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Cheapest way to set up a landline number that diverts to a mobile
Usage of premium rate 084, 087 and 09 numbers is banned for after-sales enquiries and issues - and it is extremely daft for any company to use them for sales lines or for pre-sales enquiries.
To ensure callers do not get ripped off, ensure that the 0845 number plays a free-to-caller pre-call announcement telling all callers to hang up and re-dial the 0345 number. The telecoms provider can action this within hours.
Looking at the website you mentioned, they are still describing 0845 numbers as "local rate" in their sales pitch. This hasn't been true since January 2004 - more than fourteen years ago. Their website appears to make a number of other false claims about various types of number and is quite misleading.
Given that there is a Call Origination Fee of around 3p per minute on calls from landlines or around 8p per minute on calls from mobiles to be paid for incoming calls made to free-to-caller 0800 and 0808 numbers (this fee is paid by the user/owner of the 080 number) this free service sounds too good to be true.