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Unenforceability & Template Letters III



  • maz1964
    maz1964 Posts: 903 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Good Morning NId and all

    well its lovely and sunny here in the midlands so hoping it's nice where you all are too

    anyway just popped in to read updates thanks for your post reply no 345 to my earlier post. Yes in the madness we face re our debts we really must not forget how it affects the human element - but hey it s a huge learning curve for us all. Today i can reflect back and realise that in a way what problems ive had in the past and illness, redundancey which has contributed to where im at today, in a way has helped me relook at my life and what is really important and what changes i can make to make it better. Hope that makes sense need a coffee:rotfl:

    Yes to the questions im sure i have a few of my own, so will take time out to read so far and pm you any i will have

    have a fun day cheers Maz
    Sealed Pot Challenge member 1525

    "Knowledge is the Power to get Debt Free":j

    Truecall device, stops all the unneccesary phone calls - my sanity has been restored and the peace in the house is truely priceless!:rotfl:
  • Dojo_Jo_Jo
    Dojo_Jo_Jo Posts: 33 Forumite
    Hi Niddy,

    My, my you have been busy since we last touched base!!!!!!!!

    It never fails to astonish me how much time and effort you give to helping everyone on this thread.

    Well after the phenominal letter you drafted for me, which I am sure has helped loads of people who were in the same situation as me, I received a reply from BOS on the 5th March (copy mailed to you 5th March 2010).

    There seems to be a distinct lack of answers to the 'I didn't fill this out' content of the letter you drafted for me and no reference whatsoever to 'I did not sign this document' or indeed 'there are discrepancies on my personal details'.

    However they do seem to dedicate much of the letter to 'this is a bank account, not a credit card agreement' to which the CCA does not apply and then admit in writing within the same correspondence to the fact that I have signed a CREDIT CARD AGREEMENT!

    Incidentally, they are very adamant about the account bearing no resemblance to a credit card, however I don't know of any other current accounts that take a minimum balance by dd every month and charge such a high interest rate for the privilege!

    Also if they do not believe the account to be covered by the CCA 1974 why have they a) bothered to send me a copy of what they believe is an agreement or b) gone into so much detail of why their fabricated copy falls within the terms of the act.

    Any help with this one would be much appreciated, there were no other enclosures with their letter.

    I will update the thread with all progress on all of the companies I am challenging early next week. I will have had time by then to catch up on all of the content of Part 3.

    Thanks so much for this, I would have caved some time ago without your help,

    Kindest regards

    Dojo Jo Jo
  • scarednshakin
    Watching the response to the Preference Account with great interst as I sent out CCA Query letter to them last week. Wonder what response I will get ;)
    :idea: Had lbm, switched it off too many times. Now am trying to sort my life out :T:T

    :T Proud Supporter of Niddy :T
  • never-in-doubt
    never-in-doubt Posts: 20,613 Forumite
    Dojo_Jo_Jo wrote: »
    Hi Niddy,

    My, my you have been busy since we last touched base!!!!!!!!

    It never fails to astonish me how much time and effort you give to helping everyone on this thread.

    Well after the phenominal letter you drafted for me, which I am sure has helped loads of people who were in the same situation as me, I received a reply from BOS on the 5th March (copy mailed to you 5th March 2010).

    Kindest regards

    Dojo Jo Jo

    Hi Jo - how the devil are you? I did get your email - thanks.....

    Weird enough we were speaking about you yestersday lol - and that letter! :eek:

    Here you go - what we said!
    HBOS mate - no probs in naming and shaming, I have the agreement saved as proof! LOL

    Here is the OP's post: #1458

    Here is my (extremely funny) reply to them here: #1492

    I cannot believe they ignored my points after all the hard work that went into the letter - right, that's it now - no more games! I'll post a copy of what HBOS said in their reply, then respond to it in kind for you :D:D
    :o 2010 - year of the troll :o

    Niddy - Over & Out :wave:
  • never-in-doubt
    never-in-doubt Posts: 20,613 Forumite
    Dojo_Jo_Jo wrote: »
    I received a reply from BOS on the 5th March (copy mailed to you 5th March 2010).

