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I've Got A Serious Problem With Egg - Can Anyone Help Me?

Two and half years ago my husband and I applied for a loan with EGG - after agreeing to it straight away online they then put us through the mill with the paperwork which after 21 days they still could not get right. They got the account number wrong for the DD and then the name on the agreement wrong. While all this was happening I went to NatWest who agreed everything over the phone and had the money in our account within 48 hours. We told Egg we did not want to proceed with their loan as a result. About 5 days later we had a letter from Egg saying the loan amount had been paid into a Yorkshire bank account (we have never had a Yorkshire bank account) We telephoned immediately and told them we had gone elsewhere and that the bank account was not in our name. They said they would sort it out and we heard nothing more.

About eight months ago we got a letter from EGG saying that our arrears had risen to an unacceptable level and when we rang them they said it was to do with our loan. We explained we had never received the money and that this account was not ours - they said they would look into it - we heard nothing more but decided to follow it up with a letter stating our position and requesting formal notification that they were at least investigating - nothing!! We wrote again a couple of weeks later and received a computer generated letter stating they were looking into it and would get back to us - nothing was heard from them again. We kept writing as we found out that this information had appeared on Experian and was affecting our credit rating. Luckily for us I have all the original documentation from that time and can prove that they got the info wrong and that we went elsewhere for the loan. Experian accepted our documentation and put a note on the file saying it was in dispute.

Just recently we have now received another letter from EGG stating the arrears are now at £1000 and that they are issuing a statutory default notice against us.

We are at our wits end - we never received any loan from EGG but are not sure what to do next. We've tried writing to them and forwarding the letter to the banking ombudsman but have received no explanation or help at all.

We are going to citizens advice tomorrow but can anyone point us in the direction of someone who knows how to handle this type of dilemma - it looks as though it is going to cost us legal funds to clear ourselves of this and we haven't done anything wrong!


  • JasonW_2
    JasonW_2 Posts: 705 Forumite
    It is their mistake, and I know it doesnt help you worrying, but they must sort it out, and compensate you according, even if it simply means clearing your name.

    Sit down and write them a recorded delivery letter with as much details as possible on the whole fiasco. Try and use words so they feel guilty and let them know you are not happy to put it mildly, and as it was their **** (cant say C O C K apparently :)) up you will go the citizens advice, and even the media if it is not sorted withing 14 days, and you want a 'full and meaningful reply with appropriate recompense' or something similar.

    Good luck, and let us know how it goes. You should NOT get a default on your record for this

  • DaveK
    DaveK Posts: 86 Forumite
    Letters/Solicitors are probably what's required, but you probably want this sorted sooner rather than later.

    I'd ring them (try and record the conversation if you can), don't say anything other than "I would like to inform you that I am recording this conversation for legal purposes, could I speak to your supervisor please". When you get through to the supervisor say the same thing, then state your case and tell them that you've been passed from pillar to post each time you've contacted them. Ask the supervisors name and state that you want this situation resolved immediately otherwise you will be forced to take legal action against Egg. Never shout or swear but be calm, if you're recording it (and they know it) you'll probably get it sorted there and then. but you want the supervisor to say that it has been sorted.

    I always find the supervisor/manager's do something if they think they're being recorded (they don't want to look bad to their boss!!!).

    Hope that helps
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