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I'm not new to lurking on the MSE forum, but thought I would take the plunge today. I have already got some good advice on my SKY. I have just separated from my (now ex-) fianc!e and am back with my parents at the ripe old age of 34, and trying to get a handle on the money /debt / depression issues that have plagued me for a long time. I am very grateful to my parents but also a bit low :(

Anyhoo, the plan is to stay here and save money and pay off debt until I am back in the black. Could be some time in early 2013 hopefully. Just hope I can keep my spirits up, and that we don't drive each other crazy during that time!

It is a bit humiliating to have to go back home but to be honest I feel it is the only way out. Things have to change. I have been sweeping problems under the carpet for too long - whether in relationships, with money or with everything else. I would do this until the strain became too great and I would have a bit of a breakdown. It was unsustainable basically.

I am already noticing that I am saying what is on my mind more as it scares me now when I don't as that is when I would spend or bottle feelings up. it was making me ill!

Sorry, I know that's a bit of a gut spill. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi.

Debt paid off: £19,999 Debt remaining: NONE!!:money::eek::):j:j:j:j:j:j


  • Hovel_lady
    Hovel_lady Posts: 4,291 Forumite
    Hello and welcome to MSE :hello:

    Sorry things are difficult for you right now.

    If you wanted to post a SOA (statement of affairs) for some help this is the link...


    Format for MSE at the end and remove any links before posting.
  • Your situation sounds very similar to mine 2 years ago. I too had relationship end, moved back in with parents as I was in a financial spot of bother. I'm down to my last £1k on a credit card, it's been tough living back home, it does dent your pride but sometimes you have to make the right decision. I have no regrets anyway.

    GL, post your SOA if you'd like some help.
    DFD: 21st June 2012
  • ani*fan
    ani*fan Posts: 1,554 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    Hi there :wave:

    Sorry to hear things are difficult right now but if one thing's for sure, it won't be like this forever. Why not start a diary and get some support along the way? I think this debt business makes us all low now and then and the support on diaryland may help ease the strain.

    And congratulations on facing up to it all and making the hard decision to move back home.

    Best of luck.
    If you know you have enough, you're rich. ;)
  • BrandNewStart
    BrandNewStart Posts: 169 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 28 April 2012 at 8:48PM
    Thanks for the lovely responses - I really appreciate them. Here is my SOA:

    Statement of Affairs and Personal Balance Sheet

    Monthly Income Details

    Monthly income after tax................ 2378
    Partners monthly income after tax....... 0
    Benefits................................ 0
    Other income............................ 500
    Total monthly income.................... 2878

    Monthly Expense Details

    Mortgage................................ 533
    Secured/HP loan repayments.............. 203.20000000000005
    Rent.................................... 190
    Management charge (leasehold property).. 0
    Council tax............................. 0
    Electricity............................. 0
    Gas..................................... 0
    Oil..................................... 0
    Water rates............................. 0
    Telephone (land line)................... 0
    Mobile phone............................ 42
    TV Licence.............................. 0
    Satellite/Cable TV...................... 30
    Internet Services....................... 0
    Groceries etc. ......................... 0
    Clothing................................ 0
    Petrol/diesel........................... 130
    Road tax................................ 0
    Car Insurance........................... 143.25
    Car maintenance (including MOT)......... 0
    Car parking............................. 0
    Other travel............................ 0
    Childcare/nursery....................... 0
    Other child related expenses............ 0
    Medical (prescriptions, dentist etc).... 100
    Pet insurance/vet bills................. 0
    Buildings insurance..................... 18.55
    Contents insurance...................... 0
    Life assurance ......................... 0
    Other insurance......................... 18.99
    Presents (birthday, christmas etc)...... 0
    Haircuts................................ 0
    Entertainment........................... 0
    Holiday................................. 0
    Emergency fund.......................... 0
    Ring payment............................ 18.55
    Payment to Ex .......................... 1000
    Total monthly expenses.................. 2427.54


    Cash.................................... 0
    House value (Gross)..................... 80000
    Shares and bonds........................ 0
    Car(s).................................. 9500
    Other assets............................ 0
    Total Assets............................ 89500

    Secured & HP Debts

    Mortgage...................... 100000...(533)......5
    Hire Purchase (HP) debt ...... 9500.....(203.2)....12.9
    Total secured & HP debts...... 109500....-.........-

    Unsecured Debts
    Credit Card....................4523......45........0
    Overdraft 1....................450.......25........0
    Overdraft 2....................917.......0.........12.9
    Total unsecured debts..........5890......70........-

    Monthly Budget Summary

    Total monthly income.................... 2,878
    Expenses (including HP & secured debts). 2,427.54
    Available for debt repayments........... 450.46
    Monthly UNsecured debt repayments....... 70
    Amount left after debt repayments....... 380.46

    Personal Balance Sheet Summary
    Total assets (things you own)........... 89,500
    Total HP & Secured debt................. -109,500
    Total Unsecured debt.................... -5,890
    Net Assets.............................. -25,890

    eek. Looks a bit scary when written down in black and white. No more running away though.

    I am trying to be positive every day but it can be a bit depressing!
    Debt paid off: £19,999 Debt remaining: NONE!!:money::eek::):j:j:j:j:j:j
  • Also I forgot to add to that the £3336.72 I owe my ex - which is now £2336.72 as I paid her £1000 on pay day.

