The future is still bright for 3Dogs - Take Two

3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
edited 2 November 2010 at 4:40PM in Debt free diaries
And so we come to Take Two of my diary and thus, I feel I should copy and paste over my 'instalments' so everyone can keep up to date - and I will start, unsurprisingly, with Instalment One ;)

So, the story so far - part one:

Our problems all started when I got arthritis in my hands in 1988'ish and, by the latter part of 1989 it was affecting my feet too. I worked in the Civil Service and was not much use as I couldn't even hold a pen to write or hold a cup to drink my tea (not much use for a Civil Servant I hear you say ), and walking round the office was agony. Added to that, I had to use my car for visiting at work and I could only rest my wrists on the steering wheel not grip it - not very safe!!! When my health problems came to a head, I was offered Ill-Health Retirement and so I retired at the end of 1989, at the grand old age of 36

Anyway, I went from a very good salary to a much smaller pension and we carried on spending as if I was still at work I had actually been earning more than Mr 3Dogs so the drop in income was quite a tidy sum. Neither of us had ever been much good at budgeting and we had debts that we still had to clear, which I did, one way or another

Things went on, I seemed to improve a little, so I took up part-time work in 1997 until 2001 but had to pack that in when my health began to deteriorate again. By then, the arthritis was in most of my joints and it was getting me down a lot

We had not learned from our previous problems however, and, even though I was getting my pension and hubbie was on a good wage, were getting more and more into debt

And then the next bombshell hit .................................................. ...................

....................... to be continued
:( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(


  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    So, the story so far - part two:

    So there we were, tootling along nicely but running up debts left right and centre – thing is Mr 3Dogs left all the finances to me and I kept the problems we were having from him.

    Hubbie had always had on and off problems with his back that led to short times off work but in May 1996 (Ooops I made a silly mistake there - should be 2006) his back really gave out on him and he was off work long-term. In July of that year, the firm he worked for went bust, so he was left without work but not fit to look for another job. We only had my pension and his Incapacity Benefit with a tiny amount of Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit against a rent of £500 a month!! The only way we managed to survive was to start selling our stuff at the car boot. Of course, eventually he got some redundancy money, etc but he hadn’t been with the firm that long really in terms of pay-out. And of course remember, we had still not learnt how to budget and service our debts properly, so what did we do? ........ well at the end of 1995 2005 we had booked a holiday to Ireland for the following autumn and rather than cancel it as we should of (I did not tell him about our debts) and we went - we thought we might as well have that holiday as we may not manage to get another as it would be hard this time for him to get another job at his age (at that time he was just coming up to 57) – and with that money we had a really good holiday too .........

    Afterwards, we returned to the bills, and again I said nothing – until the day it all came out when he saw some court documents and Mr 3Dogs hit the roof asking why we had gone on holiday when we owed £1,500 in Water Rates. I said that I had been frightened and embarrassed to tell him. Anyway, we sorted that out and went on as normal – but I still didn’t tell him about the other debts and it was all affecting my health by now......................... ...................

    ....................... to be continued
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    So, the story so far - part three:

    We had bought a car on hire purchase very shortly before hubbie had gone off sick with his back – he was on a good wage and we could afford it (little did hubbie know that we couldn’t afford it – but I could not talk him out of it without admitting the extent of our debt and I just couldn’t do it – I couldn’t face it myself) Luckily we had taken out PPI on the loan so we were covered on this insurance for our monthly payments when he was ill – or so we thought. Fine print – always read the fine print. We made a claim and submitted it with medical certificates but it was rejected due to it being an ongoing problem – existing problems were not covered. So, with the income we had, we could not make the payments and fell behind, but they allowed him to take a payment holiday “don’t worry they said, we will just add them on to the end of the term of the loan” – no problems. When he was made redundant, in July 2006, they, eventually, agreed to cover the payments until he found work, so that took the pressure off that problem for a while

    We were really struggling by now. So he signed off the sick and started to look for work. He was a time-served Sheet Metal Worker and we had moved to this area in 1985 when the engineering industry was fast disappearing from our native North East. This was the first time in his life he had signed on the dole and he did not like it at all. Anyway, he did get a job fairly quickly, starting in November 2006 – he had been Works Manager with his previous employer but had to go back onto the shop floor at much lower wages for this job – but work is work so he just got on with it. He worked there and we continued to do the odd car boot to help make ends meet

