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In the nick of time



  • Moneyfordreams
    I'll focus on the positives.... PAYDAY tomorrow. The monthly budget will be worked out. hopefully it will be positive. We have Airbnb all weekend and a new booking for next weekend. We even had a call from beds for builders although we couldn't accommodate.

    My husband is a fairweather friend to some (not me), ok that's harsh.... (our guest may be guilty of over sharing and being needy) and we've only just met.

    my elderly mother has had a mostly positive outpatient hospital visit.
    my daughter has had an allergic reaction in work. they sent her by ambulance to hospital.. she's ok and was discharged after 2 hrs.
    my friend son in law was on his motorbike this am and was knocked off. After all day of tests and observation he's allowed home .. great stuff.
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    Yay payday

    A message from Airbnb guest due on Sunday woke me just before 2am. I checked my bank balance and then didn't go back to sleep.

    My wage fluctuates due to enhanced weekend working or how many extra days I work overtime. I worked an (extra) extra shift last month giving me a healthy salary this month. I knew my extras would be limited for a month or 2.

    The money owed in over the next week or so from the loan and Airbnb will go straight to the credit card. I have paid £300 off the credit card today, which after 6th Dec will leave £100 or so balance. Hopefully we will get a couple more bookings to cover the end of the card. I have also paid off £150 off the HSBC 0% card.

    My normal financial direct debits go out next week, 1st Dec. Mortgage £1120 , car loan £208. I've already sent an extra £11 to the mortgage to bring the capital down by £800. This leaves us £300 for food and entertainment. We filled up on petrol yesterday Asd* £103 per litre £35. Not bad :D

    Next months salary will no doubt be a lot less. I have today to decide if I will work the weekend. I've had this week off therefore I'm rested, however our daughter has asked me to babysit and I refused. Due to baby's lack of sleep impacting on me, terrible 2's tantrums at 4am plus the need to work. I have a chat with DD1 later and see if I'm still required. I honestly think she didn't think I was serious when I said no.

    Christmas is pretty much sorted. I'm not working xmas day and boxing day, although I am working the new year shifts.
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    Moneyfordreams Posts: 2,442 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    edited 28 November 2015 at 9:37AM
    best laid plans and all that,, mm

    Update on pay day. DD1 has been having allergic reactions and facial swelling over the last month or so. She's a young mum and has just got on with things, taking antihistamines and delaying going to the GP. Unfortunately the day before yesterday she had a reaction at work causing facial swelling lips swelling and wheezing. The manager put her in an ambulance to the local ED. The emergency treatments were very successful and she was discharged after about 2 hours. She went to the GP yesterday who gave her an epi pen and said it was probably a nut allergy (she'd eaten a shop bought salad and juice at work). We initially thought it was a pet allergy (her dad has one) and she has sent her kitten to a new home. But no pets at work just lots of chemicals. I feel very sad that her life is now going to have so many restrictions. She's a real foody and so enthusiastic about everything. Any how the allergy testing queue is so long there is a queue for the queue!!! She is to get a phone call in 2 weeks to add her to the 4 month wait. :(

    The money side of that tale is she has been in dispute with O2 over her phone bill. They said she phoned 21 0800 numbers, and last month wanted £240. Her contract is £40. Now the first phone in this contract had the screen broken and replaced twice by me and eventually gave up. When DD2 and I upgraded in the summer we gave her a phone. which now has a cracked screen but is functional.

    Yesterday I bought her a new SIM card for me to top up so she was able to ask for help if needed rather than use I-message. Cut an even longer story short to pay off the bill and close the account was £330. I put it on the credit card. I want her to be safe and in easy contact.

    I forgot I had to pay my professional registration fee. £120 (on CC also)

    DD2 going through A levels. School lunch money, £25. I would usually put a bit more on but her school tend to break early for xmas and I also had to pay £42 for the AS re-mark. She will have to take a few packed lunches. She also needs to apply for uni's. She's not feeling hugely confident so is applying for ones she is more hopeful of acceptance so 4 x £23 on UCAS £92... All cash. bang goes my savings.

    Not been very comfortable with our Airbnb guest this time. Very friendly and lively but oversharing personal information. His trip here hasn't gone to plan. He came in around 1am, I heard the dog bark, but then he didn't climb the stairs. I'm sure he was sat in my living room. The vestibule door squeaked about 15 mins later and he went to bed...... although I could have made it all up.

