good wage.
    (hence why i run up such a debt when i was unemployed, i was completely knocked side ways). in 5 years I have done 4 jobs and always got a pay rise when i moved companies. I have doubled my wage, not that my wage is anything amazing, i started damn well near the bottom but it sure makes a difference to the amount you can pay off.

    TakingControl - congrats you after 15 years! what a slog! i dont know how you got the motivation for all those years, sheer amazing. maybe it is because it is only a glass. how about a bottle? would that tempt you to get that credit card paid off? :rotfl:

    Debt = [STRIKE]21,003.22[/STRIKE] 0! :j/Car [STRIKE]4500[/STRIKE] 2875
    Savings 12k in 2013: NUMBER 093 = 1100.31/4000
    Wedding fund 1045/3500 LOL!

    Crazy Clothes 2013 NO 002= 376.64/500/No MoreBooks 0/30
  • Ladybird.
    Ladybird. Posts: 235 Forumite
    What a great idea for a thread! Sadly we are a long way off any kind of final hurdle but I can well understand that the last stretch could be hard, especially given that at that stage you most likely don't have a huge amount of minimum payments you HAVE to pay every month.

    Must feel like you are so near yet so far... but really and truly you are so near you must almost be able to taste it- knuckle down and get it done then treat yourself to something special in celebration. You can do it!!
  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 90,923 Ambassador
    Academoney Grad I'm a Volunteer Ambassador Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper
    You can do this~It is only 3 months or 4 months max.
    Keep plodding!
    I am a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Mortgage Free Wannabe & Local Money Saving Scotland & Disability Money Matters. If you need any help on those boards, do let me know.Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any post you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button , or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own & not the official line of Money Saving Expert.

    Lou~ Debt free Wanabe No 55 DF 03/14.**Credit card debt free 30/06/10~** MFW. Finally mortgage free O2/ 2021****
    "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" Jane Austen in Mansfield Park.

    ***Fall down seven times,stand up eight*** ~~Japanese proverb.
    ***Keep plodding*** Out of debt, out of danger. ***Be the difference.***
    One debt remaining. Home improvement loan.
  • TakingControl

    TakingControl - congrats you after 15 years! what a slog! i dont know how you got the motivation for all those years, sheer amazing. maybe it is because it is only a glass. how about a bottle? would that tempt you to get that credit card paid off? :rotfl:

    I only decided that my LBM is here when I split with my ex in November 2009 and after adding it all up, I had a mahosive £45K in debt :eek: My DFD target was November 2015 and here I am, DFD 31/12/2012, 2 years early :D:j

    Still a very long slog of 3 years of denying myself anything non essential but its nearly done and I can start living again :beer:
    LBM 11/2009 Total Debts 11/2009 £44624 with DFD 2015 :(
    Debt Free Date: 14/11/2012 :j:j:j
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