    By this time, the term finished on the car loan and we could not pay the balance – Mr 3Dogs knew we were behind with the payments, but not the extent of the debt owing. I was still hiding things – trying to open the post when he was not there, saying ‘oh that’s just a statement’ or ‘oh that the new direct debit details confirmation’, and filing the letters away in a drawer, dealing with them only when I had to

    Also, my arthritis was getting much worse and I was suffering from depression but it had not yet been recognised as such by me or my doctor, and I could not understand why I felt the way I did. I had always been very capable – the one to take charge of things. I had been in a very good with loads of responsibility, but couldn’t even cope with day to day mishaps. I suffered a torn hamstring, which was agony and took over a year to get over. I was struggling to get about, and could only go upstairs one step at a time and in great pain. And coming downstairs was even worse. So we applied for Council Housing (Social Housing as it is now called) on the grounds on my ill-health, and with the support of my doctor. I desperately needed single-floor accommodation and we applied for a bungalow in any of the nearby villages (we lived in town at this time). We were very lucky to be offered one within weeks but it turned out to be totally unsuitable. We did consider taking it just to get away from the stairs in our house at the time but I realised that I would have been very unhappy there and would get even more depressed – I really could not have coped with living there. We agreed to wait for the next offer, whenever it would be, hoping that it would not be long. But this was a very bad time for me as I was let down by a very close friend and I took it very badly. I felt so alone. My nerves were shot but it was at this time that I was at last diagnosed with depression and anxiety attacks, and the doctor started me on different medications, to see what suited me best. With this, my health and mobility problems, as well as the mounting debt which hubbie still did not know the extent of, I really was a wreck

    And that was when the real bombshell fell .................................................. ........................

    ....................... to be continued
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    edited 2 November 2010 at 4:08PM
    So, the story so far - part four:

    With hubbie working, although it was still a struggle, I was paying some debts regularly but I was ignoring some – it’s that case of robbing Peter to pay Paul again – it was only when something came up that I could not ignore that I paid some debts. I’m sure that most of your will be familiar to all this head in the sand stuff – hubbie knew that we were struggling a bit but, as he left it all to me, it was quite easy to hide some debts from him – getting behind with Council Tax and having, eventually, after a liability order, to come to an arrangement. My main problem is a part of my depression, where I say I will do something, but don’t do it that day – I’d tell myself that I would sort things the next day or the next month when things would be better, but they never were better, so they were put off yet again. I was doing a budget and just about keeping to it, but ignoring some debts and expenses completely

    On 1st October of that year (2007), when Mr 3Dogs had been working in this job for just short of a year, he came into the bedroom one Monday morning as he was getting ready and told me that he was passing blood in his wee. I immediately got on the phone to the docs and they fixed him up with an appointment with the nurse. She said that it was probably an infection and gave him antibiotics, telling him to come back and see his doctor if things were no better when the 7-day course was finished. The next night we were at a village hall auction and he came back from the loo looking ashen-faced saying that his wee was now full blood red, with clots of blood in it. The next morning I got him an urgent appointment with a doctor, who checked him for prostate problems but it was all clear. So he referred him to the hospital for checks just to be on the safe side, saying that it could well still be just an infection.

    After some tests (x-rays, cystoscopy (camera up his you-know-what), ultra-sound, etc) he saw the Urology Specialist on 21st November who said that he had a wart on the lining of his bladder which would need to be removed. Work was very slow at that time and there had been talk of redundancies but that was the last thing on our minds. Anyway, he was booked in for his op for 12th December, and the day before, he was told that he was to be made redundant that week and would not need to come back after his op – lovely we thought, that’s all we need. So he went in for the op on the morning of the Wednesday, and was the last one to be seen, after lunch. He was told that he would have to leave the catheter in for a couple of days and to come back on the Friday to have it removed.

