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Sell home to pay for care home

Not sure which forum to put this in.
My Gran passed away a couple of days ago and she was my Grandad's main carer. He has had multiple strokes and is now bed/chair bound but can feed himself. He has carers come in a few times a day to dress and change him, get him up in a morning, and put him to bed at night. Whenever my Gran was unwell my Grandad had to go into a care home for respite care and now he will have to stay there permenantly. I was wondering if someone knows if we will be expected to sell his home to pay for his care? The catch is that my Dad still lives there. He moved back in 2 and a half years ago when his marriage to his wife ended and so would be homeless if we have to sell the house. He's obviously upset about losing his Mum and really doesn't need the stress of this aswell.
Can anyone offer any advice?


  • yelf
    yelf Posts: 860 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    He wouldnt be homeless - he would live in a care home. But yes if we went into permanent care he would have to sell his house.
  • margaretclare
    margaretclare Posts: 10,789 Forumite
    How old is your Dad?

    If he's 60, or disabled, the value of the house will be disregarded.
    [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Æ[/FONT]r ic wisdom funde, [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]æ[/FONT]r wear[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]ð[/FONT] ic eald.
    Before I found wisdom, I became old.
  • Rob_192
    Rob_192 Posts: 289 Forumite
    yelf wrote: »
    He wouldnt be homeless - he would live in a care home. But yes if we went into permanent care he would have to sell his house.

    The OP is refering to Dad being potentially homeless rather than Grandad.
  • yelf
    yelf Posts: 860 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Rob_192 wrote: »
    The OP is refering to Dad being potentially homeless rather than Grandad.

    Oops, good point. In which case i dont think the house will be force sold
  • How old is your Dad?

    If he's 60, or disabled, the value of the house will be disregarded.

    I can't remember the exact rules at home. but it amounts to under age children, pensioners or the disabled who have the right to stay if I remember.

    The local council MAY be willing just to take a charge on the property, but I wouldn't bet on it.

    Could he buy the house - it's the cash the Local Council are after, they don't care where it comes from. Maybe making a contribution to the care package (instead of rent) might defer the evil day.

    Al of this is preventable with advance planning and a Home Protection Plan (put the house in trust but still allows the family trustees - inc person in care - to contribute to care fees if they wish to).

    Community Care Tax is a far more vicious tax than Inheritance Tax, which tickles the assets of the "wealthy" whereas Community Care Tax is a 100% tax over £12,500 of assets.
  • Baggysdad
    Baggysdad Posts: 130 Forumite
    I refer the OP to this document


    Section 2.1 covers the point of whether the home will be excluded from assessment by virtue of dads occupation of the home.

    Also look at section 2.2 and section 4.
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