    I didn't remember my train pass. That'll be £65 next week also. Even after all that I can't bring myself to work extra tomorrow.
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    All bills have been paid so I can do a little total up.

    mortgage £182460.49
    Car £5134.17
    hsbc £5120
    NW CC £400

    Currant debt £193114.66

    This is a lot less debt (£1800) than last month as I overestimated the HSBC card by 3 hundred pounds. unfortunately the credit card increase to the NW cc although avoidable I am helping out daughters. I could pay off with savings but would prefer a cash buffer for now. Having the rug pulled from me a few years ago I need to see the safety of cash available. I did my a new coat from next (£50) a short bubble type jacket, but I blinking deserved it as I hoof it train and foot to work.

    I hope to pay it off in Decembers salary. Any BNB will go directly to it. If not, I have booked 4 extra shifts for December so January's pay will be sufficient to complete.

    Cash available

    Emergency fund £2000
    xmas £300 ....... List made, to be spent on presents
    Hols £200 ......... We are going to Manchester Xmas markets and will stay 1 night in Hotel. Camapamile, £46
    Car £100 .......... Service due January (extended Warrantee so a must) ((another tale GGRRR))
    CB £160 ........... Extra savings for January to cover early December pay.

    DD 1 should give me at least £100 from her phone bill. She already owed me £40, so only £60 extra. I'm hoping she will cough up £100 more the following month as I only had agreed to pay off £119. But I won't hold her to that. It will be a bonus if it happens. It is from a debt she was getting paid so not affecting her budget. She had her xmas present also 2 weeks ago!!

    Hopefully DD2 will get a job and I can stop giving her pocket money. She's awaiting CRB for a friends care home. She hopes to go to Uni next year and has just received £4200 from her lifelong savings we have made. We've locked it away until next November. Child benefit from January will go into a uni fund to pay for accommodation for her.

    Picked up food stuffs from Heron foods £12. Iceland 2 chickens £5 and lid1 £21 for fresh food stuffs.
    I have £150 to last until payday. It is doable as fridge and freezer quite full with a list of contents stuck on the door. My only issue is keeping on top of my spendy ways. I won't have an overtime buffer in December. But hopefully there wont be too many surprises.
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    I've been putting off / lazy about cancelling my reward bank account with my bank. This morning I logged on to an increase in charge of 50%!!!!
    £15 Taken for nothing. I wasn't able to claim because years ago I claimed a mobile repair. I haven't registered a phone with them since.
    This will not happen again. I'm off tomorrow so it's on my to do list to change.
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    Moneyfordreams Posts: 2,442 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    edited 5 December 2015 at 12:16AM
    I wasn't brave enough to change my bank today, but I did change account from an ultimate reward account to a reward account. Mind you it's going to take twice as many years of getting the fiver a month to break even. But at least no more fees. I love looking at everything in the one app. :D

    I have spent a fair bit in the last couple of days, hopefully cheaply. Stationary in pondland ( for my uni course), and paint in Walko's. But the food stuffs and toiletries are all the better value things. Although I've decided the huge mirror (2nd hand £35) for above my fireplace is not right, after my OH has spent 2 afternoons staining it black (ebony). I will use it in the new year in our bedroom, but now have to find another mirror for over the fireplace. Did get wooden bedside cabinet for a fiver :)

    I have made a couple of extra mortgage payments only totalling £20 or so, as well as the regular OP of £100. The credit card is staying put in my purse. I'm not keen on N@tionawide's app format. It doesn't yet have last weeks purchases, meaning my online data is incorrect. New statement next week. I really want to pay it off in December's salary.

    January 2016 is the start of us pushing forward our debt/mortgage free plans and I need that NW CC money to do that.

    Loosely planned is to pay at least a £1350 mortgage payment (£330 interest and overpayment) to bring the capital down by £1000 pcm. I also plan on increasing the CC 0% up to £300. It may be too tight to do that but if I keep my EF at £2000 then its only what we are paying now.

    It's looking more and more likely that we will take the house off the market in the new year. We had new patio doors installed in the summer and had a re-jig of our kitchen.... We kept the units just moved them to the free wall to make room for our lovely folding doors. anyhow as this was done on the cheap, £3000 doors (not cheap proper company and not hubby's friends) £600, other kitchen and patio jobs, moving boiler upstairs (hubby's friends). But OH this week has started to finish the little jobs!!!! neaten off work top ends and fix end piece and finish tiling to walls and sink.

    Now we only have hole in ceiling, replacement skirting boards, new radiator (on order), take out old radiator from behind fridge, box in pipework and new floor to complete.