    Content below - from your email to me:
    HBOS wrote:
    You have previously requested under section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 a copy of your reconstituted version of the executed agreement. We provided you with a copy in May and June 2009, which complies with the requirements of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 ("the Act") and the Consumer Credit (Cancellation Notices and Copies of Documents) regulations -1983, SI 1983/1557 (the "Regulations").

    The regulations define what is required of a "copy". Whilst regulation 3 provides "every copy" of an executed agreement... shall be a true copy". Regulation 3(2) (b) provides that a copy can omit any signature box, signature or date of signature.

    In summary, to comply with Section 78, the copy does not need to be a copy with the customer's signature on it. We do not have to produce an actual copy of the document signed. The purpose of section 78 is to allow debtors access to their terms and conditions ofitheir credit agreement and by providing the debtor with a true copy of the terms and conditions of the agreement we have complied with section 78.

    Once these documents were issued, we had fulfilled your request. In addition, although not required under Section 78 we also provided a copy of the original signed agreement.

    Preference account is a type of current account which features a debit card, cheque book and overdraft facility in common with other current accounts offered in the market. The Preference Account is clearly not a credit card account as the account features a debit card facility rather than a credit card. The inference you have made as a result of the notation as "Credit card/store card" with credit reference agencies is incorrect.

    We are not stating that the nature of the agreement has changed in any way since the inception of the account. The account does feature a running account credit facility (an overdraft is an example of such a facility), however the account uses the "Credit card/store card" notation with credit reference agencies as there are only a set number of categories into which an account can be classified. Unlike most other current accounts, Preference Account requires a minimum payment to be made each month.

    As such we believe that the "Credit Card/Store Card" category is the one with the closest fit to the Preference Account even though the account's credit facility is accessed via debit card rather than a credit card. The CRA's description of the "Credit Card/Store Card" category is "Where customers are allowed to spend up to an agreed credit limit and payments are a minimal value or a percentage of the balance outstanding." This fits precisely with how the Preference Account works but does not take away from the fact that legally the account is a current account and as such is exempt from the formatting requirements of Part V of the Consumer Credit Act which includes section 60 as referred to in your letter.

    I am also declining your request to remove any detrimental information held on your credit file in relation to this credit card account. In signing the credit card agreement, you did give your agreement and consent to the processing of your information. It is clear that by signing the agreement, the customer agrees to their data being used as set out. This is also in compliance with the Data Protection Act. Unfortunately, as a credit file is a true reflection of the conduct of an account, I am unable to amend this information.

    I note your comments regarding you never having signed the agreement. You have had the benefit of this account since 1995 and payments have been made to the account as recently as November 2009 therefore I fail to see on what grounds you are disputing the validity of the signed agreement.
    :o 2010 - year of the troll :o

    Niddy - Over & Out :wave:
  • never-in-doubt
    never-in-doubt Posts: 20,613 Forumite
    edited 7 March 2010 at 9:08PM
    Letter to send back to HBOS is below.........

    You should send this recorded (orange sticker) so you have proof of delivery, this is the last time you're going to discuss the account with them until they comply with your simple request - but send this off and see what they come back.... should be rather interesting. :D:D:D

    You should also send a copy of the last letter you sent them, as I do refer to it quite a lot (#1492) - remember to spell check it and amend the name muppets in red lol :rotfl:

    Final Response for HBOS
    Dear Muppets,
    Account No: XXXXXXXX
    I write with reference to previous correspondence, and in particular to your letter dated 1st March 2010. Unless I am mistaken, I did ask in my letter dated 22nd January 2010, for you to contact me within 30 days with your intentions to resolve my complaint of which, i'm still awaiting.

    I think, before moving to your letter, we should spend a few moments going over my original letter which I felt was self explanitory and quite easy to understand. Briefly, you fabricated a document using details from later accounts and tried to pass this off as an original for an older account. I then advised you that such behaviour was fraud and the only way i'd not take matters further, in fairness, was for you to close the account and write off any balance as a business loss; with the provision you also remove any derogatory data from the CRA's databases.

