Confessions of a crisp addict!



  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite
    So I was sooo busy last night getting everything done I wanted to get done. I:

    - Did my bodyattack class.
    - Came home made and ate dinner. Chicken stir fry, nice and healthy (ish anyway)!
    - Watched an episode of Game of Thrones (one of my obsessions, watching series 3 again in preparation for the new season!)
    - Cooked a lasagne and a fruity beef curry for this week's dinners. (this took me about an hour or so but means no more real cooking for the rest of the week which means more time to do other things!)

    Because of the cooking, I was really running out of time for the cleaning tasks I had set myself, but thankfully OH agreed to change the bed clothes (this is one of the few household tasks he will do without complaining!!) We just sat down to watch Moone Boy at 9pm and OH's sister rang from Edinburgh, so between us we were on the phone to her for over an hour. So we watched Moone Boy after that and then I was just pooped! Climbed into bed to do some reading and meditation exhausted at about 10.30pm! Yesterday was also almost a NSD...just £1 for a bottle of water in the gym. Something i really need to invest in probably is a good sized water bottle...I am constantly refilling plastic bottles!

    So today's plan...I usually attend 5.30 Bodybalance on a Tuesday, however I really enjoyed Bodypump last week and have promised myself that i must try to attend at least one of these per week as I feel that lifting weights is what I really need to be doing to tone up. So I am going to go to Bodypump tonight at 7.15 pm. So I am heading home swiftly at 4.30 pm to eat some lasagne that I made last night along with coleslaw and salad. I have the washing maching timed to be finished just in time for me coming home, so I will hang that out, clean the bathroom, then go to Bodypump. I will try to spend no money!! And perhaps start thinking about packing for my wee trip to Edinburgh at the weekend.
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite

    Wee update from me... last night was successful in that i got done what I had planned. I went home, cleaned my bathroom, hung my washing up and attended Bodypump. I was pooped going to bed, and am actually still pooped, but a good sort of Bodypump ache sort of pooped, so don't mind too much!

    Today I went to some training this morning in work at another site. I was on my own, so I decided to head to a coffee shop for my lunch break for a wee treat. So I ended up spending £1.50 on parking for training, £2 on a magazine to read, £2 on a thank you card to send to friends in Switzerland to thank them for looking after us on hols, and £4.20 on some lunch at the coffee shop. So quite a spendy day so far, but I just really felt like treating myself, and no crisps involved anywhere. And am feeling really positive about that for the first time, I think ever!

    So tonight I am teaching piano after work...£15 earnt plus £7.50 I am owed for new piano book for one of my pupils. Family are lovely and usually rounds things up so am expecting £10 for that instead! (will cover the cost of today's magazine!) Then at 7pm, OH and I are heading to our local really good restaurant for dinner. Last Wedesday, i won their like and share comp on FB, so it will be dinner for free tonight!! I then intend to come home and relax. Really need a wee break from the gym! The only thing I will maybe do is set a few clothes out for my weekend away this weekend. Everything should be clean now, so it hopefully won't take me too long to pack!

    Over and out! LJ
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite
    Hello. Just wanted to say I was really tempted by crisps last night. But I had a wee bag of salted peanuts and it curbed the craving really well! Off to Edinburgh tonight to visit friends. There will be looked of indulging I'm sure, but no crisps!!!!
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite
    Today is a difficult day! Had a fab weekend in Edinburgh, with two late nights, making it hard to go to sleep last night. So today in work was really tough! After work gym session cancelled, and several weird ryvita bite things eaten (nowhere near as good as crisps, but surprisingly not too bad.) Gonna have a slobby evening, early to bed, bodypump tomorrow to make up for it. So sleepppyyyyyy.......
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite
    Anyone else ever get days when they feel lethargic with their energy completely zapped?? What do you do to overcome it? Zzzzzz
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite
    Hi diary,

    This week has been a strange one! I have literally been in hibernation! Have not left the house in the evenings at all. I have just been so so tired!! I don't know if it's to do with the change in the weather or maybe just from a busy weekend in Edinburgh? Not sure. So I haven't exercised at all. Although I haven't eaten crisps at all. I've been eating salt and vinegar nuts and ryvita bites (which are actually quite nice!) but I feel like I have lost the spirit I found from my holiday, so am feeling quite disappointed.

    On the upside! I am booked in for a facial after work tomorrow (Christmas voucher I haven't used yet. Excited!) also, we had some lovely news last night...oh's parents have had a windfall, some sort of annuity or something that has matured. They have kindly given each of their children £1500 each! Very very kind! We have agreed it will go towards our house deposit savings. However, I am still debating what to do regarding savings, isa rates are so low! I wish there was something better we could do with our money to make our savings grow! Anyone got any bright ideas??
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite

    Sorry for the lack of posting. Work has gotten busy and I haven't been using the laptop much at home, so I have found it difficult to get time to post!

