We've changed the name of this board from 'Greenfingered MoneySaving' to simply 'Gardening'. This is to help make it easier to find for the horticulturally inclined. The URL remains unchanged for the time being, so all links to the board are unaffected.
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Daydream fund challenge part 4



  • Davesnave
    Davesnave Posts: 34,741 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten [STRIKE]me[/STRIKE] us into." :(
  • DaftyDuck
    DaftyDuck Posts: 4,609 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Why? Whaddya do? What's happening? Eh? Is it football? :D

    Oh, that... yeah, I stayed up and watched it until about four, when it became absolutely clear the exit poll was pretty well on the nail. I was torn between the Lovely Laura K sticking her impartial sgian-dubh into Tessie on One, and George ("Ha ha ha ah - oh I've wet myself again...") Osbourne, wielding his impartial (:rotfl:) editorial Epee over on ITV.... I know why George is a bit miffed, but I don't know what Ms K's issue is...

    I did open a second bottle on the exit poll, and settle down for the night, but somebody made me share my wine, so I ran out around dawn. It was a good first episode, but it lacked a punchy ending. The second episode is due for airing sometime around September at a guess, and I'll have sobered up by then. Possibly.

    It makes a change for my European colleagues to be laughing at me (laughing at our "Government"), rather than me laughing at my US colleagues (laughing at their leader). I suspect we'll have matching hairstyles (and libidos) in the Top Jobs soon.. for a few weeks, maybe...

    I've had enough! :mad: Tonight I start work on the drawbridge and moat. Once completed, I declare Independence and Self-Rule. Oh, alright, it'll be a Matriarchy, and I'll do what I'm told like a good boy... so no change really :D


    In the real world, weeds do grow so fast! I keep getting the blighters, and I am winning (I think). The ragwort is well under control, as are the thistles. Docks are still a score-draw, and I must get some more of them this afternoon, before they seed.

    Most of the hedging is doing really well, surprisingly so. The wild roses are even flowering in their first year, and all but one of the wild pear are thriving.

    There's not much time for much else at the moment, so it's a good idea to start doing the heating in a couple of weeks... well, that's the Man's Plan, and he's too good to lose, so we'll do that.

    Question : Do any of you know of any practical metal detectors? I'm not after treasure, but dropped bits of wire and nails, staples and the like. More complex, metal ½" pipe connectors (on plastic pipe), buried about 2 feet down. I will ask on the Tech Forum sometime, but I suspect they'll want to recommend something clever, and i want something cheap and simple....

    I can just order the second cheapest from Amazon... that's what I normally do ;)

    Oh, I got to meet a tame, melanic barn owl a few days ago.. that was special!
  • DaftyDuck
    DaftyDuck Posts: 4,609 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    she wrote a comment referring to a political persons nether regions and got "excused from duties" .........

    BLIMEY! :eek: It's a good job I don't write what I really feel, or I'd be shoved down a mineshaft then drowned in acid!

    ... looks for the newbie poster joining the thread..... >>>
  • Davesnave
    Davesnave Posts: 34,741 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    edited 9 June 2017 at 6:39PM
    DaftyDuck wrote: »

    ... looks for the newbie poster joining the thread..... >>>

    I saw the same post yesterday on two boards, but from two IDs..... and they'd only been here a few hours.

    Sadly, it wasn't our Northern Correspondent. :(

    My metal detector is a Garrett, but it dates from 1976. I hope they've improved since then, because although it works well enough, it uses batteries at a rate of knots. American profligacy on a stick.

    Back in those days, the British cheapy equivalent was a C.Scope, but they don't seem to be so cheap n'cheerful now:


    Anyway, after digging-up my first decimal coin here and observing its condition, I decided it would be a waste of time 'tecting on this acid soil. We pay for those blue hydrangeas! :undecided

    Edit: I note that C.Scope have a cheapie detector called the Bill Wyman.There are so many tasteless comments I could make about that, but I'll settle for:

    "Ideal for the more mature user, interested burying the past, rather than digging it up. Finds little, if anything, beyond 18 years old."
  • ukmaggie45
    ukmaggie45 Posts: 2,968 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Can't remember what I said now, but suspect might disappear too...
  • Davesnave
    Davesnave Posts: 34,741 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    ukmaggie45 wrote: »
    Can't remember what I said now, but suspect might disappear too...

    Nah, if you were going to disappear, you'd have gone by now. ;)

    Or was it a different argument? There are arguments all the time on some parts of this site, but I stay out of them.:A Let's face it, I get into enough bovver on forums like this one, giving daft people false info.....:o
  • greenbee
    greenbee Posts: 16,242 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Yes, I must remember not to ask you for advice on plants Dave ;)

    If its any consolation i'm not sure wh you were taken seriously but then humour in written posts can be difficult to pick up on if you don't know the writer's style.

    Sunny day today, so hope to at least get the lawn (was going to say grass, but mostly it's not, probably more creeping buttercup) mowed and some weeding done. I need to do a bit of digging too, so I can get some plants in.
  • alfie_1
    alfie_1 Posts: 5,837 Forumite
    First Post
    hi all

    our northern lass aint ere yet.......

    lovely day again today, bit breezy but lovely..
    mowed and hedge trimmed yesterday
    mowed and 2nd attempt to rig up pond pump today !
    also worked on rail repairs on railway this morning.. great but fiddley and back breaking ! theres an open day thingy next weekend for the "anoraks" train club :p

    my brother is visiting the forest this weekend [from kent ] in his "new" campervan and im taking mum to see them tomorrow so no doubt an enthralling tour of said vehicle will commence on arrival..... :o

    I have bought a 4 wheel carriage !! its in halfax [Yorkshire ] so got to go fetch it now !!
    costs to bring it here is about 300
    costs to hire vehicle is 80 plus fuel 100 plus mileage 7p pm over 150 miles +vat :eek: and a LONG DAY ...........
    so may just tow a trailer up there [just fuel plus time] may stop overnight in a b&b...


    it was a bargain so even with costs , iv seen one costing 3x's the cost :)

    always an adventure....;)
  • Jojo_the_Tightfisted
    No luck with the cottage, sadly, but there's always next time - the lease is up again in a few months, and it's not the only one along that stretch.

    Think you'd love it, Dave - the river rises between Great Mis and Roos Tors - I've watched the trout and salmon in it everytime we've been down there. Think you might be able to guess the rough location from that, too.

    Trying to sum up enough enthusiasm to get in the garden in a minute. The damage was pretty bad and I've been far too tired after work this week to even think about it, especially as there hasn't been need for watering with the deluges we've had every other day.

    I'll do it once Himself has brought me another coffee, I think.
    I could dream to wide extremes, I could do or die: I could yawn and be withdrawn and watch the world go by.
    colinw wrote: »
    Yup you are officially Rock n Roll :D
  • Davesnave
    Davesnave Posts: 34,741 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    greenbee wrote: »
    Yes, I must remember not to ask you for advice on plants Dave ;) .

    Indeed, my credibility is only just a few percentage points ahead of Theresa May's now :o, but a week is a long time in gardening.....:)

    Anyway, with all the amazing reference sources now available, I can't understand why people turn to random strangers for advice, especially as it takes only seconds to look something up. :huh:

    It was the village Market this morning, so I was there till lunchtime, being slowly tortured by fellow stall holders tucking into huge bacon and sausage baps, or selling equally fattening pastry things. It was slow, but not as slow as brushcutting the alternative hen orchard, which I decided to try this afternoon after a year of it lying fallow. :o

    Now I'm totally cream-crackered. Off for a snooze....25 open gardens in the wee town tomorrow. :)
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