    You failed entirely, shockingly enough, to respond to any of the key points raised and as such, you leave me with no alternative but to seek legal advice about your clear abuse. As for your business practice of concocting documents using cut/paste from other documents, i'll obviously be speaking to the FSA, FOS, OFT, Trading Standards and the ICO to get their opinion on this. However, it may be pertinent to remind you one last time of the OFT's recent guidance regards to this subject; I quote:
    The OFT goes on to advise that lenders would be acting unfairly, and potentially in breach of their consumer credit licenses, if they misled borrowers by:
    • hiding or disguising the fact that there was never a proper signed agreement in the first place
    • providing only a copy of the current terms and conditions, not the original ones
    As is evident from dealings to date, to which I do have documentary evidence, you do not have a copy of the alleged original agreement and as such you are disguising the fact that there was ever a signed copy - I have asked you to prove it to me but still, you can't - so why won't you accept the fact you've messed up? The only resolution, acceptable to me is for you to clear the balance, remove the default and confirm this to me in writing. I shall then walk away and no more will be said.

    I offer 14 days in which you should accept my proposal, afterwhich no warning will be given prior to formally complaining to the above mentioned governing bodies, as well as local and national press.

    Now, after considering the above which I feel is serious enough, let's move to the content of your most recent letter. You begin by confirming that you believe you've already complied with my s.78 request, I quote;
    You have previously requested under section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 a copy of your reconstituted version of the executed agreement. We provided you with a copy in May and June 2009
    You then go on to try and convince me that you understand the provisions of s.78 (CCA1974) by quoting all weird and wonderful facts - but please don't bother in future, i'm more than familiar with the inner working of the CCA as you'll find out. So, lets use the last paragraph as a small example, I quote;
    Once these documents were issued, we had fulfilled your request. In addition, although not required under Section 78 we also provided a copy of the original signed agreement.
    I'll come back to these points in a moment. Moving on, you then go on to state that, I quote;
    Preference account is a type of current account which features a debit card, cheque book and overdraft facility in common with other current accounts offered in the market. The Preference Account is clearly not a credit card account as the account features a debit card facility rather than a credit card. The inference you have made as a result of the notation as "Credit card/store card" with credit reference agencies is incorrect.
    Can you see your mistake yet? I'll help you out a little, if the Preference Account is not a credit card account then why on earth would you bother responding to a s.78 request because unless i'm mistaken, and I know i'm not, an overdraft does not conform to the CCA1974 and is therefore exempt from s.78 in its entirety. You did know this, didn't you?

    You then have the cheek to state that my 'inference made as a result of the notation as "Credit card/store card" with credit reference agencies is incorrect' but I think you'll appreciate it is not me who is wrong, is it?

    You then go on to dig a deeper hole when you state, I quote;
    We are not stating that the nature of the agreement has changed in any way since the inception of the account. The account does feature a running account credit facility (an overdraft is an example of such a facility)
    I'm confused, is it a running account or is it not a running account? I think you'll find it is a running account and nothing like an overdraft which, as explained above, is absolutely nothing to do with the CCA and therefore is not a running account in any shape or form.

    You then go on and totally contradict yourself when you state, I quote;
    however the account uses the "Credit card/store card" notation with credit reference agencies as there are only a set number of categories into which an account can be classified. Unlike most other current accounts, Preference Account requires a minimum payment to be made each month.
    If it requires a minimum payment each month and you reckon you have an agreement then trust me, there is no question of a doubt that this account is regulated under the CCA1974 under the heading of "Running Account". Therefore my valid and lawful s.78 request does remain outstanding, you are in default and this account is unenforceable.

    I could spend hours ripping the finer points of your letter apart, but felt it pertinent to remain professional and to the point. Having said that, I nearly fell off my chair when I got to the end of your letter where you state, I quote;
    I am also declining your request to remove any detrimental information held on your credit file in relation to this credit card account. In signing the credit card agreement, you did give your agreement and consent to the processing of your information. It is clear that by signing the agreement, the customer agrees to their data being used as set out. This is also in compliance with the Data Protection Act. Unfortunately, as a credit file is a true reflection of the conduct of an account, I am unable to amend this information.
    Please tell me you are not referring to the account as being a "credit card account", surely not? Maybe it's time to consider having any correspondence you write checked by a senior colleague because you've actually gone back on yourself in a full 360 degree circle from vehemently denying it was a credit card account, to actually confirming that it is indeed a credit card, running account.