    Things are going ok this week in relation to a few things:

    - I did bodyattack on Monday, bodybalance on Tuesday and a 3 mile run in yesterday (as I have agreed to take part in a marathon relay team. My leg is 5.3 miles). so exercise is going good!
    - I have really been feeling down about not decluttering things, so I bit the bullet last night and cleared out my wardrobe, trouser drawer and shoe drawer. I filled a bag for the charity shop and a bag for rubbish. It felt good to do and it literally only took me the time it took to watch Masterchef last night!. So the plan is to work my way through the bra, knickers, socks, tshirts, jammies drawers next. Then start to tackle toiletries and the spare room. Thinking to myself that if I even spend half an hour each evening, i can actually achieve quite a lot in that time! Then I can move onto the bigger things...attic, shed etc.
    - Eating in general has been reasonably ok. However Tuesday night and Wednesday night I felt really unwell due to my period and I just wanted to eat eat eat! So I did. But I am over the worst of it now and actually last night was much better. I had a really healthy dinner and the only badness was a creme egg with my cup of tea after dinner.
    - Savings is going good! Got my second pay packet from the new job and am really noticing a difference, both in my own savings and in our joint account. I am going to update my signature after the 1st of April, because I am going to do a bit of jigging around between my current account, flexdirect and isa accounts. I also really need to figure out what I'm going to do ISA wise, because the rates are so rubbish! Hoping something better might come up after the end of the tax year??? At a rough guess my savings at the mo are approximately £2300 my money and around £3000 joint account. I know OH has about £5000 saved of his own we are sitting at about £10,000 overall. Would like to have the same again saved at least by January 2015 so that we can realistically start thinking about buying a house. We should be able to do that if things continue as they are, so fingers crossed!

    Anyway, off to see a client before heading home. Getting hair cut tomorrow and then a surprise 30th birthday party. Will have to try and eat well and exercise at least a little bit!!

    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite

    Well, I had a great weekend at the 30th birthday party and then sleeping over at my friend's house. Of course eating and sleeping is now all a bit out of whack because of being out late on Saturday night and loosing the hour as well! So am sooooooooo sleepy today!!!

    Today's goals are:
    - To resist the treats in the lunch room in work. There are buns etc as people are leaving.
    - Go to Bodyattack from 5.15 - 6.
    - I had tonight's dinner all planned, but OH has sprung on me that we are taking his dad out for dinner tonight. So I will have to try and make good choices from the menu!
    - I would like to try and spend half an hour either decluttering or cleaning as the house is stinking as I have been galavanting all weekend and have done no cleaning!! So I am off to sign up to the flylady thread for a bit of support with that!
    - Today I put £2500 into my flexdirect account. According to what other people have said, my interest should arrive in tomorrow?? I will then move that money back into my regular current account, then as much as I can into my ISA (leaving enough for this month's bills etc.) I will then need to be looking at my ISA options for the incoming year Has anyone got any bright ideas on that front??
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite
    Hey guys soooo it's been a while! Just gonna have a wee review of goals:

    My own savings: Target: £7000
    Savings skimmed off joint account: Target: £3000
    Exercise goals: some form of exercise at least 3 x week
    Diet goals: lose 1lb per week through healthy eating and exercise
    Crisp goals: twice a week maximum!!
    Decluttering my home: ongoing!
    Keeping on top of house work: ongoing (perhaps with some help from the fly lady thread??)
    Grocery challenge: £50 per week for 2 adults
    Happiness challenge: to enjoy every day as if it is my last!

    So I finished the tax year with £1635 in my ISA, with a good surplus of about £730 in my current account (for emergencies). So in real terms, I'm sitting at about £2000 for the first quarter of the year. So I would say I am on track. Planning to hang on to a surplus of £2500 in my current account throughout the year to reap the rewards from my FlexDirect account each money. Currently feeling confident that I will make my £7000 target (hopefully!)

    This should definately be acheivable given the £1500 gift we received last month from OH's parents. There is currently quite a lot in our joint current account (around £2700). I have set up a DD into an online saver of £200 a week in an attempt to ensure this money won't be squandered!!

    Exercise has been going reasonably well. However I am running in a marathon relay on 6 May, so have decided that i need to prioritise my running training to try and get a good time on my 5 mile leg! So am running only between now and then!

    Haven't been too bad on the crisps, but have decided to go off them completely at least until I get this run out of the way!

    I decluttered my kitchen grocery cupboard yesterday! Yay! i would like to try and get some stuff to sell. Will not be decluttering today, but will try and get time tomorrow!

    Downstairs was cleaned at the weekend. Need to do upstairs over the next night or two!!

    Haven't been strict with my shopping budget, but seem to be managing to keep it in and around £50 a week! Just have to stop eating out and getting take away so much now!

    Happiness....feeling happy at the moment and looking forward to a bit of a break at Easter!!
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
  • LisaJane
    LisaJane Posts: 355 Forumite
    £1.34 from my flex direct account this month?! Pretty rubbish, but better than a kick in the face! Also got £5 from my clarity credit card...however this is because I spent over £300 on it so not so good! Whoops!! On a lighter note, I FINALLY received back pay owed to me by my previous job!! £655.20!!!!!! Should be really helpful for my savings target!!

    Figures in my sig are only savings that I have that are untouchable. Joint savings will creep up every week as joint current current is healthy due to my pay rise and a 1500 gift from in laws...£200 coming across each week to that. Also I will declare and extra 2500 into my own savings once I have that surplus built up for flex direct juggling...should be next month I think!

    Almost feel like upping my targets but shall see as we haven't got any holidays booked yet!!
    Save 12k in 2014 (my target: £10 000):
    My savings: £4878.54/£7000
    Joint account savings: £2685.57/£3000
    Total:£7564.11/£10 000 (as at 26/10/14)
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