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Defined Benefit Pension Transfer - Help!

The Govr probably rightly requires independent advice before transferring out but there are a number of problems with getting objective, affordable advice:

1) FCA default posiition is that a transfer is generally bad for you.ie 'we know better'
2) Only 10pct IFA advisers can get PO insurance to do the work;
3) Most IFA's want to be involved post transfer rather than simply to recommend to a transfer
4) Moat IFA's charge on % CETV ie transfer value rather than fixed fee which is.ofd for a time driven service.

The reality as a consumer is that its quite erratic. "You must get advice but hardly anyone gives it"

So it feels like " Hurry up and wait"

There is sense of "paranoia"

My case is fairly clear cut that a transfer would be of benefitband staying in defined scheme a risk. ..

I know this is specialised work.- has anyone used an IFA that charged a fix fee for rhe recommendation and was not involved in either the transfer itself or post transfer?

How much did you pay? The original analytics I know can be subcontracted out for £ 175 per case by IFA but obviously interpretting and anslysis and researrcjing that data takes time.

Please PM me.if you are able to recommed someone at a competitive price and who did not in your opinion "milk" the scarcity factor of this service.

Id be so grateful and wont take any names as a "revommendation"

Many thanks

Bengt Lagander


  • dunstonh
    dunstonh Posts: 117,541 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    The Govr probably rightly requires independent advice before transferring out but there are a number of problems with getting objective, affordable advice:

    Historically 9 out of 10 DB pensions would be best left where they were. So, yes, there is good reason to require advice.
    1) FCA default posiition is that a transfer is generally bad for you.ie 'we know better'
    2) Only 10pct IFA advisers can get PO insurance to do the work;
    3) Most IFA's want to be involved post transfer rather than simply to recommend to a transfer
    4) Moat IFA's charge on % CETV ie transfer value rather than fixed fee which is.ofd for a time driven service.

    1 - Best approach given that it is the right one
    2 - Not correct. Only 1 in 10 advisers hold the regulatory permissions to give the advice. It is not PI insurance that is preventing it. It is choice. If an IFA chooses to do it, they need further qualifications and the PI insurance will be higher for them forever more. So, when this window closes and normality returns, PTSs will still be paying higher PI to cover all the historic stuff.
    3 - This is partly to reduce risk as most people with DB schemes have never invested before and to suddenly have £500,000 or so being invested is a shock to most of them. They have little or no understanding and being on an ongoing basis makes common sense. It also makes the advice easier as the FCA themselves do not like bespoke portfolios being set up where there is not ongoing servicing. Most IFAs will do transactional if you wish. Just some won't as it isnt their business model.
    4 - Percentage is by far the most common model and the one that most consumers like and want. Many firms will tier their initial charge or cap it. There is logic in percentage as well because the larger the value, the larger the liability and risk.
    I know this is specialised work.- has anyone used an IFA that charged a fix fee for rhe recommendation and was not involved in either the transfer itself or post transfer?

    Yes they have. However, you are pushing the risk up and eliminating a large number of advisers who wont do it because of the risk.
    Please PM me.if you are able to recommed someone at a competitive price and who did not in your opinion "milk" the scarcity factor of this service.
    That is against board rules.
    I am an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). The comments I make are just my opinion and are for discussion purposes only. They are not financial advice and you should not treat them as such. If you feel an area discussed may be relevant to you, then please seek advice from an Independent Financial Adviser local to you.
  • Yoi have not told me anything I dont know but seeked to validate the IFA position

    This is a consumer forum - so why reply to posts that you neither can help not intend to help with?

    Unhelpful and unecessary.

    And its quite reasonable to share who we have had experience without interference.

    So please if anyone can share a IFA rhey used who was competitive on fixed fee basis let me know. So far I have First Equitable and Fixmypension.com. Others can benefit from this too.
  • goRt
    goRt Posts: 292 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    First Equitable for me - fixed fee quoted upfront advice offered as part of the [low] price.
    I called to FCA to make sure they are correctly qualified to offer advice (the individual requires one qualification, the company another) https://www.first-equitable.co.uk/

    My only association being that I've used them
  • Paul_Herring
    Paul_Herring Posts: 7,481 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    Yoi have not told me anything I dont know

    dunstonh wrote: »
    Historically 9 out of 10 DB pensions would be best left where they were.

    Sounds rather more like you've been told something you don't want to know, given:
    The Govr probably rightly requires independent advice before transferring out but there are a number of problems with getting objective, affordable advice:

    1) FCA default posiition is that a transfer is generally bad for you.ie 'we know better'
    Conjugating the verb 'to be":
    -o I am humble -o You are attention seeking -o She is Nadine Dorries
  • dunstonh
    dunstonh Posts: 117,541 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    edited 5 October 2018 at 12:58PM
    Yoi have not told me anything I dont know but seeked to validate the IFA position

    I did tell you something you didnt know as some of your assumptions were wrong. I have not sought to validate anything. Understanding reasons behind things helps.
    This is a consumer forum - so why reply to posts that you neither can help not intend to help with?

    Unhelpful and unecessary.

    And the forum removes posts from people who are being argumentive and rude. I suggest you improve your tone if you are looking for people to be helpful.
    And its quite reasonable to share who we have had experience without interference.

    Yes it is. However, please do tell us how someone PMing you that information is sharing it with others?

    edit: And if you PM me again, I will report you to the board admin for harassment. Your attitude stinks.
    I am an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). The comments I make are just my opinion and are for discussion purposes only. They are not financial advice and you should not treat them as such. If you feel an area discussed may be relevant to you, then please seek advice from an Independent Financial Adviser local to you.
  • Dunston

    I have not been argumentative or rude but simply made the point that you appear only here to defend your IFA business. This is a consumer forum - if you cant help please dont reply. Thats not a reportable matter!

    Further I explained to you in my PM why your assertion that most DB should not be transferred is entirely wrong; it depends on bond yield curve, deferred benefit per annum, CETV multiple and actuarial assumptions around growth rates and inflation. Pointing that out is entirely reasonable and your implication of harassment is frankly sad imho - nothing of sort!
  • HappyHarry
    HappyHarry Posts: 1,649 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper

    Further I explained to you in my PM why your assertion that most DB should not be transferred is entirely wrong; it depends on bond yield curve, deferred benefit per annum, CETV multiple and actuarial assumptions around growth rates and inflation.

    Oh, I would love to see that argument. Any chance of posting that dunstonh?
    I am an Independent Financial Adviser. Any comments I make here are intended for information / discussion only. Nothing I post here should be construed as advice. If you are looking for individual financial advice, please contact a local Independent Financial Adviser.
  • Paul_Herring
    Paul_Herring Posts: 7,481 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    Horses and water are springing to mind at the moment...
    Conjugating the verb 'to be":
    -o I am humble -o You are attention seeking -o She is Nadine Dorries
  • Mr Happy Are you another IFA I wonder.?

    I guess you are not a consumer who can help with post

    If a CETV has been given on 2.5pct defeereed pension growth requiring £100 to produce £3 at 60 yrs.old on a growtn ratre of 5 pct who are you to that a self managed pension coukd not easily after costs produce a higher annual pension than under DB?

    Am waiting your reasoniing?
  • Have had others relay good experience
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