    It is a good job I am extremely clued up in this area otherwise you'd confuse the life out of people. I strongly suggest before you respond to me this time, you seek approval from your line manager as further blatant ignorance will not be tolerated. My time is valuable and I do not wish to spend any longer communicating with you, certainly not when you cannot even compose a basic letter properly. You may now consider this my final response and I look forward with anticipation, your response which I do expect within the next 14 days - if you cannot meet that deadline then write and tell me, ignoring me would be a fatal mistake as my threats above will then become real with no further advance warning.

    I do expect you to agree to my request to close the account, remove all data from the CRA's and confirm this to me. That should take approximately one day to action and confirm. Bear in mind I will not take any threats lightly and they will be averred and unlawful and vexatious with a counter-claim forthcoming.

    Yours faithfully

    Sign digitally
    :o 2010 - year of the troll :o

    Niddy - Over & Out :wave:
  • never-in-doubt
    never-in-doubt Posts: 20,613 Forumite
    Watching the response to the Preference Account with great interst as I sent out CCA Query letter to them last week. Wonder what response I will get ;)

    Yours wasn't a preference account was it mate? The reason they have bodged Jo's is because it is a unique account from the old days - normal credit cards will never see this kind of abuse, its because they know they don't have anything so they are making things up! :D:D

    My response is above - me thinks the poor bloke that wrote back will be thinking, oooops!
    :o 2010 - year of the troll :o

    Niddy - Over & Out :wave:
  • Locke
    Locke Posts: 485 Forumite
    Online ones are enforceable if they have the prescribed terms and a tick in the box. Excatly the same as everything else on here but instead of the signature box, it'll have a 'tick in the box'.


    Where do people stand on internet application, NID?

    Could they just draw up a new CCA and pass it off as one from back then?

    Was there a certain date that they still had to have a signature to make a CCA enforceable? I know they changed the law a few years back but if you opened an account before that date over the internet would they still need a signature?

    Thanks for your help.
  • Dojo_Jo_Jo
    Dojo_Jo_Jo Posts: 33 Forumite
    Oh my God, what a stonker!!!!! Can't WAIT to take it to the Post Office tomorrow!

    Just one thing, where you quoted HBOS in your draft :

    You have previously requested under section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 a copy of your reconstituted version of the executed agreement. We provided you with a copy in May and June 2009

    I don't know what they are talking about here, have I been confused with someone else? I did not find your thread and start the process until Nov 09, so how an earth do they reckon they have sent a copy of my CCA in May & June?

    Are you happy for me to insert words to that effect. I don't want to touch your masterpiece without permission!!!!!

  • never-in-doubt
    never-in-doubt Posts: 20,613 Forumite
    Dojo_Jo_Jo wrote: »
    Oh my God, what a stonker!!!!! Can't WAIT to take it to the Post Office tomorrow!

    Just one thing, where you quoted HBOS in your draft :

    You have previously requested under section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 a copy of your reconstituted version of the executed agreement. We provided you with a copy in May and June 2009

    I don't know what they are talking about here, have I been confused with someone else? I did not find your thread and start the process until Nov 09, so how an earth do they reckon they have sent a copy of my CCA in May & June?

    Are you happy for me to insert words to that effect. I don't want to touch your masterpiece without permission!!!!!



    Yea just add it in there, because of the structure of the letter i'd be adding it after this bit further down the letter (add the blue bit as shown below).....

    Its funny though isn't it? Imagine their faces - lol, i'd love to see it when he tears it open - muppet! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
    Can you see your mistake yet? I'll help you out a little, if the Preference Account is not a credit card account then why on earth would you bother responding to a s.78 request because unless i'm mistaken, and I know i'm not, an overdraft does not conform to the CCA1974 and is therefore exempt from s.78 in its entirety. You did know this, didn't you? Also, i'd like to point out i've never requested a CCA from you prior to the original one in November so your point about me requesting them in May & June 2009 is somewhat puzzling?
    :o 2010 - year of the troll :o

    Niddy - Over & Out :wave:
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