    He spent a very uncomfortable and painful two days with that catheter in, and went back as advised on the Friday. Again, he had to wait to be seen, but they said it was because they were waiting for his treatment to come down. They said it could not be ordered/mixed or whatever beforehand so they had to do that as soon as he checked in and then wait for it to arrive. After about a 4 hour wait, two men came to his bedside with equipment and closed the curtains, asking him if this was the first time he’d had this done. We assumed they meant the op so said yes, and one of them explained that they would feed the Mitamycin through the catheter and it had to stay there for 20 minutes, if he could manage it for that time, explaining that if the chemo was too much before the 20 minutes were up, he could call a nurse and they would flush it out sooner. Then they went away leaving us very puzzled and worried. We just turned to each other and both mouthed the word ‘‘chemotherapy’, no one had mentioned that. I went off to ask the nurse who said that it was just precautionary in case anything was there, which I told hubbie, but we were both stunned. The next day we asked a friend who is a nurse, and she looked aghast when I told her and just shook her head. No-one wanted to say the ‘C’ word of course.

    Anyway, 2 weeks later he went for another cystoscopy at the hospital and then saw his specialist who immediately told him that the results were very good and it he himself had to have cancer, the type hubbie had was the sort he’d want. He gave us leaflets and explained that it had been a Superficial Bladder Cancer or First Level cancer growth and appeared to have been removed completely and was healing well. He then left us with hubbie’s Support Nurse who went through the leaflet with us and what it all involved, before asking us if we had any questions ...... cough cough questions?????? ...... We told her that today was the very first time that cancer had been mentioned and that we were shocked. We explained what had happened so far and what we had been told, and she apologised, saying that another patient had said exactly the same and she would have to have words to the specialist so this did not happen again. We then went home in shock and I read through the leaflet properly. It appeared that hubbie's cancer had been caught relatively early and before it could expand and spread, and at that stage the prognosis was very good. Still it took a long time to come to the realisation that he’d had a cancer removed, and we both took a long long look at what might have happened. After all, had hubbie followed the advice of the nurse and waited until the 7-day course of antibiotics was finished, he would not have gone back as the blood had stopped by the 6th day!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what would have happened then??????? He would have been none the wiser unless and until the blood started again – it could have been months or years, you just don’t know, and what would the growth have done by then??? Were might it have spread?????

    So there we were – hubbie with no job and faced with the prospects of 5 years of regular cystoscopy checks until he could be given the all clear. With all this on our minds, things were about to change ......................... ...................

    ....................... to be continued

    Edit: I need to add that this part of the story has a happy ending, so far anyway, so please do not have nightmares
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    So, the story so far - part five:

    So that all took us to the start of 2008 with Mr 3Dogs waiting for his first post-cancer check. It’s often said that it takes something like this to make you review your life. Well Mr 3Dogs had always been volatile (never violent I hasten to add) I had always been on edge for him to blow up over something simple, but I was always able to talk him round and calm him down, but now, instead of getting angry, he got upset. I could see it happening him, now I knew more about depression, and we were better able to deal with it. At last he understood why I had been the way I was, because it was happening to him too. I think it was the thought of not working again, his back ache and increasing arthritis problems, together with worry over the dreaded cancer, but also the debt situation. He was at home every day and I could no longer hide the debt from him as he was there when the phone calls came and the letters, so I had to own up to most of it. I say most because I still hid some

    However, he quickly accepted that he needed medical help to get him through and saw the doctor who immediately recognised the problem as depression and prescribed him the appropriate medication. It still took a while, but the meds started to work and he did feel better in himself most of the time and able to see things more clearly

    Then came the first bit of good luck we’d had for a while. At the end of February 2008, we got a letter offering us a bungalow in a nearby village. We were surprised at the offer, as we had not put this village down on our application form, but we drove round to see where it was and what it was like, and we liked what we saw. It was a small bungalow, built early 1990’s, the middle one of a terrace of 3, next to another set of 3, at the end of a cul-de-sac, with village football field to the back, cornfields to one side, and a cemetery to the other side, which you needed to walk along the edge of to walk the dogs around the playing fields. So we put in the form and have an internal viewing. It was one bed-room, small kitchen, living room, bathroom with step-in shower, and a walk-in cloakroom/storage. There was a brick-built shed attached to the back, with a small back garden which was mostly paved. Although it was small, it was ideal for us and we accepted the tenancy. We had a month of decorating during our notice period on our previous house, and then moved in on 30th March 2008

