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Sicknote injury

Hi guys, a little bit of reassuring would be great.
So about a month ago i had a pain in my knee, i went to a gp and he said take it easy and arranged physio. Ive been twice, my employer is aware. BT.
On friday in the pouring rain i slipped off my van back step getting a ladder down and felt like i injured it worse. I went to a+e who advised i had soft tissue damage and inflammation. They also advised me resting it from my job for a few weeks. Gp agreed and signed me off work. I took my dog on a short walk yesterday and my manager called me today saying ive been caught walking and saying he thought it was worse. It actually made me feel very uncomfortable as i have always been honest. The union for the company i work for keep asking me to claim for a slip trip or fall but i refused as i felt like im better than that. I feel like im a stand up guy. But this has annoyed me. Should i jist let it go and accept there are always snakes or should i tell my manager how i feel??


  • Cc23830 wrote: »
    Hi guys, a little bit of reassuring would be great.
    So about a month ago i had a pain in my knee, i went to a gp and he said take it easy and arranged physio. Ive been twice, my employer is aware. BT.
    On friday in the pouring rain i slipped off my van back step getting a ladder down and felt like i injured it worse. I went to a+e who advised i had soft tissue damage and inflammation. They also advised me resting it from my job for a few weeks. Gp agreed and signed me off work. I took my dog on a short walk yesterday and my manager called me today saying ive been caught walking and saying he thought it was worse. It actually made me feel very uncomfortable as i have always been honest. The union for the company i work for keep asking me to claim for a slip trip or fall but i refused as i felt like im better than that. I feel like im a stand up guy. But this has annoyed me. Should i jist let it go and accept there are always snakes or should i tell my manager how i feel??

    What does your job entail? you surely can see how it doesn't look great right?
    Don't trust a forum for advice. Get proper paid advice. Any advice given should always be checked
  • 74jax
    74jax Posts: 7,930 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    What is your job that you were signed off from? Does it including walking? Are you sitting?

    When you were told to rest it, what degree of resting - did they say try and extend walking distances each day, keep it elevated and do not walk on it at all etc.
    Forty and fabulous, well that's what my cards say....
  • Your union is advising you to make a claim? How did they even know about it if you haven't raised it with them? Was the employer in some way negligent in causing it to rain or for your slipping on a step in the rain? That's all something of a red herring, isn't it?

    If it is that severe an injury that it requires weeks to recover from, I'd have thought that walking the dog a few days later might be inadvisable, but I presume that the person who reported you will have observed the difficulty you were having walking as a result of the injury. So the manager will know that you aren't swinging the lead. Unless he's been led to believe it's a much worse injury than you actually have, in which case I think it's entirely reasonable of him to question something which had been reported to him. Especially since, if you were thinking of making a claim, which you obviously aren't, that witness might be called upon to make a statement about what they saw.

    Personally, I'd keep quiet, stop walking the dog, and not push the matter any further. You might not like the outcome.
  • So i work with openreach. I was told when i slipped to report it immediately. Doctor said to keep it moving but climbing ladders/telephone poles, kneeling down working in manholes are big no no's... Which is what my job entails entirely
  • Im definitely not claiming. The union rep is also the accident investigation rep for openreach so i had no choice but to tell him what happened
  • lindens
    lindens Posts: 2,870 Forumite
    PPI Party Pooper First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    from your description , walking the dog and carrying out your duties are miles apart. it sounds like you could legitimately walk the dog whilst still being unable to do your job. a short walk would stop your knee from becoming stiffened up.
    as long as you reported the slip you dont need to do anything else
    You're not your * could have not of * Debt not dept *
  • TBagpuss
    TBagpuss Posts: 11,224 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Part of the Furniture Name Dropper
    I would contact your manager and explain what you have here - that yes, you were walking as you've ben advised by your doctor to try to keep your knee moving, so you are trying to continue to use it for short walks etc, but that you cannot climb, kneel or do a lot of walking (or whatever description is accurate), and that you are following medical advice with regard to how much and what you do.
    All posts are my personal opinion, not formal advice Always get proper, professional advice (particularly about anything legal!)
  • TELLIT01
    TELLIT01 Posts: 16,937 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary 10,000 Posts PPI Party Pooper Name Dropper
    Somewhat different situation, but I had major knee surgery a few years ago. I could walk following surgery, but there's no way I could kneel, climb ladders etc. My knee was in a fixed brace so I couldn't even sit at a desk!
  • JGB1955
    JGB1955 Posts: 3,644 Forumite
    1,000 Posts Fifth Anniversary Name Dropper
    Walking the dog and climbing ladders are totally different scenarios!
    #2 Saving for Christmas 2024 - £1 a day challenge. £325 of £366
  • Thank you guys. I just wanted some outside ideas about it all as im frustrated to be made out as some kind of slacker. Thank you
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