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Snow Day Rights



  • Red-Squirrel_2
    Red-Squirrel_2 Posts: 4,341 Forumite
    TinaMeana wrote: »
    The last time it snowed at the hospital I worked at, the night shift couldn't get in, the laundry couldn't get done so not many scrubs left. The hospital gowns were reserved for patients, scrubs reserved for staff on duty. Management went to Tesco, bought some cheap underwear and we just had staff dossing down for the night in the staff room in just knickers or pants bought from Tesco as the uniforms worn into work by staff that day had to be cleaned for the following day!

    That sounds totally true. :cool:
  • isplumm
    isplumm Posts: 2,210 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary
    motorguy wrote: »

    I am a self employed IT contractor so charge a day rate. Its always bemusing to watch around an office and see how many contractors manage to make it in and / or generally arent off sick compared to permies....

    As an ex-IT contractor, I never went sick in 12 years of contracting! When you don't get paid anything if your not working, you soon realise that you need to be working.

    I managed to get into the office this morning by 7:15, yet half the permie staff never made it - they could have walked to work!

    Mind you it did take me nearly 2 hours to get home!!

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  • What I find interesting is how much the snow seems to have affected the volume of posts on the Employment board here. It seems that when not in work people find better things to do.
  • My employer has just told me that they expected me to come in on Friday when it snowed even though they are paying others whom live further away, I have to lose a days pay or holiday for this. Is this correct?
  • Undervalued
    Undervalued Posts: 9,120 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    edited 4 February 2019 at 5:45PM
    RJOK wrote: »
    My employer has just told me that they expected me to come in on Friday when it snowed even though they are paying others whom live further away, I have to lose a days pay or holiday for this. Is this correct?


    It is your responsibility to get yourself to work. If you are unable the employer may allow you to take the time out of your annual leave or they can treat it as unpaid leave as they choose.

    If they don't think you have made a reasonable effort to get to work they could treat it as an unauthorised absence and take disciplinary action.

    Obviously they have the discretion to be more generous if they wish but (aside from unlawful discrimination) they do not have to extend the same discretion to all members of staff.
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