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Shin Beef

Hi ,

I bought some shin beef from my butchers shop this week as it looked really nice - thing is I have no instructions on how to cook it - I know it's great for stews etc- but does anyone have any guidelines they could share with me on the best way to cook it- or recipes using it?.

Thanks in advance !
Currently on a life sort-out !! ...reducing bills, decluttering and getting into fitness - busy bee ;)



    i hope this link works I've never posted one before. Anyway its on the river cottage website and we've been eating this a lot lately - I use slightly less beef and a lot more stock than he says and eat it as a stew rather than a hearty soup. We think its pretty good.
  • tootles_2
    tootles_2 Posts: 1,143 Forumite
    My grand mother always used shin of beef for stew, I use a pressure cooker but she used to cook it in a slow oven so guess you could use a slow cooker.

    Slice up an onion and soften in a little oil, toss the beef in some seasoned flour and then drop into the pan with the onion, brown off the meat. Put into a casserole dish and add sliced carrot, a tin of tomatos and beef stock salt and pepper and I use herb de provance,cook slowly until the meat is tender......2 tablespoons of SR flour, 1tablespoon of sage and onion stuffing, 1 tablespoon of vegetable suet, mix with some water, allow to stand for a couple of minutes and if necessary add a little more water, tip onto the top of the stew and return to the oven for another half hour. To check if the dumpling is cooked slide a knife into the dumpling it should come out clean......serve with mashed spud and veg........ it also makes a good pie, cook one day and leave in the fridge then make up the pie the next day. The stew is also good if left for a day to allow the flavour to develop.

    To make a really special stew marinade the cubes of meat in red wine for a couple of days before cooking, then use the marinade in the stew........

    Living in the sunny? Midlands, where the pork pies come from:

    saving for a trip to Florida and NYC Spring 2008

    Total so far £14.00!!
  • Loretta
    Loretta Posts: 1,101 Forumite
    Put it in the slow cooker for hours and hours with onions carrots potatoes anything like that, the gravy is really rich and wonderful
  • Loretta
    Loretta Posts: 1,101 Forumite
    Put it in the slow cooker for hours and hours with onions carrots potatoes anything like that, the gravy is really rich and wonderful I meant to say that shin of beef was invented for slow cookers!
  • devon_guy
    devon_guy Posts: 296 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    In a moment of madness, because my butcher had beef shin on offer, 2lbs for £4.50 I bought some. What can I do with it? Presumably I can use it in a stew? Since bringing it home I've also diced it myself and coated it in flour to separate it a bit before putting it in a bag in the freezer, is this ok?
  • thriftlady_2
    thriftlady_2 Posts: 9,128 Forumite
    First Post I've been Money Tipped! Combo Breaker
    Not sure flouring it before freezing will make much difference, but it won't do it any harm.

    Definitely make a stew. Shin of beef is excellent for stew either in a slow cooker or (my preferred way) in the oven. The key is long cooking at a low temp-a good 3 hours at about 130-140 c in the oven. Not really a summer dish I have to say, but you can leave it happily in the freezer till the weather gets more 'stewy'.

    Good additions(you don't need them all)are mushrooms, onions, tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, carrots, celery, wine/beer/cider, beef stock.
  • pol
    pol Posts: 643 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    I agree with Thriftlady. I use it all the time, cooked for a couple of hours and use for pies or pudding or use in stews/casseroles. It makes the most tasty gravy too.

    37 mrstwins squares, 6 little bags, 16 RWB squares, 1 ladies cardi, 4 boobs, 20 baby hats, 4 xmas stockings, 1 scarf, 4 prs wristwarmers
  • Shin of beef is lovely and tender I do mine with Onions, Carrots, Mushrooms, Celery and Tomatoes with a little all purpouse seasoning added, or if I haven't got any I use paprika. Then thicken with alittle cornflour and butter. Or a nice Steak and kidney pie just add a few kidneys. I agree with everyone else that it needs long slow cooking but I would cook the lot and freeze it in portions for a warming meal ready for pulling out in the winter (HM ready meal)
    Plus if you cook it all at once it saves on fuel because all you have to do is reheat it.
    Blessed are the cracked for they are the ones that let in the light
    C.R.A.P R.O.L.L.Z. Member #35 Butterfly Brain + OH - Foraging Fixers
    Not Buying it 2015!
  • Scouse - guess where I come from!!! Huge pan of it which is then frozen into smaller portions.
    Stock - beef Oxo cubes are fine.
    Carrots and onions,
    Loads of potatoes cut up really small so that they disintegrate whilst cooking
    Salt and pepper to your taste. If I'm feeling posh a tablespoon of worcester sauce - not really needed but adds a bit of a 'kick' if you want it that way.
    I put it onto a really low light for hours (at least 5) on the stove.
    If the potatoes don't disintegrate after that time you can mash them - the idea is that it is almost 'solid' - no gravy. You should be able to almost stand your spoon up in it or eat it with a fork!!
    It is also fabulous the next day - carrots and shin beef sweetness have combined. Frozen portions defrosted and blitzed in the microwave for a verry quick and nutritious meal.
    Oh my mouth is watering - almost excited for winter!!
    Thanks to this fantastic site and it's amazing people, we have paid over £63, 000 off - just over half way!!!
  • Believe it or not, you can pulse it in the processor and make excellent burgers from it!
    Warning ..... I'm a peri-menopausal axe-wielding maniac ;)
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