    Then it'll be onto the half finished bathroom :D

    Looks like the extra shifts will be required for some time :/
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    Moneyfordreams Posts: 2,442 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    edited 19 March 2016 at 11:22AM
    Could just kick myself, radiator has arrived and I've ordered the wrong size. I wanted a vertical not horizontal. I should have researched more. I didn't want a really tall vertical, only about 800mm but I always learn by mistakes unfortunately. Not sure about sending it back, but keeping it would mean change for change sake rather than need. Its a traditional design that would fit into our sitting room, But then I would need another for the opposite end!! and then I would slowly replace all of them in the house. Meaning more cost, more overtime to pay for it and less debt/mortgage busting.

    Feeling a bit aggrieved this week. bit of a spat with OH and we're not quite over it. Definitely back in the sell mode. Downsize, small mortgage no money worries. I felt unwell at work sleep has been awful 3- 4 hours per night, and I asked for a lift home rather than the train. I went to bed at 4pm. Thankfully our children are lovely young adults but I've missed their childhoods working 50 hour weeks. See martyrdom again. blurrggghhhhhhhhh. I'm on late today so by the time I get home (on the train ;) Then repeat tomorrow.

    I suppose I should add my OH has apologised and was worried that I took myself to bed as I never sleep during the day. He did apologise again yesterday morning but I'm as stubborn as a mule and at this point want to buy a house he wouldn't like!! I did said I want nothing from him again as I'm self sufficient, but even though I only see 600 quid of his wages it does help towards the increased costs of his follies. But add it to his costs I'm minus £200. :|
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    Off to the zoo today for GD birthday. we'll be having cake and sandwiches at mums before going. Will only need entrance fee , no doubt for DD too. I'll fill up on @sdas cheap petrol on the way.

    I ordered the 2nd radiator. should be here today or tomorrow. Haven't yet decided what to do with the first. OH payday today. Bill money set aside for the month. and as he's done a couple of extras it may well cover the cost and fitting of the kitchen radiator. :D Luckily it hasn't been too cold without one.

    I tried without success weeks ago to talk DD1 out of a spendy party for a 2 year old, so tomorrow there is a party booked in a local pub with DJ and her favourite Disney characters. I'll probably be up to my eyes in cheese spread butties tomorrow morning.

    Airbnb guests tomorrow night who are flying in from Singapore, last weeks guests were Aussies. Next weeks India. Worldwide. The internet just amazes me. :)
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • Moneyfordreams
    After all the birthday extravagance, it's a shame our 2 year old GD won't remember any of it. Our DD did well though. I even got some of the loan repayment http://static.moneysavingexpert.com/images/forum_smilies/biggrin.gif

    The trip to the zoo was late. We got there at 2:30 and were told it was closing at 4pm for the light display. £54 for 3 adults and a 2 year old for an hr and a half. They wanted £60 but I declined paying the extra for conservation this time. The weather was crisp and the little one loved it in fact we all did. :j

    We have another house viewing today. Maybe this time. I'm sure I can talk myself into 20 viewings being considered a magic number :rotfl:

    Our airbnb guests are packing up ready to leave by the sounds of things. We never realised just walking about would make so much noise to the floor below! £30 will go straight off the 0% CC.

    I've shuffled things around this week to ensure we are ready for bigger OP to the mortgage come the 1st January 2016. With starting my new job, I didn't work any extra shifts in November, therefore Decembers pay will be a bit lean. I have 4 extras to be added to January's pay so it will balance in the long run. Thankfully my hubby's pay was healthier than usual. He was happy with an extra £100 for his spends. Think I was the lucky one this month with the rest of the balance. Although even with my positive encouragement he doesn't feel he can repeat this every month :cool:

    Our freezer is full to burst with Lid1 meat bargains. That should probably last us until xmas week. only fresh foods will be needed.

    Babysitting this afternoon so DD1 can go to her works xmas drinks, hopefully won't spend a penny. However tomorrow is when we go to Manchester for xmas shopping. We don't need to buy much as DD1 had hers last month, got mums, so it's DD2 (difficult), sister and BIL will be visiting. anyhow my list tells me I should have change from my £300 budget.

    Here's to dreaming x
    Mortgage restart June 2018 £119950Re mortgage August 19 £110470, … Mortgage November 22 £85600 final 0% CC 3300Home renovations - £65000, mid 2018 - mid 2022
  • CathT
    CathT Posts: 7,122 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Hi moneyfordreams, just found your diary and wanted to wish you luck. I think you might do the job I used to, I do miss enhancements!

    Sounds like airBnB might be a nice little earner!
    May 2024 - part 1 - £29,628 part 2 - £24,612 Total - £54,240 42 months to go!
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