    At last, no stairs – it was wonderful for me – mind you we had so much stuff that we had boxes stacked up everywhere, but that didn’t bother us too much as we now had a home we could be happy in again, and of course at a cheaper rent, which helped us too

    Mr 3Dogs had his first of the 3-monthly cystoscopy check-ups a month after we moved in, and his specialist was delighted with it, saying that the growth was gone and the wound had healed well. Hubbie asked if there was anything he could do to help his chances of stopping it returning, and the specialist (who is considerably over-weight himself) said that most cancers could be avoided if people kept to a sensible weight, so if hubbie could lose weight, that would be a great help

    With the first check up out of the way and us in our new bungalow, we both decided that it was time for us to get our weight sorted out, properly this time. So in May 2008 we both joined a Sl*mm*ng W*rld class on a Monday afternoon, on the edge of town – more of that later though ......................... ...................

    ....................... to be continued
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    edited 2 November 2010 at 4:08PM
    So, the story so far - part six:

    So where were we? ......... Ah Yes – May 2008 – in our new little bungalow and joining the slimming club, and still in so much debt.

    The difference for me was that Mr 3Dogs was at home all the time now. That made hiding the debts so much more difficult. At least we weren’t getting too many phone calls at that point. But the persistent one was for the car – the actual loan period had finished in February 2008, and the insurance company, who had been covering our payments, did not pay the last due payment as it was for 29 days when they only pay out for periods of 30 days :mad: And of course, we had some payments which had been added to the end of the term still to pay. But there was no way we could pay them, so we ignored them. When they rang we told them that we just could not meet the payments due to the income we had now, consisting of Incapacity Benefit for both of us plus my Civil Service Pension. But they just kept ringing and sending letters (of course).

    At the end of March, we decided to take the car off the road and our friend sold us their small white van, which we were to pay for as and when we could. As well as anything, the van was much more economical as it was diesel, so we got twice as many miles per gallon, but also the road tax was much less, as the PT Cruiser was one of those cars on which road tax was vastly increasing. This meant that the car was just sitting there in our resident parking, not being used.

    By this time, Mr 3Dogs was much more laid back about everything due in part to the cancer giving him a different perspective of life, but also due to the meds he was now on. He kept saying ‘well if we ain’t got it, they can’t have it, can they? Let them take the bl***y car back”, which of course was right. Eventually we settled on paying them £10 per month as this was all we could afford. Then after several phone calls and being told lots of conflicting information, we decided to sell the car. The lender, Bl*ck H*rse said we could sell it but it would show up on an HPI check, which would not be a problem if potential buyer rang them at the time, and they would confirm that any shortfall would still be down to us, not the buyer. By this time, the debt had been passed to an outside company, who sent demands and when I spoke to the guy dealing with it and explained what we planned to do, he said “you can’t do that, the car doesn’t belong to you”. He did, however, recommend ‘voluntary surrender’ of the vehicle and he arranged to visit us to sort this out. We just wanted rid of the car by now. He came in June and we signed the car over for the voluntary surrender, with him telling us that the car would be collected, put to auction, with the amount coming off the balance and we would then come to an arrangement over any balance outstanding. He said it was better for us to have dealt with them rather than Bl*ck H*rse as it would mean less charges being added to the balance. So it was arranged that the car would be collected and that we would then be informed of the balance then due. They came to collect the car on 15th July 2008 – I know the date because it was my birthday :(

    I need to point something out here. Although Mr 3Dogs had agreed to all this, he would not deal with the letters, calls or this visit himself. I had to deal with it all, as he could not face it or them himself. The debt was in his name but early on I had put a letter in to the company authorising me to deal on his behalf, and had dealt with everything concerning it, including the insurance and surrender.

    And so we waited and waited for news from them. The next thing we knew was a demand for over £2,100, when we had only owed 5 late payment of £216 making £1580, and they had sold the car. Statements showed massive amounts of charges and a credit of only £600 for the car, so even though we had lost the car, we owed them more than we had beforehand. It was at this point that Mr 3Dogs actually saw the full extent of what we owed to them, as up to then he only thought we owed about £600, but he accepted it well, repeating what his best mate is always saying “what it is, is what it is”. He understood that times had been hard and it was not surprising that we owed that much. So far so good then.