    Also, she owes me some money from paying for SKY, internet and phone the whole time. So I need to ask her for that even though I don't want to much. :/
    Debt paid off: £19,999 Debt remaining: NONE!!:money::eek::):j:j:j:j:j:j
  • God I can be thick sometimes, I missed off the income I get from renting my flat out... nearly had a heart attack :(
    Debt paid off: £19,999 Debt remaining: NONE!!:money::eek::):j:j:j:j:j:j
  • MFWannabe
    MFWannabe Posts: 2,147 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture 1,000 Posts Combo Breaker Name Dropper
    Thanks for the lovely responses - I really appreciate them. Here is my SOA:

    Statement of Affairs and Personal Balance Sheet

    Monthly Income Details

    Monthly income after tax................ 2378
    Partners monthly income after tax....... 0
    Benefits................................ 0
    Other income............................ 500 - Is this Rental income from your flat? It doesn't cover mortgage payment, is there anyway you could increase the rent?
    Total monthly income.................... 2878

    Monthly Expense Details

    Mortgage................................ 533
    Secured/HP loan repayments.............. 203.20000000000005
    Rent.................................... 190
    Management charge (leasehold property).. 0
    Council tax............................. 0
    Electricity............................. 0
    Gas..................................... 0
    Oil..................................... 0
    Water rates............................. 0
    Telephone (land line)................... 0
    Mobile phone............................ 42 - Could you change to lower tarriff?
    TV Licence.............................. 0
    Satellite/Cable TV...................... 30
    Internet Services....................... 0
    Groceries etc. ......................... 0
    Clothing................................ 0
    Petrol/diesel........................... 130
    Road tax................................ 0 - You need a figure here
    Car Insurance........................... 143.25 - Check comparison sites to see if you can get cheaper
    Car maintenance (including MOT)......... 0 - You need a figure here
    Car parking............................. 0
    Other travel............................ 0
    Childcare/nursery....................... 0
    Other child related expenses............ 0
    Medical (prescriptions, dentist etc).... 100 - What is this for? If it's prescriptions then you could get this cheaper by buying annual prescription. If its contact lenses then shop around to get cheaper
    Pet insurance/vet bills................. 0
    Buildings insurance..................... 18.55
    Contents insurance...................... 0
    Life assurance ......................... 0
    Other insurance......................... 18.99 - What is this for?
    Presents (birthday, christmas etc)...... 0
    Haircuts................................ 0
    Entertainment........................... 0
    Holiday................................. 0
    Emergency fund.......................... 0
    Ring payment............................ 18.55 - How much longer do you have to pay on this? Does your ex still have the ring or could you sell it?
    Payment to Ex .......................... 1000 = Ref your comment below; this will only be for a couple more months
    Total monthly expenses.................. 2427.54


    Cash.................................... 0
    House value (Gross)..................... 80000
    Shares and bonds........................ 0
    Car(s).................................. 9500
    Other assets............................ 0
    Total Assets............................ 89500

    Secured & HP Debts

    Mortgage...................... 100000...(533)......5
    Hire Purchase (HP) debt ...... 9500.....(203.2)....12.9 - How much longer do you have to pay on this?
    Total secured & HP debts...... 109500....-.........-

    Unsecured Debts
    Credit Card....................4523......45........0
    Overdraft 1....................450.......25........0
    Overdraft 2....................917.......0.........12.9
    Total unsecured debts..........5890......70........-

    Monthly Budget Summary

    Total monthly income.................... 2,878
    Expenses (including HP & secured debts). 2,427.54
    Available for debt repayments........... 450.46
    Monthly UNsecured debt repayments....... 70
    Amount left after debt repayments....... 380.46

    Personal Balance Sheet Summary
    Total assets (things you own)........... 89,500
    Total HP & Secured debt................. -109,500
    Total Unsecured debt.................... -5,890
    Net Assets.............................. -25,890

    eek. Looks a bit scary when written down in black and white. No more running away though.

    I am trying to be positive every day but it can be a bit depressing!

    Welcome to the board. It may look bad at the moment but once you've paid off your ex in a few months time you will have an extra £1000 per month to pay off the debts and then start saving.
    Why do you rent our your flat instead of living there yourself? Your current rental income is not covering the mortgage payment; any chance you could increase the rent?
    With reference to asking ex for money for sky, phone payments etc; you may be better off letting this go; especially as you owe her over 3k. If things got nasty between the two of you she may well ask for the 3k to be paid back straight away.
    Do you have the ring? If so consider selling it to get some money back that way
    31/03/24:  Debt total £12,400/13,192.13
  • FREEZ wrote: »

    Welcome to the board. It may look bad at the moment but once you've paid off your ex in a few months time you will have an extra £1000 per month to pay off the debts and then start saving.
    Why do you rent our your flat instead of living there yourself? Your current rental income is not covering the mortgage payment; any chance you could increase the rent?
    With reference to asking ex for money for sky, phone payments etc; you may be better off letting this go; especially as you owe her over 3k. If things got nasty between the two of you she may well ask for the 3k to be paid back straight away.
    Do you have the ring? If so consider selling it to get some money back that way

    The flat is a fairly long commute from my work and I really don't like where it is! There's not much for me there any more and my life has moved on. No, she has the ring; I guess it is her decision on what she wants to do with it but there must be a good few years of payments left on it. Re: the car payments, I have been thinking of getting a cheaper car - a bit of a runaround - until I have paid more money off. However I am wary of this being a bit of a false economy if things go wrong with it etc.
    Debt paid off: £19,999 Debt remaining: NONE!!:money::eek::):j:j:j:j:j:j
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