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Smelly hand lotion in the office...



  • aife
    aife Posts: 220 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    start burning incense at your desk
  • RedfordML
    RedfordML Posts: 906 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post
    For about a year I've been working in the back office of a travel agent. Two weeks ago we had a new start and she sits right next to my desk. Every couple of hours, she insists on putting on really strong smelling hand cream. There must be a 10 meter radius around her desk that smells of it and it really lingers...

    Should I just put up and shut up. Or is there any way to politely address this issue (either to her direct, or the line manager) how might a phase it? I'm terrified of coming across as a complainer or or intolerant. But the smell is really strong and putrid.

    Having the time to write this at work, I think the employer might need to give you more tasks, you come across very bored??
  • xapprenticex
    xapprenticex Posts: 1,760 Forumite
    RedfordML wrote: »
    Having the time to write this at work, I think the employer might need to give you more tasks, you come across very bored??

    Calm, you want to be a police officer but here you are declaring OP guilty of posting on forums during work hours without getting the full story of OP's circumstances.

    OP could be on lunch break, ours are 12:00 till 13:00
    OP could be on leave
    OP could be off sick
    OP could be sending messages while OP should be working
  • stuart30
    stuart30 Posts: 499 Forumite
    Could you not just drop ya Guts when walking past...if she complains tell her "suck it down love...smell goes quicker like i have to with your hand cream"
  • xapprenticex
    xapprenticex Posts: 1,760 Forumite
    stuart30 wrote: »
    Could you not just drop ya Guts when walking past...

    good job, that cracked me up
  • My migraines are triggered by strong smells. Perhaps just say to her that you're terribly sorry but strong smells bring on a headache in you and would she mind awfully using something unscented.

    In all fairness, it's not a management issue and I think if you took that to her line manager you'd be laughed out of the room.
  • get some mothballs
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