    Slimming was going well. We had weighed in at 20 stone 4 ½ lbs for Mr 3Dogs and exactly 19 stones for me :eek: the heaviest either of us had ever been, so it was not surprising that our health had suffered, was it? However, by the end of that year Mr 3Dogs had lost 5 ½ stones and I had lost 2 stone 9 lbs. My lack of mobility restricted my losses, and I seemed to achieve about half what Mr 3Dogs did all the way through, which was quite maddening at times as I followed the plan exactly and he cheated with cakes and things when I wasn’t looking!! :mad:

    And in February 2009, Mr 3Dogs and I won the class title of Mr & Mrs of the Year having lost 9 stone between us. Mr 3Dogs had done the best (as men tend to do) with a loss of 6 stone, and I had lost 3 stone, so we were well pleased, and looking forward to more losses to come. And we were in the local papers too.

    So to summarise the debt position at that time, as far as Mr 3Dogs was aware, we owed Bl*ck H*rse Finance £2,100, Mr 3Dogs’ Jacamo catalogue about £500 and Capit*l One about £600 on his credit card. He also knew that I owed an amount to my Shoe Tailor catalogue and that we had got behind a bit on our rent after some robbing Peter to pay Paul. What he did not know about was my credit card balance, and outstanding overdrafts on 2 closed accounts :eek: Plus he thought that I had cleared an old Empire Stores catalogue debt and an HP account on our TV (Mr 3Dogs just had to have a 32” LCD TV when they first came out – I should have said no, but .............. :(). With or income being what it was, I had struggled to pay everything, but ended up payin very little, doing it all on my own. Thing were coming to a head ............................................

    ....................... to be continued
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    So, the story so far - part seven:

    During 2009 we continued with our Sl*mm*ng W*rld diet and kept going to class. We had trained as helpers, generally doing the weighing in, but I also filled in on the pay table too quite often. We really enjoyed the classes, the other members got great inspiration from our losses and I really loved advising people, passing on my knowledge. We considered one of us being a consultant and went to one of their recruiting seminars but it is a franchise and you needed over £1000 to start, plus, I now know, you have to pass a credit check as you are handling money of course and neither of us would have passed that check. Anyway, my health was too unpredictable to commit to 52 weeks of the year, and my concentration was not good due to the medications I was on.

    By 23rd November 2009, Mr 3Dogs had reached a 7 ½ stone loss, weighing in at 12 stone 11 ½ pounds, but wanted to lose 8 stone and get to 12 stone 4 ½ pounds for his target, so he continued dieting. My weight loss was slowing right down, with me losing one pound then gaining one pound, and only losing half a stone more by the end of the year, making 3 stone 7 pounds lost. We had bought a vibration exerciser where you stand on a vibrating platform while exercising, which multiplies the effect by 10. I used it for a while then stopped due to illness, then started again, then stopped because of pain. So I was still not getting much exercise overall, which did not help with my weight loss.

    But Mr 3Dogs seemed to struggle to get further weight off, until I suggested that he was aiming too low and would not be able to maintain an 8 stone loss, so he decided to settle for 7 ½ stone loss and set about getting back to 12 stone 11 ½ pounds, having gone up above this over the previous few weeks. He achieved this at the end of February 2010 and everyone at class was delighted for him.

    Meanwhile his bladder cancer check-ups had continued, firstly at 3 monthly intervals and then at 6, with all of them coming in as clear, which took some pressure off us about the cancer returning. He had a cystoscopy in April 2010 and his specialist was so pleased he said that he would not need to see him till 12 months time. Great news!!! :j :j

    Going back to the debt situation, I had heard Martin Lewis talking about debt and bank charges, etc on Radio 2 and had started looking on the MSE site, but it was not until Sptember 2009 that I had actually registered for the site, in order to receive the weekly newsletter. I gradually started ready some of te guides on the site, and I then moved onto reading some of the forums. As 2010 started, we were getting lots of phone calls again and letter after letter. The pressure was building again, but it took a chance comment from one of our creditors to release the pressure valve .................................................. ................................

