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Anyone commute from Thurston to Ipswich?

Greater Anglia seem to be keeping their season ticket prices hidden. I have emailed and they will try to get back in 3 days. Like lightening they are.
Could anyone let me know what weekly/monthly/annual tickets are please.
In case anyone wonders, the station is unmanned so I can`t go and ask.


  • dzug1
    dzug1 Posts: 13,535 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Other season ticket calculators give the same result - no season tickets available for this journey

    Decidedly odd
  • rdwarr
    rdwarr Posts: 6,159 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Strangely it will show a price from Elmswell (one stop nearer) but not Bury St Edmunds (one stop further). There's also a season available from Thurston to Elmswell but I bet the split works out expensive.
    Can I help?
  • suffolkb
    suffolkb Posts: 1,299 Forumite
    The greater anglia reply:

    We tried to check the season ticket details from Thurston to Ipswich, however, season tickets are available for all short distance and some longer journeys. There is no season ticket option available between the stations you have chosen.

    I regret the inconvenience this may cause you, however, I would request you to get in touch with the station staff as they would be in a better position to provide the fares and assist you further.

    Great. One of the first things you notice about an unmanned station is that there are no staff to ask.
  • dzug1
    dzug1 Posts: 13,535 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Sounds a normal customer service response from someone who doesn't know the service he's providing information about. Par for the course for most large organisations..

    Anyway season tickets are in both directions - why not enquire at Ipswich next time you are there?

    Though I doubt if they will know why anyway
  • suffolkb
    suffolkb Posts: 1,299 Forumite
    I have a motorbike, so don`t get the train to Ipswich. But DD is considering a new job in Ipswich and we are trying to see if the season ticket makes the job viable. Daily tickets are £11.20, which would more than eat up the extra pay.
  • cosmojohnson
    cosmojohnson Posts: 176 Forumite
    Have a look at the Anglia Plus passes (you'll want the Suffolk Zone ones). £180.10 for a month which saves some money off the daily ticket, and also has some validity on local buses in/around Ipswich, which may or may not be of use.
  • davenport151
    davenport151 Posts: 647 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker Photogenic First Post
    Only trouble with the Anglia Plus passes may be restricted on some services ie; peak ones which the op may wish to use. Though always a bonus the 8.43am from Cambridge to Ipswich is considered off peak. Thuogh no help to you op.
    Back on the trains again!

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