    ....................... to be continued
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    So, the story so far - part eight:

    In early 2010, we were getting pressured by two creditors in particular, Mr 3Dogs’ Jacamo catalogue and the company dealing with the balance due on the surrendered car. Jacamo had passed the debt to in-house Reliable Collections, who kept pushing for more money than the £20 we were paying, as were close Credit Management, dealing with the car debt. The phone was ringing several times a day at this point. Sometimes I answered it but most times I just let it ring.

    I had been reading the MSE guides and forums and getting to know a little more about how people could deal with their debt, the people you could get help from, and the various options available.

    Then one day at the end of February 2010, I answered a call from Reliable collections regarding Mr 3Dogs’ Jacamo account balance. I had been paying them £20 a month, but I’d had to reduce that to £10 a couple of months before when I was struggling again. They wanted the payment returned to the £20 immediately and I confirmed that we just could not afford it. The chap was going on and on, and then said “look, you either have to pay £20 a month or we put you in touch with a company who will take, say, £50 a month and they take a fee of £8 and then pay the rest to all your creditors – one way or another, you must deal with this”. Now this suddenly rang some bells with me and I just said that I would need to talk it over with my husband.

    So I logged-on to MSE and checked the Debt Problems advice guide. I had realised, during that call, that what the DCA was telling me to do was to go through a fee-paying debt management company, and I knew that this was frowned upon on MSE. I looked up the references to CCCS, National Debtline, Citizens Advice Bureau, etc and went off to check their sites. I found the details of our local Citizens Advice Bureau and its opening times. I printed off details for the various options available – DMP, IVA, Bankruptcy, DRO, etc. Looking through these, I realised that a DMP or DRO may be the best action to take, and that there may actually be an escape from the hell we were going through. For the first time in years, I actually felt that I could get in full control of our debts and was looking forward to the future.

    Anyway, Mr 3Dogs had been out all day helping a mate, so that evening, I told him what had been said on the phone and what I had found out online. I ran through all the options with him and he was pleased that there seemed to be answers available to us. I told him that it looked like we could apply for something called a Debt Relief Order and I explained what this entailed. We both studied the print-outs about DRO’s and other options thoroughly, and openly. I said that I would call the local CAB and make an appointment when it opened for queries in two days time. Mr 3Dogs went to bed and I continued to check for further details online.

    The next day, when Mr 3Dogs was out again (he was helping a mate get his motor back on the road) I obtained online copies of our separate credit reports using free trials and getting cashback for this too!! After checking the reports, I decided that I could not wait any longer to sort this out, so I got all the necessary information together and rang CCCS straight away. When I say all of the information, I do mean ALL as I included the debts that I had ignored too, which had been shown on the credit reports. I explained our situation to them and, because I had all the information to hand, with exact figures, she was able to put me straight through to a Counsellor, who ran through my financial statement with me, adjusting it as necessary according to her guidelines. She advised a Debt Relief Order for me and Bankruptcy for Mr 3Dogs. He was not eligible for a DRO as he has a small pension pot from previously opting out of SERPS. However, our rent and council tax arrears would have to be included and I felt unwilling to do this, first of all because of the consequences of this with our tenancy if rent arrears were written off, but also because in my mind I needed to pay these debts. I had come to an arrangement with the Housing Association and the council in order to pay off these arrears, which would mean that we would be up to date on both rent and council tax within 6 or 7 months. The Counsellor therefore advised that, if I wanted to continue paying these off, I should write to all our other creditors explaining that I had taken advice from them and offering token £1 payments for 6 months until we were in a better position to pay more. At that time, I could go back to CCCS to see about a DRO but would have to bear in mind that without the extra payments to our priority debts, our available income after household expenses may then be over the £50 limit and a DRO might not then be suitable. At which point we would talk about a DMP instead, with CCCS managing our payments to our creditors.

    I felt so elated when I came off the phone, I was almost light-headed. I felt in control again. When Mr 3Dogs came home later, I had paperwork all over the place. I explained it all to him and he agreed that we had to pay the rent and council tax arrears before going any further. And for the very first time, we discussed the problem properly and openly. I did not show him the full list of debts as I was still hiding some from him, but I did tell him the exact balances on the ones he knew about. Although he was surprised at some of the amounts, he understood why I had not talked about it before. He said that, as long as he had not known the full details, he had pretended that everything was under control already. But he was happy now, knowing that we had help in sorting it all out one way or another, to discuss it. He did not read all the information and told me that as long as I had read it and understood it, that was fine by him. I explained about DMP’s and DRO’s and what they entailed. The feeling of elation from talking to CCCS was still there, but magnified by the fact that we were now talking about it openly. I felt like a door had been opened and I could walk straight through. Like a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. A great pressure had been released. I felt like I could take on the world ...... and win!

    And so begins the part of this story when we do actually start to deal with our debts properly and secrets are no longer secret ................................................

    ....................... to be continued
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • steviehants
    steviehants Posts: 3,228 Forumite
    Hello 3dogs Nice to see your online again:beer: hope all is well with you?

    Hows your mam?
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    So here we are - eight instalments in and more to come - I have typed some up on my computer but until I get online properly I can't copy and past them on :(

    Never mind, an update on Mam - for those of you new to the thread, I cam up to Newcastle on Saturday 23rd October as my Mam had been taken into hospital on Tuesday the 19th October after a fall at home and vomitting with blood in it. It is now 2 weeks since she has been admitted and to date:

    Torn flap of skin on shin of left leg when nurses getting her out of bed to use the commode

    3 nurses needed for commode now (Mam is 6 1/2 stones in weight!!) so, as never 3 available, she was on bedpan until 26th when they fitted a catheter, which she does not understand

    They gave her nothing to eat or drink from the Tuesday until the Thursday of first week as she failed the 'swallow test' and they only fitted a saline drip on the Friday after my sister asked why none was fitted

    After another swallow test on Friday 22nd October, she was allowed 'soft food and thickened liquids' but they then moved her to a side room saying she had a bowel infection and put her back onto Nil By Mouth with saline drip

    We kept telling them that she had no trouble eating and very little problem with fluids, but they said that they had to go by their tests so remained on NBM

    We spoke to doctor on Thursday 28th October and agreed that they try a feed tube to give her some nourishment, which was fitted on the afternoon of Friday 29th October. However, it was pulled out either by her or in her moving at 11.30 pm that night and they have not managed to get one to stay in since - so, no food again

    Meanwhile, we (my Sister, Brother and myself) have been feeding her yoghurt or mooler rice at each visit, on the quiet, and no ill-effects. In fact, carers gave her a bowl of custard on Saturday or Sunday by mistake, even though she was NBM (!!!!!) and she ate it all with no ill-effects

    When I was there yesterday (Monday afternoon) the doctor spoke to me and explained that they could not use the tube to feed her and with our agreement and support, and in awareness of the danger of it getting onto her chest (which was the problem) they wanted to restart soft fods, so I said that was exactly what we had been praying for and had wanted all along

    Last night, my sister gave her a pot of soup by spoon and I later fed her a greek yoghurt by spoon, both with no problems. Nurses said they had tried to give her a bit soup earlier and some rice, but she had not eaten much of it, saying rice wasn't sweet enough!!!

    So we are now seeing positive action and can look forward to a more positive outcome. My neice is there this afternoon and I will take my sister down tonight, and we will see how it goes

    Doctor said to plan for feeding her up and getting physio to get her fit to walk around, by end of this week or beginning of next week - I would look to be home middle of next week

    Hopefully I can get online again - still having arguments with 3 about my dongle - they are still trying to get an exchange one out to me!!! I will try to get online as and when I can but in the meanwhile just to let you know that I can read my emails on my mobile but have trouble with this site on there. So if you email me or PM me, I can read those

    MANY THANKS TO YOU ALL FOR ALL YOUR WORDS OF SUPPORT - I can't express just how much they help me :A :A :A
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
  • 3Dogs
    3Dogs Posts: 14,092 Forumite
    Hello 3dogs Nice to see your online again:beer: hope all is well with you?

    Hows your mam?

    Many thanks Steve - great to be on here again but timer says 4 minutes left :eek:
    :( Mr 3Dogs 3-7-12 :( 3Dogs'Mam 31-3-13 :(
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